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2018 Gold Donors
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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Ohhhhh yeahhh..........I fuckin' get like that!! Nothin' a good fuckin' ass beatin' wouldn't cure........!!
  2. American Eyes ~ "Don't Trust Anything that Bleeds...."
  3. That was a great video blog..........very cool! And his daughters are adoreable! Thanks for the link, I'm going to start checkin' out his blog!
  4. It's my fuckin' post, and I'll fuckin' spell it any fuckin' way I wanna fuckin' spell it...... Seeeeeeeeeee...I was fuckin' right!!!!!!!!!
  5. Isn't that fuckin' spelled idgets....or even ijits....??!!! Oh....and 'Suckie People are Mean'......AND....'nice people fuckin' swallow'................fuckers!!!
  6. " Get away from these grumpy, meaner-than-me fuckin people who need to fuckin lighten up." I fuckin' hear that!! I wish all of them fuckin' people would just grow the fuck up!!! *now transporting himself to the Corona commercial*
  7. one of my faves, Tim! Love to crank 'Blacklist' to at least 8 when I'm sitting in traffic now spinnin... Hellfueled - Volume One (...dude sounds like Ozzy) Hey...I was just jammin' to that disc over the weekend *what a coincidence*! It's one of the better discs Ozzy never made!!
  8. A kids meal bean burrito with a....................MILK??????????!!!!!!!!!! How f'n disgusting is THAT???!!!!!
  9. Seriously........have you been sleeping under a rock? Retrospect auctions off almost ALL of their new releases before they list them on their site........
  10. I watched one of my classic movies from the 80's on Saturday night......'Say Anything'........still a good flick!
  11. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc k!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hellfueled ~ "Volume 1"...the best Ozzy album he never put out!!!
  13. ........fuckin' coffee.......has a mind of its fucking own.....
  14. American Pie 'Band Camp'.............bought this when it first came out many months ago, and just got around to watching it the other night! It's actually pretty damn good!! The kid who plays Stiffler's brother is great!! Oh..........and there are plenty of 'norks' to go around!!
  15. Fuck it. Any attention is better than no attention. The fuckin' cool thing is...she does it with love in her heart...and a fuckin' smile on her face...!!
  16. Girls Under Glass ~ "Deliverance" <--- one of the greatest darkwave songs...what great lyrics!!
  17. Hmmm...would that be fuckin' similar to the 'Dream Police'??!!! Muwwhwhahahahaha
  18. I give up on you fuckers Awww...FUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!! I HATE fuckin' up!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I have one word for you...one that is a saviour in my home..................TiVo..............
  20. American Eyes ~ "Don't Trust Anything that Bleeds" <---- GREAT modern rock band!! I recommend it to anyone interested in these types of bands, 'maniac....Geoff...Lonnie..'
  21. Tyketto was..........and is.......a third tier band from that era. Now...if you're European, you love Tyketto........I guess because they feel that they 'discovered' them..or because the US didn't embrace them.....because the weren't even a BLIP on the radar screen in the U.S. I could ask every single one of my friends who were involved in the music scene back then and they would all agree....if they even knew who Tyketto was, in the first place. With that being said, I can't vote for any of the above.........all wothless piles of 'blech', to me. It would be a waste of a vote for me to choose....... Hmmm...wait...maybe there was some stuff on Allied Forces that I liked...I'll vote for that... haha
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