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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. Well Ronnie didnt know what really happened, remember? they made sure Lem and Ronnie were in the other room, only Vic and Shane knew, I cant believe only 2 episodes left, what a fucking shaft job we got, that's fucking bullshit. I hate those fucks at FX, and I hope they strike out with every series they get, thats some way to treat the series and fans that put your tv station on the map.
  2. Maybe Shane and Vic are going to end up back together again??? by way of the boss,
  3. I absolutely dug Strange Highways, I still spin it at least every 3 months! Bring Down The Rain destroys anything off of any of his albums ever!!!!
  4. I think right when the standoff happens, when Vic has his HUGE!!! Silverballer Automatic 45 A.C.P. pointed at Shanes creepy looking mug, and Shane has his 40\40 in Vics Face, it's going to go slo-mo, you'll get closeups of each finger jerking and twitching being forced not to squeeze in on the trigger, then you'll see sweaty facial closeups, and then a big beam of light will blind the entire tv screen, you'll hear guns going off, screaming, chaos, murder, rape, beastiallity, and torment, from the tv, then the blinding light disapears, and it's pitch black, just as you see the outline of 2 bodys the afterglow shoots off the screen like a fucking chopper beam from Cops, and the last 39 seconds reveals that Satan has drawn out a deal with Lem to seak Vengeance upon those who walked him down the valley of the shadow of death, and then Lem will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempted to poison and detest the strike team, and you will no Lems name will be Captain, when he lays his fingers upon thee, then we will have to wait another year and a half for 8 episodes because a new series has cut The Shields time before the almighty Rescue Me has to start, and when all is said and done, the Strike Team (Lead By Scott Bakula) will introduce it's new members. so guys, im shroomin and this is all that would go thru my head, just now. I can't wait to read it tomorow, and think, Fuck!! What The Fuck!!! was I typing with my hands set incorrectly? that's all I can figure it was! Awesome. Long Live CSI!!!!
  5. These are the worst most untalented 4 men to ever disharmonise a fucking note, how these unentertaining pukes got on a cd i'll never know, i never thought I would eat my own words when I said, there will never be a band worse then Green Day!!!! well pigs have flown, these guys sound like a studio session if Alien Ant Farm did some Peel Sessions with Blink 182, and had the guy that produced All American Rejects behind the board, this is just beyond rock bottom, these guys will die and go to Death Cab For Cuttie island!
  6. Malmsteen would swallow his own load!!!! tickle his own rim!!!! If Joe Perry, VanHalen, Bettencourt, Cody, and Malmsteen were all backstage playing Shoot The Cookie, who would win???? Malmsteen wouldnt even hit the cookie, he'd have every last drop sucked up before Perry could bend over!!!!
  7. Whats going to happen is Shanes wife is going to Fuck him, she's going to open her mouth, and Shane is going to be gone forever, Vic will have to defend himself because Shane is going to think Vic is the one that rat him out, but all along Shane should have known Vic was the only one he could trust, and in all of this Ronnie is going to get fucked because he's sitting right in the middle of it.
  8. Im just picking from the list, if it were my opinion, Eddie Van Halen would be on their, as would Harry Cody.
  9. I wouldnt mind seeing her in an adult oriented movie, if you catch my drift!
  10. I heard he isn't very nice to his fans when it comes to that kind of stuff. He's a cocksucker, Im always in the mindset that if it werent for those fans, who would he be?
  11. Sleeping Dogs Lie, and I totally recommend it, but not to everybody, only to people with somewhat of a perverted SOH!
  12. Eddie Van Halen, And Harry Cody. Yngwie Malmsteen is the biggest cocksucker load that should have been swalloed douche bag ever concieved, we spent $200 when I was in 7th grade to go to his guitar workshop, that fucking wig wouldnt even sign a goddamn cd for anybody there, since then he's never gotten my hard earned money nor will I ever buy his repetitive overused redundunt SHIT!!! ever again. I like Vinnie!
  13. Shwarzenager(Dangling Sully over a cliff) Remember when I promised to kill you last Sully - Yeah, Yeah, Shwarzenager - I Lied(dropping him off the cliff) Rae Don Chong - What Did You Do With Sully? Shwarzenager - I Let Him Go Does Marcellus Wallace Look like a bitch? Then Why you trying to fuck him like a bitch? Marcellus Wallace don't like being fucked by nobody but Mrs. Wallace Major League Harris - have you ever thought of throwing all this voodoo shit away and taking jesus christ as your savior? Cerrano - I like jesus very much, but he no help with curve ball Harris - are you trying to tell me that jesus christ cant hit a curve ball Blazzing Saddles The sherrifs a ni............... Bruce Willis - Jesus Christ Motherfucker, do you think im baking a pie up hear?
  14. Or ever had a single episode based solely or Ronnie, but he's been there since day 1, if im correct.
  15. What it was, they were going to cancel it altogether, because the cast was getting hard to hold together, especially Chiklis, he actually turned down many movie offers to keep doing the show, but he wanted to know when exactly it was going to be ending, Shane is done, Lems done, Ronnie has multiple contracts with Sony to do Voice over work on 6 Playstation 3 games, the little Latino girl is doing a tv series in Canada, and Assfacecevada has told them he would only sign on to do 1 more season, that,s a good majority of the cast, plus, as much as I hate saying it, lets rap a good thing up while it's still a good thing, we don't want it like in season 13 with Scott Bakula playing the leader of the Strike Team, (Oh God!) it will is and will always be the finest most well written show ever, I cant prove that obviously, but how much does a show like The Shield come around, once since ive been born! I believe Dutch asked him if he used to be a federal agent and he said he used to be. So I don't think he is one now, but that would be a hell of a twist. Yea that would be one HELL of a twist, wouldn't it???? Man, This season just gets better and better.. I guess Shane is gone, cause if Vic sees Him again He's gonna kill Him... And if He tries busting Shane, Shane would just come clean on Everything Vic did, and they'd BOTH Be in Jail, so I don't see that happening..... Oh and is it just Me?? OR does Anyone else think Ronnie looked better with the mustache and beard?? Seeing Him clean shaven is just weird...... I agree seeing Ronnie shaven is kind of strange but I do enjoy seeing his character get a little more parts this season. He is kind of like the Aquaman of The Shield, as in the Stratos of He-Man, he is just kind of always their but never there! you no what I mean, he's done VO in all the Ghost Recon games, so ive known who he is for awhile, but never actually seen him act, so it is cool, he does a good job with the roll he's given, and ive always wanted to see him develop more as a personality, you know, is he like Vic, or more like Lem? does being on the strike team get to him, interfere with his personal life? that kind of character development, but sadly, I guess it will never come to that.
  16. My big problem, where Law & Order (as much as I make fun of it) does the trick is, Im so worked up by the end of the show, im ready to just not watch it, and then pay the 50 bucks when the dvd comes out, the seasons not over yet is it? I know they cut about 6 episodes off of the season, and they are already running spots for Rescue Me, but I'll fall into a deep depression if it's already done, it seems like it just started, and Dirt seemed like it went on forever. The Sopranos, The Shield, Rome, this is the only time ive actually looked forward to TV, Rome is done for good, The Sopranos only have a couple episodes left, and the Shield got fucked by some half wit mellodrama that star was the bitch from friends, you know the bitch im talking about, the bitch that married david arquette and made him destroy all his porn and dirty magazines, yeah that cunt is the reason the Shield got fucked, that and the sudden death of it's key producer Scott Brazil.
  17. What the fuck is going on??? can anybody believe this shit? a personal vendetta against the 2 most crooked cops to ever grace the television screen, this might get brutal, or nothing will happen at all, because they are both so crooked they couldnt do anything to each other with out blowing each others cover, one thing I did catch last night, when dutch was mad about Hyatt getting to talk to the mexican C.I., dutch goes "arent Federal Agents the only ones who can interview those C.I.'s?" and Hyatt responded simply "Yes" does anybody think Hyatt is a federal implant there to take down the strike team??? if this is the case it will be the first time ive ever predicted a major plot event on the show by way of a little comment suggested in a previous episode, I have only caught those comments watching reruns.
  18. Perhaps you should grab a bunch of neighbors, call the local tv stations, and then everybody go stand on a roof, or where a house used to be, etc.. then have the tv people come record you, look at the camera and say, "This is all George Bush's Fault! george bush is the reason our house got hit by a tornado, he hates Kansas folk", hey I can talk shit, any year now, an Earthquake is gonna knock the Wasatch Front off the face of the earth, so it's not like im sitting here protected, I just thought that would be kind of a clever thing to do, in the face of destruction, when the earthquake hit's, if im still in one piece you can bet your sweet ass i'll be finding any camera that will film me, and saying that shit! Speaking from personal experience??? Well I was just wondering as to how Hurricane Katrina was george Bushs fault and everything after it? but you don't see or hear people in Kansas on tv complaining and playing the victim, those tornadoes are just as equally if not more devastating then Katrina was, and to my knowledge they had no clue it was coming, so that's the point I was making.
  19. Perhaps you should grab a bunch of neighbors, call the local tv stations, and then everybody go stand on a roof, or where a house used to be, etc.. then have the tv people come record you, look at the camera and say, "This is all George Bush's Fault! george bush is the reason our house got hit by a tornado, he hates Kansas folk", hey I can talk shit, any year now, an Earthquake is gonna knock the Wasatch Front off the face of the earth, so it's not like im sitting here protected, I just thought that would be kind of a clever thing to do, in the face of destruction, when the earthquake hit's, if im still in one piece you can bet your sweet ass i'll be finding any camera that will film me, and saying that shit!
  20. I read V for Vendetta even before it hit the big screen. Never entered to me that it would be mind blowing. Also thought (wrongfully) that the story won't work as a movie. V is far from being THE WATCHMEN w/c is Alan Moore's greatest work. The Sean Connery movie "League of Extra-Ordinary Gentlemen" was based loosely on The Watchmen. For me, the best comic adaptation was and will always be Superman. Though I loved the X-men before, I never understand what the hell happened with it on the movie. The studio just took a little from here and there and made it into a movie. Well it looks like your getting your wish Nelson, here's some info for you, The Watchmen being made by the same guy that did V for Vendetta! I saw a thing about this on IFC and looked it up, no official press releases that I know of, but they should start being released closer to when the movie is! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watchmen_%28film%29
  21. Emerald Rain!!!!! IMHO, they are by far my favorite! arent Honeymoon Suite Canadians also??
  22. Hey Geoff, I mean it man, ive seen those 3 you listed, and while they are good movies, they dont get into the actual violence to much, not like they do in Henry, and it can really fuck with you if you arent ready for it, man! it fucks with you when you are ready for it, just be prepared and when the scene comes when they are sitting in their underware on the couch drinking beer and eating cereal, dont be fooled by the laughing and carrying on, that's about the time to prepare your stomach, and emotions, and thats all i'll say, just be cautious, it's a totally different movie, I just don't want you back on here all fucked up and pissed off at me for recommending it, after you watch it.
  23. I think!!! and this is just what I feel in my gut, (which 99 percent of the time is wrong on the shield) Shane is out, for good, those 4 are the strike team as we know it, from now until shows end, Walter Goggins has started doing many films, and was quoted as saying " The Shield is what im known for, it's gotten me recognized and my name known, but I never really thought it would take off into what it has, and my real love is on stage and in films" to me that doesnt sound like a guy who plans on returning for any more seasons, Julien will be just fine, and has shown in a few episodes a trigger that ive always felt was some kind of lead up to him going to the strike team i.e. the prisoner in the back of the transport truck scene, I think not only is Mackey and Hyatt not going to be worst enemies, but that Claudette has created a monster!!!! and this might make for some of the best episodes in the entire series, like maybe Hyatt is going to be to Mackey, what Mackey was to Joe (Carl Weathers), and those 2 are going to be something we have never seen on this show, I can't wait.
  24. Hey Geoff, dont know if youve seen it, but since you seem so into serial killer movies perhaps youve missed the most honest and true one ever made, Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer, if youve seen it please disregard, if you havent you are missing out, this movie puts those other ones to shame, it is the college and the other ones are pre school, but be very careful, if I had a problem with this one, then id imagine most people will not be able to handle it, WARNING!!!!!!!!! don't go near this movie unless your prepared for what it contains! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0099763/
  25. really, who is Chad fucking Kroger??? does he sing for Vertical Horizon? or Matchbox 20? im starting to feel dumb, well about this anyways, I know that name, and I know he's in one of those bands!!!!!! im just not placing it, it's gotta be Nicklbag, or Barenaked Ladies, I didnt know anybody knew individual members of any of those bands, what a trip!
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