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The F*%K Thread


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Three games of finals footy down, only the most important - the only one that matters - remains, to be played at 3:30pm tomorrow afternoon. I've had a few drinks, but I'm already unhappily nervous and it's still about 20 hours away. Fuck me with a clothes hanger.

Is that "pretend fuckin' footie" ? :whistle:

No, it's not soccer. It's rugby league - A man's fuckin' game. ;)

Where you use your fuckin' hands !! :rofl2:

Yep, just like a goalkeeper does. Feet are used to kick the ball often during the game, hence giving it the title of football. :)


Go the fucking Eels. I was so happy yesterday I gave birth to my first child. Still a long fucking way to go, though.

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Stubbed my fuckin toe last night... the one next to the little piggy toe. Broke the toenail clean off, bled like a motherfuck. Now it's sore as fuck and has been throbbin' all day.


Needless to say, that same foot has been stepped on at least five times today by the fuckin dog and the kids! :crying:


You poor fuckin' bastard!!!

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I am so beyond fucked, the light from fucked hasn't even been created yet

So in other words, you'd describe his brand of sexual intercourse as fucking awesome?

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Two and a half fucking days. Hurry the fuck up!

Keep counting like that and it will go slower than fucking shit out of a snail!!

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First customer of the day after I've been left here all alone and surprise sur-FUCKING-prise, he is a total c*nt. I hate people so fucking much I hurt inside because of it.

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