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Monday... ah, fuck it. I don't even care! One more Monday to go after this one and the fucking fucked up working year is done. I'm so fucking excited.

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One more fuckin' week to go before my holidays,hurry the fucking fuck up already :doh:

Can I get a fuck yeah? I have one week and two days to go, but it's good en-fucking-nough for me.

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One more fuckin' week to go before my holidays,hurry the fucking fuck up already :doh:

Can I get a fuck yeah? I have one week and two days to go, but it's good en-fucking-nough for me.

Not fuckin' good enough for me brutha as my boss is really getting up my fuckin' ass and not in a pleasurable way :lol: The fucktard is so fuckin' anal he needs a fuckin' scud up his date to loosen the fuck up.I want my holidays and i fuckin' want them now or i'm going to my trailer and talking to my fuckin' manager,game over Dave has left the fucking building.

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I thought I could handle the last few days of work, but fuck me this is just fucked. Credit card bill started it off yesterday, but this is the fucking icing on the fucking cake. Just dying for this fucking working year to be over.

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I thought I could handle the last few days of work, but fuck me this is just fucked. Credit card bill started it off yesterday, but this is the fucking icing on the fucking cake. Just dying for this fucking working year to be over.

My fucking thoughts as well,these last few pulling of fucking teeth days are gonna fucking kill me and last forfuckingever.I told you all before i want my fucking holidays and i fucking want them right fucking now or people will fucking die until my commands are fucking meet. :brutal_36:


I feel fucking better now,now give me my fucking holidays or fucking else :explode:

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Five days left. I can fucking taste it. Plus, I found out yesterday we're not having a full christmas party, but there will be a local piss up on our last day, with cab vouchers included. So I'm pretty fucking happy about that. Thought I'd miss out completely this fucked up year.

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the mere fucking scent of him makes me fucking drunk.


Whoa! That must be some pretty good fuckin' scent him have there! :tumbsup: Perhaps him should bottle that fuckin' scent up.....market fuckin' it....& fuckin' make some $$$$ as well as hims' woman very fuckin' happy?! :P

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the mere fucking scent of him makes me fucking drunk.


Whoa! That must be some pretty good fuckin' scent him have there! :tumbsup: Perhaps him should bottle that fuckin' scent up.....market fuckin' it....& fuckin' make some $$$$ as well as hims' woman very fuckin' happy?! :P

Really? I thought he was just a fuckin' alcoholic and he drunk so much you could smell the bourbon coming out his pores 24/7 and get drunk off it. :(

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the mere fucking scent of him makes me fucking drunk.


Whoa! That must be some pretty good fuckin' scent him have there! :tumbsup: Perhaps him should bottle that fuckin' scent up.....market fuckin' it....& fuckin' make some $$$$ as well as hims' woman very fuckin' happy?! :P

Really? I thought he was just a fuckin' alcoholic and he drunk so much you could smell the bourbon coming out his pores 24/7 and get drunk off it. :(

Hell fuckin' yeah,bourbon astershave you can wear as well as fuckin' drink,now that's the shit.


I still want my fuckin' holidays right the fuck now or the big fat red guy get's it in the fuckin' ass :bigboom:

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the mere fucking scent of him makes me fucking drunk.


Whoa! That must be some pretty good fuckin' scent him have there! :tumbsup: Perhaps him should bottle that fuckin' scent up.....market fuckin' it....& fuckin' make some $$$$ as well as hims' woman very fuckin' happy?! :P




I have to fucking concur. it is a nice smell. a girl can fuckin dream..or in this fuckin case, fantisize :D

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Arg, the cat chewed my fuckin' Ipod headphones.

HAHA! Don't you fucking hate that?! My kitty's a little more gentle and usually only does this sort of stuff when we're around so I can control it, but I probably have 5 different sets of earphones at home (literally, not joking) that have been chewed to shreds by the pugs. It's so fucking annoying because it's not like they're fucking cheap.


As for my car stereo - FUCK!!! Okay, so I learned to deal with the fact it won't play CDRs anymore. Fine, I'll just play originals in there. BUT NO! Fuck, we can't have that, it says. Let's make it so he can't play fucking anything in here, it says. So now the fucking piece of fucking shit is spitting out my original CDs 20-30 times before it finally accepts it and starts playing the CD. So, of my 40min trip to work I spend 10 fucking minutes putting the fucking CD back in the slot after it spits it out. FUCK YOU, YOU FUCKING WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT!!!

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