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Why Retrospect Records is doing so well....

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It's time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum so...



As posted on the Rock Report forum....


"My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


'nuff said.

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No replies! Nobody is bitting! This trying to start a fire with two sticks rubbing has created very little interest, NEXT!

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I'm not trying to start anything , but you obviously are so I'll help you along my over-zealous Canuck friend....


Is it really that difficult to say "That's great man , Defcon is a quality act and they deserve the recognition"???


See , unless it's something BAD about Retrospect then it's amazing how many people keep quiet.


How long did you give it before you said Retrospect would be out of business??


Hmmmm , coming up to 150 releases and no sign of lawsuits , bankruptcy or throwing the towel in anywhere....strange that isn't it?


Thousands of MUSIC fans have spoken (as well as purchased) around the world - and they support the largest re-issue label in the world.



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Thousands have spoken? I hear and read nothing other than you and me.


No lawsuits! Ok, now that deserves a That's great man

A exemplary way to measure one's success.

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Thousands have spoken? I hear and read nothing other than you and me.


No lawsuits! Ok, now that deserves a That's great man

A exemplary way to measure one's success.


Seriously David....why DID you post in this thread? It doesn't seem like you.........


I'll chime in though.......in case it hasn't been painfully obvious, Retrospect has some quality acts signed to its roster.


Why make it difficult for THOSE acts by coming and being negative??

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Reading between the lines, made it obvious that the one who started this thread was looking for action and guess what, he got it. Any press is better than none at all, right?

'nuff said

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Reading between the lines, made it obvious that the one who started this thread was looking for action and guess what, he got it. Any press is better than none at all, right?

'nuff said


'Reading between'..what lines?? All the guy did is post a message from the guy from Defcon about how well things are going for them. I'm fairly articulate and I don't see any 'lines' between the ones that are blatantly obvious to read. A positive review from one of Retrospects bands.....


And, no....I wouldn't agree that any press is better than none. Not for the actual bands who are trying to make a go of it on Retrospect......

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I am in one of the bands signed to Retrospect, and I have had nothing but a great experience, as have many other bands. And there is nothing wrong with posting other comments from bands signed to Retrospect, so Zac has no idea what he is talking about. Just another person trying to bring down a label where stuff previously not available is made available.

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...sigh...it's obvious that this thread was started for the sole purpose of ONCE AGAIN stirring things up. The "positive & factual" line would imply that all discussion up to this point about the label has been negative & untrue, which is just not the case. A simple posting of the quote would suffice without the school yard bullying. Good luck to Sam with his label, but please...grown up!

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...sigh...it's obvious that this thread was started for the sole purpose of ONCE AGAIN stirring things up. The "positive & factual" line would imply that all discussion up to this point about the label has been negative & untrue, which is just not the case. A simple posting of the quote would suffice without the school yard bullying. Good luck to Sam with his label, but please...grown up!


'Obvious' that the guy posted something positive in a thread that is generally dedicated to questioning...bashing...every move Retrospect makes?


Uhh....and when did you become the 'a simple posting of the quote...' board mod?? Is there some sort of internet/message board etiquette that wasn't followed here??


Schoolyard bullying??? Where in the hell was that message??!! :lol: *shakes head*


I'm not sure who needs to grow up.........

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...sigh...it's obvious that this thread was started for the sole purpose of ONCE AGAIN stirring things up. The "positive & factual" line would imply that all discussion up to this point about the label has been negative & untrue, which is just not the case. A simple posting of the quote would suffice without the school yard bullying. Good luck to Sam with his label, but please...grown up!


'Obvious' that the guy posted something positive in a thread that is generally dedicated to questioning...bashing...every move Retrospect makes?


Uhh....and when did you become the 'a simple posting of the quote...' board mod?? Is there some sort of internet/message board etiquette that wasn't followed here??


Schoolyard bullying??? Where in the hell was that message??!! :lol: *shakes head*


I'm not sure who needs to grow up.........


Never said I was the board mod...to quote you, "Where in the hell was that message??!!" , but you're kidding yourself if you don't see the underlying intent of this post. I'm just saying that by leaving off a few choice words here & there, Sam can get the positive message out regarding his product without all the snide comments. As Sam is wont to say...'nuff said!



It's time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum so...



As posted on the Rock Report forum....


"My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


'nuff said.


All I'm saying is instead of the above, how about this...


As posted on the Rock Report forum....


"My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


Reads a bit different, don't it?

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It's time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum so...



As posted on the Rock Report forum....


"My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


'nuff said.


All I'm saying is instead of the above, how about this...


As posted on the Rock Report forum....


"My name is Mark Matthews, I play bass & sing in Defcon. I would just like to say that my experience with Sam & Retrospect has been awesome. Who would figure 15 years later this stuff would see the light of day again. The progressing success of Defcon (because of Retrospect) has coaxed us into a possible reunion and maybe some new material. The 2nd release will include better packaging, pics, lyrics, & some rare live material. You can get more band info at myspace/defconrocks. Hats off and much appreciation to Sam and Retrospect Records!!! "


Reads a bit different, don't it?

I see Chocularok's point. It's a matter of "tone." No, 80sMetalCollector (who, for the record, I have no beef with) did not exactly say anything to pick a fight, but by opening his posting with "time to add some positive and factual info about RR on this forum," he basically insinuated that all anyone does is speak negatively and tell lies about Retrospect Records. Yes, that does happen, but I've read plenty of praise for Retrospect as well, so yeah, 80sMetalCollector's initial posting does come across as a tad antagonistic. Maybe that's not what he meant to do, but as Chocularok pointed out, simply posting Mark Matthews' comments would have sufficed and not been remotely misconstrued.

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uh no , you are completely wrong there.....again....and what does reissused mean exactly?


Ok let's see....the majority of the threads started below this one are negative , incorrect and based on assumptions by about 6 or 8 bonafied idiots (aka 'the douche crew') , so yep , I decided to add that opening line for the people who actually are interested in facts.




Thousands have spoken? I hear and read nothing other than you and me.


No lawsuits! Ok, now that deserves a That's great man

A exemplary way to measure one's success.


Thousands have spoken in other places Zac. We get dozens of emails daily thanking RR for helping to keep these bands dreams alive , and taking risks on obscure bands.


The "no lawsuits" line is a direct response to you and a few others who thought that Retrospect would be riddled with them.


Grow up.

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James, I am always amazed why you keep backing up a record label that releases 95% CDR's and has been known to bootleg other artists material without their permission. I know you love a great product and that you’re into great music, but what is your agenda?? You don't hear so much bad press about Suncity Records, Metal Mayhem, Kivel Records, MTM Music, Perris Records, Etc... Do you ever take the time to think that one of many people posting on Retrospect actually has a point? I won't accept the "because everyone is jealous of Retrospect" theory. Any average Joe can bootleg CDR's and sell them through ebay. Where is Retrospect’s distributors?? I also won’t accept AOR Heaven!! You know that these under ground bands can't really do much about their material being bootlegged unless they are willing to pay mega bucks for lawyers, court orders, etc... Sam is just treading on thin ice until he messes with the wrong band that is willing to go ahead and spend the money on legal action. I know for one, that Sweet Teaze hasn’t ruled out legal action. This is my last comment in this thread.


I respect you James, but am just bamboozled on your stand with Retrospect Records.


Kind regards


Suncity Records

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At least Retrospect RELEASES product. 4 releases David?

I have stated why Retrospect releases cd-r's a hundred times , why can't you get it through your thick Aussie skull that WE ARE NOT GOING TO SPEND $1000+ ON OBSCURE ARTISTS. If the initial run does well (like Defcon) then yes , another press will come into play.


And David , WE DON'T WANT OR NEED DISTRIBUTORS. Why in the hell would we wholesale cd's out for $6 when we ONLY HAVE 100 IN STOCK?? Jesus Christ man , no wonder YOUR business is sucking ass.....you have ZERO business sense.


For someone who can't stand Retrospect releases you sure get bent out of shape when you can't bid on them eh David?


And one more thing David , in about one week (or less) I am going to blow your whole world wide open with a HUGE LIE you posted on another thread that almost led YOU into a lawsuit.


Prepare yourself.

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I swear, sometimes I think this a Kindergarten with the number of people behaving like goddamned kids.


David, it really IS bad form to openly bash the competition. It ultimately does not reflect well on you and your label.


To everyone else:


80sMetalCollector intentionally posted this "news release" in the manner in which he did. His hope was to goad people into responding... and you all fell for it.


We are all well familiar with the methods and the dynamics surrounding the whole pro- vs. anti-Retrospect debate by now.


By responding to delberate provocation on the part of Retrospect Records and its representatives, you're playing into their hands.


Better to say nothing than to perpetuate the debate. Remember, there's no such thing as bad publicity...


Oh, and 80sMetalCollector: resorting to namecalling in responding to David's reponse doesn't serve your purpose either. Clean it up.



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thanks Dan , because I could have sworn you started your first post with this statement...


"I swear, sometimes I think this a Kindergarten with the number of people behaving like goddamned kids."


Is that 'literal' or 'illiteral' speaking sense?


Just asking...


Now you're just being a pain in my ass.


You started this thread with the sole intent of provoking people. You damned well knew what you were doing.


If you want to push it with me, I'll simply ban your ass and be done with it.


I've had it with you, so knock it the fuck off. This is your last official warning.


This thread is DONE.



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