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Jacob M.

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Everything posted by Jacob M.

  1. I found out that after Wildstreet's performance at 12:30am Friday morning one of their bandmates had to go back to the hospital. He had been in the hospital earlier for intestinal problems, but decided to play the show anyway. That dude must be pretty tough. I heard that the dude from Harlot is ok now. Yesterday it was hot as hell. I wore a long sleeve button up and I stayed in the tents most of the time. Somehow I think I still got burned again. It was pretty cool what Sam did. He took me to the back where all of the bands and business happen. He went to go find Ted Poley. I was oh so close to meeting him. He was getting dressed for the show so I couldn't go in. Eddie Trunk was in the trailer with Danger Danger at the time. It was still cool riding around. Ron Keel came by with his wife and daughter. The drummer for Leatherwolf asked Sam where he could get more cigars. There were all kinds of people coming over to Sam and asking him questions. The coolest thing was Bai Bang coming over to talk with Sam and then hitching a ride. The bands are pretty lucky. They have a beer tent with Boulevard beer. That's living pretty well. It was so freakin hot I didn't take my seat until Night Ranger. I'm not big on the keyboard stuff, but they were entertaining just like last year. I'm really glad I got to watch Ratt this year. They weren't great, but they sure tried. On a few songs everything clicked and they were excellent. Even though they weren't perfect I don't think the crowd seemed to mind. I'll be there in time for Lizzy Borden, but I probably won't be out there watching it. I'm not a fan and it's not worth burning just to watch them. If it's not too hot by the time Keel goes out there I might watch them. I'll be out there for Kix regardless. I was robbed of their show last year so I'm not going to miss it this year for anything, unless it's another storm.
  2. Yesterday I got burned to a crisp and it was only the first day. Not sure how many of you guys know who the band Harlot is. Yesterday they performed on the Retrospect stage and I got a signed cd. Later when Saxon was playing their set I happened to notice they were 3 or 4 rows ahead of me. I'm not sure what happened exactly, but a few minutes later they moved one of their bandmates over to the section by us. It wasn't long before security and medical people were over there. About 20-30 minutes after it all started the event staff had placed the member of Harlot on a stretcher and taken him out of there. I hope today is much better. I don't want to get burned any more or see anyone else taken out of the concert on a stretcher. Plenty of good stuff tonight.
  3. I must really be a loser. I got the free ticket to Rocklahoma and now I can't find a taker for it. I have tickets for Sec N Row 9 Seat 17 and 18. I'm going to use one of them and I have no idea about the other. If anyone needs the ticket I'll try to get it to them.
  4. Stop lying Lykis. That's already on the menu and it's called The Big Mac.
  5. The Oregon Brewers Festival will be held in Portland, Oregon on July 23-26 at the Waterfront Park. I gotta tell ya I can't wait to go. My brother said we could go while I'm visiting so that's what I'm going to do. It's been a miserable 6 months in Texas. What better way to forget about it than drinking crazy amounts of beer? Anyone else going? Surely Dark Star would think about it. Are there other beer fests out there that you guys and gals go to?
  6. I prefer the ACLJ. Seems as though their main job is trying to stop all the shenanigans of the ACLU.
  7. Jacob M.

    TNA Wrestling

    It has only been the past 6 months or so that I've been able to watch TNA consistently. I have to tell you that I'm a huge fan. They have good wrestlers and a decent storyline. I absolutely love Sting. I would watch even if Sting was the only talented wrestler they had. Jeff Jarrett is awesome and the riff that was created by bringing Mick Foley into TNA has created some interesting storylines. The Main Event Mafia vs The TNA Frontline has been pretty interesting, but kind of became stale lately. It feels as though there aren't enough wrestlers in TNA at this point and we keep ending up with the same matchups. The betrayal of Sting by the Main Event Mafia on the last episode was epic. Sting took them all on and ended up losing. It's a shame I won't be able to continue watching. I hope my cousin can Tivo it for me. I can only imagine how Sting gets them back. I believe in TNA and I know it can only get better from here. As they add wrestlers to both the mens and womens rosters they will be able to create better storylines. We'll also get better and more varied matchups. It's just refreshing to see wrestling the way it should be done. I had long ago given up on wrestling when Vince McMahon bought out his competition. WWE is still playing up the shock value and lame storyline that everyone hates the McMahons and wants to take them out. That crap got old 10 years ago and they're still doing it. Seriously, how many times can the McMahons be taken out and keep coming back? Anyway, that's my thoughts. What are yours?
  8. I'm going to have a heck of a hard time maneuvering this schedule to make sure I see as many bands as I possibly can. Some matchups are very tough to choose between.
  9. Looks like people would be complaining about the movie sucking and not a couple of dumb robots. I plan to watch it on Monday. I hope that the review I read isn't true. I would hate to have another mediocre Transformers movie.
  10. I feel sad and I didn't even really know much about her. The first time I remember seeing Farrah was on Letterman. She acted like she didn't know what was going on. She was really out of it. The more people I see die makes me realize just how short life is. There are so many ways to go and she got one of the least desirable exits. I hate to imagine my fate.
  11. I got my tickets a few days ago. It feels strange that this year there wasn't any paperwork included. The first two years they gave you info on what you need to do once you get there.
  12. Yesterday I woke up at 6:00am lieing on the living room floor. I'm not sure exactly how I ended up there. I'm guessing that it had something to do with all of the alcohol consumption. I didn't feel right the rest of the day.
  13. I watched part of The Outlaw Josey Wales earlier tonight. It's still a great movie. I wish I would have woke up earlier so I could have watched all of it. Clint Eastwood is the man.
  14. I just drank 3 of those and a Widmer Broken Halo IPA. Good times I tell ya. I think I will drink some more.
  15. I didn't realize Pelham was a remake until you said that. Seems as though Hollywood has no original ideas left. Maybe Jon & Kate Do America won't be too far behind.
  16. I'm starting to get a bit worried. I looked at the available seats and there are still a ton available. I just bought my tickets from Retrospect so I'm set. With less than a month to go is there reason to worry? I'm sure the economy and weaker (by mainstream standards) lineup have something to do with it.
  17. I'm about to go get some Svyturys Ekstra and Carlsberg. I'm not 100% sure what else I will get. It just depends on what I find. Any thoughts on those 2?
  18. I want in. How is it that I'm just now hearing of this? I will be in contact.
  19. Yesterday after I got off work I watched Escape From Fort Bravo. It was a pretty good western, but it seemed to end abruptly. A better ending would have made the film much better. After that I watched Hour Of The Gun. The film is about Wyatt Earp and the events surrounding the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. It attempted to be as historically accurate as possible. The only problem is that in doing so it wasn't that entertaining. Tombstone was less accurate, but much more enjoyable.
  20. That's a strange choice for favorite album. There might not be another person out there with the same pick.
  21. That's the 18 Kids and Counting show.
  22. The Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Does that count?
  23. I feel the same way about most of the reality crap. It bores me. I wish it would go away, but there are always going to be people who will watch it no matter how stupid it is. My uncle likes that show so I have to watch it sometimes. He watches a lot of the TLC programming. I have nothing for or against the people in TLC's shows. It's just something to fill space on the ever expanding number of cable networks. There's not enough quality content out there so they just make something up and put it on the schedule. You can't really blame the families on these shows for doing it either. If someone offered you a bunch of money to do a show I'm sure most of you would probably give it some serious thought.
  24. I watched Shane on TCM earlier in the night. It was a pretty good movie. It would have been better if that little kid Joey wouldn't have been so annoying. He was like Dennis The Menace. Every few seconds he would say something like, "Shane, could you show me how to shoot a gun?" He didn't let up throughout the whole movie. I found the story incredibly close to that of Pale Rider. I'm guessing Clint was inspired by this movie.
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