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The F*%K Thread


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There's just too much information being fucking shared on this thread.




Anyway good fucking morning everyone. I hope everyone has a great fucking day and no one gets any fucking tickets today ( that means you Freddy ).


Good fucking morning to you H&H. No fucking police intervention this morning, which already puts this day ahead of fucking yesterday

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That's good to fucking hear Freddy. I need to go the fuck to work so I'm fucking out of here.


Take it fuckin' easy brother, and I hope your fucking package from me arrives in the fucking mail today!

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That's good to fucking hear Freddy. I need to go the fuck to work so I'm fucking out of here.


Take it fuckin' easy brother, and I hope your fucking package from me arrives in the fucking mail today!


It fucking arrived today. I'm ready to hear that fucking Raven.

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I really fuckin' hope you love fuckin' Raven as much as I do! They're one of my favorite fuckin' bands and hardly anyone I know has even fuckin' heard of 'em! It's a fuckin' travesty of justice I tell ya!

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I really fuckin' hope you love fuckin' Raven as much as I do! They're one of my favorite fuckin' bands and hardly anyone I know has even fuckin' heard of 'em! It's a fuckin' travesty of justice I tell ya!



I've been wanting to check these guys out for a few fucking years now but didn't know where to fucking start. Like I've told you before the "Raw Tracks" cd I picked up wasn't a good fucking starting point.

I'm sure I'll fucking love it because I like anything from the NWOBHM scene.

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I really fuckin' hope you love fuckin' Raven as much as I do! They're one of my favorite fuckin' bands and hardly anyone I know has even fuckin' heard of 'em! It's a fuckin' travesty of justice I tell ya!



I've been wanting to check these guys out for a few fucking years now but didn't know where to fucking start. Like I've told you before the "Raw Tracks" cd I picked up wasn't a good fucking starting point.

I'm sure I'll fucking love it because I like anything from the NWOBHM scene.


If you fuckin' dig it let me fuckin' know cuz I can be your fuckin' guide through the Raven discography. I am fuckin' Raven Lunatic numero fuckin' Uno. :)

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I really fuckin' hope you love fuckin' Raven as much as I do! They're one of my favorite fuckin' bands and hardly anyone I know has even fuckin' heard of 'em! It's a fuckin' travesty of justice I tell ya!



I've been wanting to check these guys out for a few fucking years now but didn't know where to fucking start. Like I've told you before the "Raw Tracks" cd I picked up wasn't a good fucking starting point.

I'm sure I'll fucking love it because I like anything from the NWOBHM scene.


If you fuckin' dig it let me fuckin' know cuz I can be your fuckin' guide through the Raven discography. I am fuckin' Raven Lunatic numero fuckin' Uno. :)


Sounds fucking good bro. :drink:

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k!!!!!!!!! FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thats the Fucking Spirit JLP ...... Fuck yeah. lol

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FUCK! I'm outta fucking beer!

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Hey Freddy, I usually wear fuckin' clothes when I drive... but I'd be lying if I said I did every fuckin' time. Sometimes after the beach all I wear is a towel... if even that. :D I fuckin' love nakedness.


Hope ya don't have fuckin' leather seats!!! :yikes:


To aquire anything leather, that would require that fuckin' money stuff... and that is an aquisition I am yet to fuckin' make. :(


As for that fuckin' mental image Freddy, add to that me smiling suggestively as I look your fucking way, grinning with a fuckin' peice of straw between my teeth. :D

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Mondays turn me into a fuckin' creep. Seriously, I'm just sitting here bitter and fuckin' angry, not smiling under any circumstances, like a fucking creep... and why? Because of the fact that it's fucking Monday? Fucking miserable fucker of a day. I'm going to ask Uma Thurman if she can chop the fucking day up, slice it to pieces so we never have to deal with the fucking thing again.


I wonder if she can help a fucker out.

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Mondays turn me into a fuckin' creep. Seriously, I'm just sitting here bitter and fuckin' angry, not smiling under any circumstances, like a fucking creep... and why? Because of the fact that it's fucking Monday? Fucking miserable fucker of a day. I'm going to ask Uma Thurman if she can chop the fucking day up, slice it to pieces so we never have to deal with the fucking thing again.


I wonder if she can help a fucker out.



Dude those Kill Bill movies have made you very fucking angry and even fucking violent. :P


While Mondays do fucking suck at least you only have 4 more fucking days until the weekend.

It's still fucking Sunday here so I got 5 fucking days to go until the weekend. FFFFFUUUCCCKKKK!!!!!!!

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Yeah, I have to admit I do take some pleasure in getting my fucking Monday out of the way before you guys even start. HAH.gif


I still want to try and get Uma Thurman to do a fuckin' number on the day though. Slice the fucker up like bread.

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Fuck, Geoff, I am so jealous that it's already fuckin' Tuesday where you are and yet I am just getting started with my fuckin' Monday. Arrrgh. Where's my fuckin' coffee??


On the other fuckin' hand I have a short fuckin' week cuz the family unit and I are going on another fuckin' weekend RV trip starting on fuckin' Friday and returning next fuckin' Monday. There's something to fuckin' look forward to.

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That sounds like fucking fun Freddy, poor old fucking me has to put up with my wife's fucking Grandmother this fucking weekend. :doh:


Fuck, bro, hope you load up on fuckin' beer beforehand. Sounds like you're gonna fucking need it

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That sounds like fucking fun Freddy, poor old fucking me has to put up with my wife's fucking Grandmother this fucking weekend. :doh:


Fuck, bro, hope you load up on fuckin' beer beforehand. Sounds like you're gonna fucking need it



Thanks for the fucking reminder because I'm low on beer.

Maybe I'll breakdown and buy some fucking Newcastle or Goose Island this week.

Or I might buy some fucking Bass Ale.

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That sounds like fucking fun Freddy, poor old fucking me has to put up with my wife's fucking Grandmother this fucking weekend. :doh:


Fuck, bro, hope you load up on fuckin' beer beforehand. Sounds like you're gonna fucking need it



Thanks for the fucking reminder because I'm low on beer.

Maybe I'll breakdown and buy some fucking Newcastle or Goose Island this week.

Or I might buy some fucking Bass Ale.


Never heard of fucking Goose Island, but either that fucking Newcastle or fucking Bass Ale sound fucking sweet to me.

For my fucking RV weekend I'll probably choose fucking quantity over fucking quality and just get a 30 pack of fucking Red Dog or Genesee Cream Ale.

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