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What a fuckin' morning so far...

Fuckin' awesome? Or fuckin' shite?

Fuckin' awesomely shite....

That's fuckin' awesome.

In a fuckin' shite-type way...

Fuck...you must be outta bum paper

No fuckin' chance...

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Pretty fucking tired today. It's deadset dark when we're getting up to walk the puppies in the morning. Pretty fucking hardcore. The pug was carrying on like a pork chop this morning... making his little noises all over the place. As much as I loved my recent holidays I have to admit I missed the little fuckers like hell.

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why does it not fuckin surprise me in the fuckin least, that Geoff has a pug. :)

I'd rather him have a pug that he talks about than a fuckin' butt plug. :yikes:

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why does it not fuckin surprise me in the fuckin least, that Geoff has a pug. :)

I'd rather him have a pug that he talks about than a fuckin' butt plug. :yikes:



I bet he has fucking seven of those, one for each fucking day of the week.!!

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Hey... wait a fuckin' minute. What's wrong with having a fucking pug? They are so fuckin' cute it's absolutely fuckin' ridiculous.


As for the butt plugs... You know how some people collect fridge magnets...?

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Pugs are Fucking Cute!


How the fuck ya'll?

Excellent, mate... how the fuck are you? Where have you been?


And yeah, pugs are really, really fucking cute. Our little munchkin is getting his poor little nuts chopped off today. I think my wife is regretting the day we desexed our first puppy, who is a beautiful little puggell. I have no doubt that if her and our pug had had puppies they would seriously have been the cutest the world has seen. They're both so damn fucking cute!!!

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Pugs are Fucking Cute!


How the fuck ya'll?

Dude where the fuck have you been? Welcome the fuck back!!

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Fuck X2



Oh come on, I didn't think the second X-Men movie was THAT bad, Wot... :lol:

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Fuck X2



Oh come on, I didn't think the second X-Men movie was THAT bad, Wot... :lol:

I believe your post was "fuck"-less Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff


Oh FUCK... busted!!!

Would you fuckin' believe that I was so enraptured with my own fuckin' hilarious joke that I forgot to include the fuckin' magic word? FUCK!

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Fuck X2



Oh come on, I didn't think the second X-Men movie was THAT bad, Wot... :lol:

I believe your post was "fuck"-less Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff

Fuck yeah, get him! :hammer:


But I have to agree, X2 wasn't that fuckin' bad, was it?

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Fuck X2



Oh come on, I didn't think the second X-Men movie was THAT bad, Wot... :lol:

I believe your post was "fuck"-less Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff

Fuck yeah, get him! :hammer:


But I have to agree, X2 wasn't that fuckin' bad, was it?


I rather fuckin' enjoyed it. Now that I fuckin think about it, I just recorded the third fuckin' X-Men movie (which I'd never fuckin seen) off of HBO a couple of fuckin' weeks ago, but I haven't had the fuckin time to watch it yet...

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Fuck X2



Oh come on, I didn't think the second X-Men movie was THAT bad, Wot... :lol:

I believe your post was "fuck"-less Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeff

Fuck yeah, get him! :hammer:


But I have to agree, X2 wasn't that fuckin' bad, was it?

Fuckin' mis-interpretation time again.I meant Fuck multiplied by two..... :whistle:


And who's gonna first to fuckin' post "I fuckin' knew that"


Cos you fuckin' didn't.... :whistle::whistle:

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Fuckin' mis-interpretation time again.I meant Fuck multiplied by two..... :whistle:


And who's gonna first to fuckin' post "I fuckin' knew that"


Cos you fuckin' didn't.... :whistle::whistle:


Of course I fuckin' knew that. I was just being a fuckin' wise ass. That's my fuckin job around here remember??

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Fuckin' mis-interpretation time again.I meant Fuck multiplied by two..... :whistle:


And who's gonna first to fuckin' post "I fuckin' knew that"


Cos you fuckin' didn't.... :whistle::whistle:


Of course I fuckin' knew that. I was just being a fuckin' wise ass. That's my fuckin job around here remember??


I fucking new that as well!!

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