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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Motley Crue ~ "Red White and Crue"...........great song on now........Disc 2 - "Afraid".......
  2. Been up for about 4 hours or so and I'm feelin' like I've been bored for days...........
  3. Sitting at home...breaking in some new 'help', I put in a little: Def Leppard ~ "Hign N Dry"
  4. Watched 'Eight Below"...........very cute movie! Especially if you're a dog lover!
  5. Threw in Pariah's "Rattle Your Skull" limited edition demo......this is pretty kickass!
  6. Today's song is definitely: Razzle ~ "Summer Job"
  7. Early on a Saturday A.M......put in: Ministry ~ "With Sympathy".....it's amazing how this band went from a synthpop band on this record to the heavy industrial sounds that were to follow....
  8. Do you think Eric Brittingham wants ALL the women naked? I mean, not for nothing, but there are some women who should do the world a favor and leave their clothes on... Ain't THAT the truth!!!
  9. How about the oboe? Even less interesting I dunno I find Oboes reeeaalllly exciting!!! I just like saying it too .. Oboe...Oooobooeeeee!! I dunno....you might not be saying that if you saw the recent American Pie "Bandcamp" movie!!
  10. Some say that Eric Brittingham has an estranged son named...........................Jay....................hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......... .....could it be??!!!!
  11. That's fuckin' great on two fronts... 1.) I love pizza and it's fuckin' cool that he loves it too and... 2.) He's a growing boy! Cool.......can I send him to you at fuckin' feeding time??? Fuckin' a! We'd destroy some fuckin' 'za' for sure!! But he can't be a fuckin' wuss about it and pick cheese off the fuckin' pie....or not eat the fuckin' crust! He's gotta do it right!! MY son.........a fuckin' wuss????? Just because we're attached at the fuckin' hip....lol K......promise you'll hide your fuckin' scissors??? You ain't cuttin' his fuckin' hair!!! Haha....yeah....I'll hide my fuckin' scissors alright... **right in the middle of some 'za.......it'll be..."Shane...so how's that slice??!!"...........snip snip........bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......great fuckin' pizza innit??!!**
  12. That's fuckin' great on two fronts... 1.) I love pizza and it's fuckin' cool that he loves it too and... 2.) He's a growing boy! Cool.......can I send him to you at fuckin' feeding time??? Fuckin' a! We'd destroy some fuckin' 'za' for sure!! But he can't be a fuckin' wuss about it and pick cheese off the fuckin' pie....or not eat the fuckin' crust! He's gotta do it right!!
  13. That's fuckin' great on two fronts... 1.) I love pizza and it's fuckin' cool that he loves it too and... 2.) He's a growing boy!
  14. There were not truer fuckin' words spoken brotha!!!
  15. Didn't you fuckin know? I was the inspiration for the original spongemonkey.... but was deemed *too fuckin skeeeery* and they came up with this one in-fuckin-stead. ..or maybe fuckin not Hmmmmm.....yeeeahhhhh....I kinda see the fuckin' resemblance in the smile, now that I fuckin' take a closer look!! Well fuck me runnin'!!!!!!! I bet you even have a nice fuckn' hat like that one too!!!???
  16. hehe ain't it tho?!? That's a fuckin spongemonkey.... yanno... from the fuckin Quizno's commercial. Dat's some skeery fuckin' shit, yo!!! You might need to fuckin' replace it with something like.............a pic of you!!
  17. Leeesaaaa....your avatar is fuckin' freaky!!!
  18. Just finished the new Cheap Trick ~ "Rockford"...excellent cd! And put in the new Joan Jett ~ "Sinner"....so far, classic Joan Jett....
  19. Was playing the Taylen Storm/Scaredycat 2 on 1 at lunch........not bad.......not bad 'tall.....
  20. Love your license plate avatar...........although not the affects of it!!! To stay on topic: American Eyes ~ "Don't Trust Anything that Bleeds..."
  21. that's the "freebie" I was fuckin talkin' about! I think it should be allowed only on June 25th, so that it would be like getting xmas twice a fuckin year ...and I'd make it a really good fuckin smack too!! serve that fuckin head up like it was a volleyball Ahhh....the dreaded fuckin' 'volleyball' smack...... "OUCH"!!!!!!! ........we need a fuckin' emoticon for that one!!! ...then we need one and call it 'bitch slap' !! Here's the bitch slap smilie: I'll look for the other one... How's this: Dude...the fuckin' 2nd one kicks ass!! Hahaha....yeah...that's a fuckin perfect one....for Drama Queens...
  22. that's the "freebie" I was fuckin talkin' about! I think it should be allowed only on June 25th, so that it would be like getting xmas twice a fuckin year ...and I'd make it a really good fuckin smack too!! serve that fuckin head up like it was a volleyball Ahhh....the dreaded fuckin' 'volleyball' smack...... "OUCH"!!!!!!! ........we need a fuckin' emoticon for that one!!! ...then we need one and call it 'bitch slap' !!
  23. Doin' a little Cure ~ "Disintegration" this a.m....
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