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Everything posted by Leykis101

  1. Fuck, hey Geoff doesn't think theirs any originality in any tv shows! and he's partially right, but anyone that could say they saw this comings a godamn liar, and just another reason us that watch it can't stop, they don't just throw shit in to make it unpredictable, they throw the fucking entire sac and dick at you, Sean Ryan is one of the greatest writers ever, I'm gonna go rent The Unit, that's his show to, I've stayed away cause its a network show but I've gotta try it, anybody else notice Bon Scotts son isn't with us anymore? that's one and only thing I can think of that hasn't at least been mentioned in passing, also, Ronnie's got an evil look in his eye, what if the show ended with Ronnie and acevada bringing down the strike team, any of you guys notice the weird look in Ronnies eyes lately?
  2. We get plenty of TV down here, but it is all shit and I really don't watch much at all; don't you worry about that, mate. Truth be told, I honestly don't think there are any good shows left on TV (though I find reality TV very entertaining and I love it!) aside from 'Lost'. I truly believe it's the only good show anywhere at the moment (evenm 'Heroes' was crap after the first series). Maybe throw 'How I met your mother' in there and that's it. All the good shows are dead. I do love reality TV, though and sit awaiting the next 'Survivor' and there's barely a reality TV show I don't like. A proper one with odd situations, not an actual normal show recording something from everyday life. Oh, and I always find stuff like '90210' to be good harmless fun. We like so much of the same music, and we are polar opposites on tv, Un-Reality shows imo are the bottom of the barrel, I sometimes find only they are on, this is often a good time to read a book, hang myself, smoke crack,etc. How I Met Your Mother is a good Network Comedy, but the funniest Network comedy on tv, by a mile is 2 And A Half Men, hands down!
  3. Hey Geoff, why do you bother watching anything? I've never seen you be happy with anything on tv, I don't know what stations u get down under, but if theirs an FX Aussie or Hbo Aussie I'd recomend those and staying away from these network shows! just a little honest advice.
  4. Well, definitly a unique concept, and after its 3rd week, I have to say, I'm really starting to like it, the ties into the Shield are very appearent, and Jay Karnes(Dutch) from the Shield made his debut tonight, playing a cop!!! Katy Segal is a remarkable actress, and has come a long way from her days as Peg Bundy, a very entertaining show, and while it doesn't move anywhere near as quickly as The Shield, I think you guys that like The Shield will like this as well.
  5. Ok! This shows fucking nuts! I just got stuck watching it cause the football game was fucking lame, I'm hooked.
  6. You fuckers will never believe what showed up at my house yesterday??? fuckin joke I slammed the fucker right into the cd player, actually the disc popped out and flew into the wall, the case is what got slammed into the cd player, those fucking jerkoffs, my invoice is dated for last year, and then I actually listen to it, and??.....THEY FUCKING NEED MURRAY DAIGLE TO WRITE AND PRODUCE WITH THEM!!! these songs aren't getting to the point like they so geniusly did in So Far! . There isn't one I'll Cry Tomorow, granted Idont think there could ever be as that songs perfect, but I'm just not very happy with the songs I'm hearing, unlike So Far in which I not only remembered the songs after one spin, but was singing them in my head as well! now that's the way to do it. And as far as becoming known, if these fuckers couldn't get on the map with So Far, I don't see it happening ever, that's about as catchy, well produced, and full of singles as your gonna get, they just didn't suck enough Corporate Penis to give them the push they needed, Sucks but they just had to much musical talent to make it in America!
  7. aren't the Sons Of Anarchy the motor cycle gang from the Shield? on the SOA they deal with the One Niners?
  8. GODDAMN!!!! anybody notice Tavon in the clips of upcoming episodes???. Where's 66Mustang at?? he still with us?
  9. I always assumed it was a Utah thing, but when I asked my cousin in Mesa Arizona, he told me it came on at 9pm, but on Direct TV their isn't a FX West or East, but I know WWE Raw started coming on Comcast Cable last year at 11pm, I couldn't understand it, because it was on my Sat at normal time, I'm not real sure how that shit works. Oh! just like last season, no posting about that nights episode until were sure it's been on in all time zones.
  10. I live in the Mtn TZ, it has always started at 11pm, then reran immediately at midnight! I remember one time I think during season 4, I was doing the concrete at the Nugget in Wendover Nevada, I was exhausted, I must have made it to 10:59pm, I just remember the little FX intro bumper, then one of my guys banging on my hotel room door telling me It was 5:45am (I made are start time at 5:00am while we were there) I was a dick to everybody all day long, now I set my alarm on my phone, no matter what.
  11. Well boys and girls, its here, it's officially "The Shield Eve" I've been working through last seasons dvd's just to get the taste back in my mouth, it has been damn near 2 years, and everything tells me nothing! that's the fucking beautiful thing about the shield, go back and read us trying to guess the outcome, not one of us were even close to being right, one guy on Imdb was kind of right, but until the end, I guess theirs no real way to be right, I just hope they don't do something as fucked up as what they did to those poor Sopranos fans! I would lose it.
  12. Bro I've been on here spouting that same thing forever, I look at it this way, I picked up this cd at Circuit City the week it came out, and I remember looking at it and thinking "what the fuck is this" seeing the back and thinking "they are a 3 piece band now, and I only recognize 2 of them" but I bought it anyway, and to this day hold it in very high regard, the songs sound like night ranger songs, and the musicianship is highly better then any other album NR has released, some people I question their love of music, if Feeding was truly a bad album it would be a whole diffrent argument. But I have to disegree on one point? I don't think I could pick up a new Van Halen release, and discover Eddie wasn't on it, and buy it! same goes for a new Pantera, which obviously wouldn't include Darrell, but I didn't want anything to do with the new Jaded Heart because Kepic wasn't on it, but I forced myself, and am very thankful I did!
  13. I just got the new DVD, they ripped us off a lot of shit last season, a week from right now well only be hours away from the the Final Season, I just saw the new spot on FX, "The final hour has arrived,what once seemed undestroyable, is about to self destruct, is an entire city ready for the aftermath,when the thin blue line that protects them, comes apart from within, the begining of the end is here. The Shield Sept 2 on FX" oh fuck, I can hardly wait, I feel bad for the people that don't watch this show, they are truly missing out, and it looks like FX is going to keep Shield fans around, because theirs no way I'm missing Sons Of Anarchy!
  14. Dude I went and saw Death Race and it was fucking awesome! I'm biased because in my mind Jason Stathem can't make a bad action flick, but this was remade with Roger Corman, who wrote the original, and they totaly went overboard, its pretty much straight action from begining to end, like Crank was, not to many points of slowness, so if that's your thing, this is your movie!
  15. Your my own failure - Godley & Creame
  16. He's like the Hulk Hogan of the sports world too!
  17. Your Not The Only One - Jet Red
  18. Venom - Resurection., Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French, Jorn - Lonely Are The Brave, Edguy - Hellfire Club, John Scofield - Hand Jive
  19. Sure, gotta warn you, 2 totaly opposite bands, honestly if you like rock, I can't think of how anybody couldn't like the Sundogs, their just one of those bands that appeals to the basic structure of what makes you mentally like this kind of music! a very rare thing, and its not like their phenomonal or mind blowing! cause their not, they just play good hard rock, and its a goddamn shame they are virtualy unknown!
  20. That Screamer disc was on New Rennisance Records, and might possibly have been re-issued, but I wouldn't know, that cunt will never get another red cent out of me again, so I don't keep up on it anymore! I can always send u an mp3 or 2,
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