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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. Well..........I had the flu for two freaking weeks. Hence, that put a crimp in my plans......prior to that I was waiting on the weather.. Seriously.........I should be able to finish my project this week as it looks like we'll be having good weather....AND....I'm all over having the flu..... Sorry to keep you all in such suspense... **Actually...........the girl whose 'norks' I was going to photograph the cd between were being augmented and I had to wait for them to heal...**
  2. Their sound clips sound VERY pedestrian......but maybe that's me just being in a pissy mood!! Vixen was a hell of a lot better looking too!!
  3. Last option is hotlinking (which I never do... ), well okay I'm no stranger to it but it's generally frowned upon as it steals the host owner's bandwidth. Hotlinking can be done by right-clicking on the image, going to properties and copying the URL info, then pasting it into the IMG text box. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Whoops, does this mean that I am proverbially ass-raping someone else everytime I post an image? I had no idea. Seriously, I feel bad if I'm actually causing harm by posting this: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 'To me...that chick is so NOT hot........but that's me!
  4. YES!! One of my favorite Lillian songs!! Now Playing in my player is the new Jesse Strange.........and it is kickin' my ass!!!! Love it!!
  5. Love this album!! And I'm not sure how any can NOT like it!!?? *maybe their thinking of that other Saint's and Sinners band...the Ron E. Kayfield one??
  6. Fear Not ~ "s/t" Just popped this puppy in...and it's as fresh as ever....just love this album!!
  7. Jez...if this one is 'VERY' disappointing...what on Earth were you expecting??!!! You do realise this stuff is from 1988 or so...?? Hmmm....to each his own...you must have had some HIGH expectations for an Indie band in 1988.... To stay on topic...I just had to throw Manila Thrills back in to verify that I'm not crazy.......
  8. That was a grotesque thought......maybe you and Geoff been sharin' the same wine!! It's cold everywhere....even here in Houston the high temp today will be 40....last night was cold for here...right around freezing...
  9. Great tune!!! MESH ~ The Point At Which It Falls Apart ....... "Fallen" spinnin' here..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Niiiiice.....I put in the other Neuropa ~ "Sins of the Heart" Oh...and don't forget to remind me to buy the new MESH!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey.....don't forget to buy the new MESH!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Is this the same band that released an album a few years ago... I think at the time they were called Mesh Stl or something? It was decent modern rock... lots of potential... would love to hear a new album. Anyone know if it's the same guys? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> It's not....the MESH we're talking about are a synth band......sorry.
  10. Great tune!!! MESH ~ The Point At Which It Falls Apart ....... "Fallen" spinnin' here..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Niiiiice.....I put in the other Neuropa ~ "Sins of the Heart" Oh...and don't forget to remind me to buy the new MESH!!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey.....don't forget to buy the new MESH!!!! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dorkie..........
  11. Great tune!!! MESH ~ The Point At Which It Falls Apart ....... "Fallen" spinnin' here..... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Niiiiice.....I put in the other Neuropa ~ "Sins of the Heart" Oh...and don't forget to remind me to buy the new MESH!!!!!
  12. Neuropa ~ "New Faith"...'Regrets' is such a great synth song!!
  13. Red Flag ~ "The Crypt"....'King of Everything' <----- Sounds a bit like Bauhaus and/or Sisters of Mercy
  14. Haha...I just had to laugh...the name of the track..and that damn banana dancing!! To stay on topic: De/Vision ~ "World Without End"
  15. ................................FUCK............................................ .
  16. Fair enough....I could have left your name out of the comment and still used it. I'll use better descretion next time, your point is taken.....
  17. I wasn't picking a fight Koogs......I was using drawing an analogous situation to illustrate to Stormspell how spouting of things that aren't true will destroy his credibility. I used the Russian Factory comments as that analogy. No picking fights intended. And......I certainly didn't bring PJ into my post at all. Go back and read it.....not quite sure where you got that from. Let it be known...that if I WERE to pick a fight. *which I have NEVER done on this board*, you would know it. I've been on this board since its inception and have proven to be the voice of levity.....and of reason when those who come here to slam someone...or some 'thing' are met by my replies to aide them...and to the mostly unsuspecting members of this board...to the truth or to an insight that they may not see because of their blinders. I have NEVER spoken an untruth on this board.... As for me getting bounced from this site. THAT will NEVER happen.........sorry to burst your bubble.
  18. Okay, I should add I didnt stated you re-pressed it, but since you appear to be the only one having it in shitload quantities, I'm naturally suspicious. I spoke to the drummer and he assured me there hasnt been official re-pressing. One have to ask himself what are the chances a rarity of such proportions suddenly to appear in big quantities only in Restrospest store? Just thinking aloud here <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course...when making statements such as the one you just did.....perhaps, it was the 'thinking out loud' that detracted you from your proper train of thought?? It's suppositions....and innuendos....and sketchy inferences and things of that nature that really show your bias...and perhaps..intent.....when discussing a very positive thread about this label. I'm not perfect....but I try to err on the side of 'keep my mouth shut unless I know what the hell I'm talking about camp'.....but, hey....that's me.....I like to keep my suspicions credible at least. And I'm sure the offer STILL stands for you to call Sam and simply ASK him about the Galaxy Group cds he does have..... *on a side note* I still laugh my ass off at Koogles' assertion that Sam owned a manufacturing plant in Russia...... The problem is, Stormspell, and I have no beef...or anger toward you, but everytime you cry wolf......well......you cry wolf. And.....usually.....when you do that a few times and there's no wolf.....then when you really see one, no one will believe you.....
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