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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. I still have my beer can collection! Thinkin' about eBaying it though... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still have about 100....some of the cooler ones. Hell, I thought having the Billy Beer can nowadays would be worth something. Checked on eBay and it looks like it hasn't appreciated much since the mid 70's!!!
  2. ....if you watched H.R. PuffNStuff on Saturday mornings....
  3. ...if you had a beer can collection.........
  4. That would be me!!! Don't forget Pretty in Pink..and, of course, the list wouldn't be complete without all of the other kickass 80's movies like: Last American Virgin, Better Off Dead, Ferris Bueller, Valley Girl, Uncle Buck, One Crazy Summer, Fast Times, Risky Business...etc.....etc...
  5. If you are not able to determine where the email originated from.......I have two people in mind that it could be. I'll pm you...... The person's grammar and style sound like them..... I used to get emails from 'George from Greece' all the time. I do not know a George from Greece but I have a very good idea who 'George' is....so I just ignore them.
  6. ...if you wear your collar on your polo shirts 'up'...
  7. Fuck, I think it sounds positively fucking refreshing. You should fucking thank us for that shit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> '......for that shit.'...................................no fuckin' pun intended, eh??!!!
  8. I love April 2031..........but......I totally love the WHOLE album too!!!
  9. Absorber ~ "Open Your Eyes" <---- excellent synthpop like De/Vision
  10. Fucking ayyy!!! Love is in the air!! Gotta fuckin' love it!!!!!!!!!!! Now....on to more fuckin' intriguing things!!! *just got back from riding in the fucking rain*...............Now, if I could only get that fuckin' image out of my head, I may just be able to concentrate in the fuckin' office today!!! Thanks a fuckin' lot Lisa!! *in my best Anthony Michael Hall 'Weird Science' voice* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Are you picturing Wet, nude, bareback horseriding by a female type? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why...yes....yes I fucking am!!
  11. Fucking ayyy!!! Love is in the air!! Gotta fuckin' love it!!!!!!!!!!! Now....on to more fuckin' intriguing things!!! *just got back from riding in the fucking rain*...............Now, if I could only get that fuckin' image out of my head, I may just be able to concentrate in the fuckin' office today!!! Thanks a fuckin' lot Lisa!! *in my best Anthony Michael Hall 'Weird Science' voice*
  12. She's definitely hot.............!! Thanks for bumpin' the thread Pete!!
  13. Misery ~ "Out of My Hands" <---- one kickass mutha of an album!!
  14. It was very fucking cool actually, unfortufuckingnately I probably won't be going anywhere else for a fucking while, too much fucking going on here partly as a result of my little fuckin' excursion... Fucking spent a lot of time checking out various parts of fucking Tokyo, the Japanese takes on fuckin' ethnic cuisines (i.e. fuckin' Chinese, Mexican, Italian, etc.). Fucking went to Mt. Fuji, naturally it was fucking snowing, so I could hardly see a fuckin' thing, but it was still pretty fuckin' cool. Fuckin' great fuckin' subway system. Fucking additionally, much like fuckin' in the US, they take their fuckin' coffee pretty fuckin' seriously. Lot of fucking Starbucks and other similar fucking coffee places all fucking over the place. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fuckin' eh, man....sounds fanfuckingtastic!!! How were the fucking Japanese chics??? Did your fucking hosts at least get you a Geisha for fuck's sake??!!!
  15. I'm fucking feeling ya Geoff. I fucking hate Monday's. Two more fucking hours and I'm gone. To fucking top it off, Blue Charvel went back to fucking states. So I'm sitting by my fucking self in this time zone again (thanks Pete). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fuck man, if it makes you feel any fuckin' better I'd rather still be in fuckin' Japan. I wasn't fuckin' done fucking exploring. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fuck.............I'd love to do some fucking exploring in Japan!!! Did you fucking start to see or find any-fucking-thing that was cool??!! Maybe I can fucking live vicariously through your fucking travels......
  16. Electrik ~ "Love Buzz Harmony" <----- I'm enjoyin' this one!
  17. Faster Pussycat's "House of Pain".....well...at least in the beginning!!
  18. Yeah, the two you mentioned are definitely the 'lookers' of the band...so we're definitely on the same page there! Ahhhh....as well.....yeah...they definitely look 'dirtier'... ....and they probably ARE!!
  19. I was going to bid on that on eBay the past day or so.........but I didn't get the chance. Is it any good Lil Doggy??
  20. Last option is hotlinking (which I never do... ), well okay I'm no stranger to it but it's generally frowned upon as it steals the host owner's bandwidth. Hotlinking can be done by right-clicking on the image, going to properties and copying the URL info, then pasting it into the IMG text box. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whoops, does this mean that I am proverbially ass-raping someone else everytime I post an image? I had no idea. Seriously, I feel bad if I'm actually causing harm by posting this: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'To me...that chick is so NOT hot........but that's me! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ouch. Has someone got some cream I can place on my bruised emotions? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Usually...we have very similar 'good' tastes, Geoff.....this time I think you're pressing your luck!! **maybe you should check out the new model at www.bullz-eye.com ** Or even one of the older girls....
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