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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. A little somethin' before I hit the sack....... And one more for good luck...........
  2. That's a nice fucker!! My buddy who was just in from Deeetroit is a fuckin' Engineer for GM.......dat's a nice ride baybee!! *but wait till you see the fuckin' 'Blue Devil' that'll be comin' out in a couple.........*shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh* It's a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad mofo!!
  3. Shotgun Alli ~ EP.........what a kickass set of songs!!
  4. Drivin' the fuckin' golf carts is half the fuckin' fun!!!!!!!!! I just did that last Thursday when my buddy came in to fuckin' visit!! Took him to a cool fuckin' course and I ended up drivin' the fucker around!!
  5. What a GREAT album.....love it!! And now everyone must check out Martie Peters' myspace page! *it's in the link provided by my buddy mattboy71 in another thread... Now Playing: Honeycrack ~ "Prozaic" <---- great album!!
  6. cool! me too! Ok..I'll join you... Had to be a copycat.......haven't listened to this one in a while. My fave ballad though is......... "All Night" ...... .....haha.....sorry, I just love this silly song!! Seriously......."Promises" and "Goodbye" are probably my favorites here..... That will cost you........that's a serious crime as outlined by Lars Ulrich in his "Reasons not to copy....or be a copycat" manifesto! I can bet that at any moment that Lars will be showing up in Ludlow looking for the woman with the 'kitten' necklace to take to "copycat jail". That is....unless....you pay up..... Now playing: notadamnthing Well........Lars had better be an awful big guy......or bring a damn army with him, cuz 'kitten' is more like a wild cat today!!! (yes.....I know that's not a cat.....but taz is cute......haha) Spinnin' now: Roxxi ~ "Wild Child" Hey now...........Lars is freaking all of 5'5".......*in my best Lisa from WS voice* "he'll kick your ass!!".....
  7. Had to be a copycat.......haven't listened to this one in a while. My fave ballad though is......... "All Night" ...... .....haha.....sorry, I just love this silly song!! Seriously......."Promises" and "Goodbye" are probably my favorites here..... That will cost you........that's a serious crime as outlined by Lars Ulrich in his "Reasons not to copy....or be a copycat" manifesto! I can bet that at any moment that Lars will be showing up in Ludlow looking for the woman with the 'kitten' necklace to take to "copycat jail". That is....unless....you pay up..... Now playing: notadamnthing
  8. Pete...I know what ya fuckin' mean! I have a buddy coming to visit on fuckin' Wednesday, so I'll be takin' most of the fuckin' week off!!! Fuckin'ay!!!!! Today is fuckin' Thursday!!!
  9. After watchin' Vh1's 'Metal Month' stuff and readin' an article in Entertainment Weekly with Def Leppard, I had to break out: Def Leppard ~ "Euphoria"...and I totally love 'To Be Alive'...but right now I'm on 'Goodbye'..another kickass ballad!!
  10. Brought out some synthpop tonight...a little: Moulin Noir ~ "Descending"
  11. American Eyes ~ "Don't Trust Anything That Bleeds"....this is one HELLUVA great modern rock record!!
  12. I have this one on cassette. I don't remember a single song off of it except for "fart." I might have to dust it off and play it again. I just gotta find my cassette walkman Listening to Wig Wam~ Hard to be a Rock n Roller Am I missing something? 'fart'?? You are talking about the Jean Bearvior 'Crown of Thorns'....right?? To stay on topic: Tramp ~ "s/t"....'Use It or Lose It' kicks ass!!
  13. This morning I pulled out the Crown of Thorns ~ "s/t" disc and remembered how great it was!!
  14. me-fuckin-ow.... here kitty kitty... who's your fuckin mama? Now THAT was fuckin' funny!!!!!!!! You know what's fuckin' funny too? I actually DO have a necklace that says "KITTEN" on it......hahaha. I can see it fuckin' now..."Honey, I'm gonna wear the fuckin' one that says "Kitten"
  15. Totally agree with that one brotha!!
  16. me-fuckin-ow.... here kitty kitty... who's your fuckin mama? Now THAT was fuckin' funny!!!!!!!!
  17. After readin' some cool 'now playing' albums that y'all have jammin' to, I had to stare long and hard at my shelves to figure out what the hell to listen to.............and came up with one that I haven't listened to in a while...but that is totally kickass.... Slaughter ~ "Back to Reality"......the song I just love is called: 'Trailer Park Boogie'...
  18. While I agree that AdrianGale is great...and I truly enjoy all of their albums, none quite match 'Miracle Mile'.....and for that alone, I had to go with Guardian!
  19. Thanks Geoff! During this odd Friday, I find those pictures to be a bit of a light that has brightened my day!!!
  20. Misery ~ "Misery Loves Company" <---- one of the GREAT Indie bands out there!
  21. fuckin-A... you got it Geoff ... those are slot fuckin machines um, whoa! did I just fuckin say that? .....................fuck...............
  22. Lorelei ~ "Sing Sweet" <---- excellent Female Fronted Hard Rock in the Laos/Lee Aaron vein!!
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