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The F*%K Thread


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I am not going out either. Just staying in because there's too many drunk fuckin' drivers out there. :yikes:

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I still feel the affects of my drinking activities last night. Fuck today has been pretty much a write-off, but a nice relaxing write-off.

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I can't believe that this board has been down all fuckin' day!!

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Almost as bad as having to fuckin' go back to work!!



..Of which I have fucking had to do tonight. Fuck work :fu:

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Happy fuckin' new year everybody!!


What the fuck was up with the board this morning?? I tried to log in and kept getting a fuckin "Fatal Error" message.

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Happy fuckin' new year everybody!!


What the fuck was up with the board this morning?? I tried to log in and kept getting a fuckin "Fatal Error" message.

I say we fuckin' blame Geoff... :whistle:

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Fuck, I've been @ work for an hour and I'm fuckin bored already.

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It is FUCKING Cold out...FUCK....Trying to break the ice outta 10 five gal water buckets freezing my

fucking ass off....Fuck.....

That's a fuckin' cross I have to fuckin' bare aswell..... :whistle::whistle:

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It is FUCKING Cold out...FUCK....Trying to break the ice outta 10 five gal water buckets freezing my

fucking ass off....Fuck.....

That's a fuckin' cross I have to fuckin' bare aswell..... :whistle::whistle:

:bowdown: I know..I learned my Ice Breaking technique from you.. :whistle:

Thanks...oh Fuck it's cold....

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It's fucking cold here as well. 45 degrees as I type this. That's like 10 degrees to you northerners. My blood it too thin for this fucking cold. B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r....

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It's fucking cold here as well. 45 degrees as I type this. That's like 10 degrees to you northerners. My blood it too thin for this fucking cold. B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r....


10 degrees? You lucky fucker, it's minus fucking 4 here!!!

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It's fucking cold here as well. 45 degrees as I type this. That's like 10 degrees to you northerners. My blood it too thin for this fucking cold. B-r-r-r-r-r-r-r....


10 degrees? You lucky fucker, it's minus fucking 4 here!!!

Holy fucking frozen donkey testicles, Batman. You poor fucker....

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