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Everything posted by JLPRocks

  1. I just played that album last week....saw it in the store and said "what the hell...I'll give it a try".......and it's not too bad at all!! I did that recently with albums by...30 Seconds to Mars....and...The Academy Is.....both great albums. If you like Fall Out Boy....The Academy Is......is a VERY similar band!!
  2. Here's one that I discovered while watching that Europe cover band!! I think you'll like this one a bit more.... Kate
  3. I had to break out something that I haven't listened to in a while.....it's a compilation of sorts... Now playing: Icehouse ~ "Icehouse"
  4. Just got mine in the mail today, and I must say that this is a VERY well produced album! My hat is off to Michael Beck, the singer, for doing an utterly fantastic job at remixing this thing!!! This is such a good release. What amazes me...is that even though it was released a long time ago, the new production sounds so damn good....as if it were cut like a brand new album. Very crisp and fresh sounding.!!! I must say that they've done a fantastic job with the artwork as well. I'm impressed........ Oh....and the cd RAWKS!!! Now....after this reissue runs it's course....how about a BRAND NEW ALBUM!!!?????
  5. Dude, what you talking about? Since day one Sam has been selling Greek and Russian (and I mean NOT the licensed stuff) bootlegs on eBay - you call this my problem? What's there left to discuss about it, since EVERY time I post list here he flip-flop around it pointing fingers, or stating jokes like "how do I sell bootlegs since I have pristine feedback", or "it has barcode, so it is not bootleg", or "I'm not SELLING it, I'm AUCTIONING it, there's a difference" - ALL those are exact citations of his OWN words!... What's left to discuss abut this? It's an everlasting joke! Can't you see it?! Dont you feel at least a little shame of defending a bootleg seller which never let it go? I know what Sam wants and I'm not going to cut a deal with him or anything, so manly, girly, or whatever you call it, its equally childish, even not worse to blame me for not calling him. If he is willing to be a MAN, told him to stop selling the bloody bootlegs! Talking does not achieve anything, ACTION DOES! It's that simple <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My point was....and still is.....that if you're going to get into heated exchanges over something you feel so passionately about, then why not handle it in person rather than on internet message boards like children?? Hence, call 'em up and discuss it....he was willing.... And....as much as your point about him selling bootlegs in his auctions is a horrible thing, there ARE REAL bands on RETROSPECT roster trying to make a buck from their sales. So...don't forget that all of this crap played out in the public affects them....unknowingly.... If Koogs...and those who are so vehement against...SAM...need to continue their argument...then take it to private discourse for Christ's sake....there are some great people involved here that do not deserve the bad rap because Sam says nasty things in emails or one of his cohorts does...or sells boots....or whatever in his Vegascds auctions. I haven't seen anyone put forth ONE good argument against Retrospect other than he has some cdr reissues on his label.....big fuckin' deal. The whole "you emailed me this...and that"...it's so old...and played out. It amazes me the children we have on this message board.........I guess that's what the internet allows nowadays, for all of you to act like you're 14..... Must be a midlife crisis thing....
  6. Honeslty, I dont mind long distance charges, but I also dont see any valid reason for calling him. Will this achieve anything? Will a call change my opinion, or his, or stop him selling bootlegs? I know the answer already, so calling would be absolutely pointless act. It was even pointless saying all this, but decided to do it and cut the "you call or STFU" comment which will follow imminently. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You have no idea what it wil...or will not achieve. It's pure speculation on your part...and everyone else who is a detractor and feigns at calling to discuss their problems. At least he's willing to be 'man' enough to discuss it in person. Until then.......I guess you guys can use the message boards like high schoolers to do the name calling...... It's really that simple.....
  7. Damn, Pete.......you're as bad as me in catchin' up on the new releases!!! I think you'll dig it!! It's excellent!!
  8. Man, I love that one!!! "Bitch" is such a great tune.......that and "Second Chances (Too Late)" are my faves.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm actually on Second Chances right now! Excellent album...and song!
  9. "Either he can talk it out on this forum like a grown-up or keep his mouth shut." This comment made me almost fall out of my chair...... 'Talking it out in a message board forum is 'grown up'???!!!! Now THAT is funny.... Truthfully, you should take the guy up on his offer and talk to him in person.....THAT would be the manly thing to do, not hash shit out on a message board forum...... WHAT a joke..........
  10. True...but you might want to tone down the 'tough shit' attitude, 80's. Why? Because....it's not a good reflection on you...or the label that everyone thinks you represent...... 'tay...
  11. Youre kidding, right? Your artwork comes out shitty and what you're saying is "Oh well, how were we to know?" Actually your exact quote was "a few of the covers didn't come out as nice as he hoped , but there's no way of telling how it will come out BEFORE going to press." Well, if that's the case then you EAT IT and start over! You don't pass along inferior product to the innocent consumer. My God, at $20.00 each (or whatever the cost is) for a cheap CD-R, I'm sure there was a bit of wiggle room to correct OBVIOUS mistakes. Terrible response, dude, and up 'till now I've never said a bad word about Sam or his company, but that thought process is unacceptable. Sorry, JLP, I know they're your boys and that's cool with me becuase you and I have always got along like brothers, but come on... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No need to apologise....I gave them a hell of lot more shit than that for those covers!!! As always...the proof is in the pudding. The Manilla Thrills is obvious....and look for others to be of the same quality!
  12. Warrant ~ "Born Again"....'Glimmer'........very good song!!!
  13. YES!!! Now THAT was a great night of movie watching!!!!
  14. I did as well.......and after seeing Scott's pix.....it looks like they did it right!!
  15. No...not a slam at you at all Dan!! Just wanted to let them know the reason the forum is here in the first place.....because they seemed to be getting tired of the 'crap'.....and I just reiterated that that's why you want it here..... Dan.....I have no reason to slam you, nor will I. I love this message board and site...and have been here since DAY 1........
  16. I just shake my head and laugh..........why?? It's not the first time an eBay seller has done this to another 'competitor'. It's just one of the times they've been caught.......or that anyone has cared...... You see.....most of you have no clue as to what is going on 'behind the scenes' of your favorite eBay sellers....and they like it that way, because then they get the people blindly following them and bidding like crazy on their auctions. And....defending them on the internet when they are caught.... Their game is easy......send out as many free cdrs as possible to your 'client base'. This gives them the sense that you're giving back to them......while, in a different manner of speaking, it's also contributing to the 'look for me at an Ebay auction near you' in the future.....wink...wink. A good 'seller' keeps his clientele happy if he can......it's common business practice.....it costs next to nothing to do....and it works. Look at their auctions......most of the sellers do quite well because of it.... Those are some of the things you DO see...... What you don't see, is the scenario just like Recordjnky mentions......although, I don't know if it's true, I can easily believe it because it wouldn't be the first time that he's done something like that..... He's very cut throat in finding out a band...and their source for cds. It's like a race to see who can get a hold of the band first. I've seen it in action. THAT'S the stuff you guys don't see....because you're just buyers...and you don't actively pursue the bands, etc. The craziness begins when one of those guys get there first...and then try and convince the band to watch out for the 'sharks'....when in all reality, they're the shark too. Hello...POT...let me introduce you to...KETTLE..... I find it sad that people who supposedly are in this for the love of the genre...the music, etc...are so manipulative and vengeful, all for the sake of selling cds on eBay. Must be worth millions (haha) to become such a liar...and a deceitful individual?? It speaks volumes, however...about their character. Some of the most 'respected' sellers on eBay are like this.......isn't that just a tad funny??? 'Sellers'.....who like that dollar so much they'll do just about anything to get it. Boy.....you'd think it was worth millions, eh??? And...if you think *I'M* full of shit. I can tell you that there are people on this board that have encountered it first hand. They know who they are....and they've spoken out about it in these hallowed halls in times past.....and they just may do so again, if they feel so inclined. I'll let them speak for themselves..... There are many instances where he's lied to prospective bands about their cds....and to those who are acquiring them....just not Sam....but about other collectors as well. The bottom line is.....is that it shows a lot about the character of the individual. I don't have to sit here and badmouth anyone...their actions speak for them. I just find it humorous to watch people blindly post about subjects they have no clue about....and their reactions, whether pro or con to the whole Retrospect thing.... And for those of you who are 'tired' of this.....then you need to ask yourself. Why did I even click on the Retrospect thread to begin with?? And then you have to ask yourself. Why did I click on the thread entitled 'Replying to The Conspiracy unfold as SURRF pulls some major BS' when you knew full well what to expect? Looks like the Owner of this board started this RR forum for all of this 'crap' to be played out in this forum........
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