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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Shit......say THAT 10 fuckin' times fast...... *in my most fastest fucking voice* Shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA..............that wasn't so fuckin' hard!!!!
  2. Hmmmm...you and I in the middle, huh? Hell, Lees.....knowing the shit we've dealt with from menfolk in our lives....what say we forget the boys this time???? You and me, babe... hahaha...I'm a goin' to hell..... Ooops.....and I forgot the fuck again...........fuck........fuck..........fuck................FUCK!!! There......that made up for it. Ahhhh......a fucking wench sandwich!!!
  3. Lisa is sure getting a whole lot of love in this FUCK thread today......maybe we should rename this thread the LISA thread. Yeah....we could name it Lisa's Fuck Thread.................
  4. We should fuckin' celebrate!! One day out of the year you're NOT a fuckin' goober!!! Parrrrrrty!!!! Wow....interesting that it's taking you 24 fucking hours to decide 'how pissed' you want to be about it!! Nice fuckin' restraint!!! That's NOT the norm with the women I fuckin' know!!! I don't know about you fuckers.......but the Walmart where I live in Tomball, Texas is very friendly. Fucking karma beeotches.......fucking karma...... Sometimes it's the little things in life that make it all fuckin' worthwhile... for me it's getting to work in the dark to find that I picked two socks that are actually the same fuckin' colour. Socks??!! What the fuck are those??!!
  5. Of course, she is one of the ones that has asked for CDR's.............and, of course.........I disregard her requests. I simply do not care if she bid a million dollars on something and didn't win. She's like the Utopian Liberal.......where because she made a good 'effort' in bidding she should be entitled to something..... With that being said....and knowing she, and her husband, are professional foosball players, you would think she would know by now that you have to actually WIN the auction to get something. I'm sure she just doesn't give the other team a point if they make a good shot on goal and it doesn't go it.......
  6. Dunno....maybe it's the 'French' tips manicure I just did on my nails??? Or maybe it's the french....toast???
  7. And if the United States doesn't watch....we're going to end up just like them.....
  8. 'cuz I'm nearly always ahead of the fuckin game, you slacker! .............fuuuuckkk!!..........
  9. If you got your 'Monday' work done on 'Friday...then why the fuck did ya come in in the first place!!?? And fuckin' EARLY, to boot!!! It's fuckin' employees like you that make a bad name for all the rest of us fuckin' slackers!!
  10. Need to find some 'draft' music ASAP..............!!
  11. As long as he didn't tell you you're going to be fucked.....I would guess you're gonna fucking live? Ahhh...tormening fucking coworkers/employees.......I'd never fucking do that......
  12. I'm definitely going to have to check that site out!! TWO stellar chicks from the site in this thread............could there be three!!!?? I agree wholeheartedly...........that last pic of her is just gold!!
  13. Oh my LORD............................those are nice T....................very, very......................nice..............
  14. ya gonna fuckin hook me up? cuz I don't have any fuckin good drugs So I fuckin came home to see if I can fuckin sleep off this fuckin headache. Fuck yeah, I'll hook ya up!! In the meantime.....sweet fuckin' dreams!!!
  15. ...drugs..........fuckin' drugs..............do it...........
  16. Sounds like you're fucked........................might want to invest in a fuckin' belt...
  17. For shame!! Sounds like me with my cell phones!! To stay on topic: Listening to a comp of different songs
  18. Psychoschizophrenia by Lillian Axe!!!!
  19. Whoa.........baby got back!!!! That's just the camera angle......dorkie.......... Wasn't doggin' on her........she's quite.......ummmmm.......nice!!! I'm just jealous, cuz I have noassatall.....lol I know..........I know..................and.................I know.............
  20. Whoa.........baby got back!!!! That's just the camera angle......dorkie..........
  21. Well..while allyall fuckin' complain about the heat, I'm headin' up to O HI O to check out the great city of Columbus! I can't fuckin' wait!!!
  22. I just started reading the Young Avengers series.............very damn good!!
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