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I am unable to describe in how many ways today has utterly fucked me off. What a fucking fuck-up; everything about it.

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Fuckin' Red Sox.


Obviously Hell has officially fuckin' frozen over. :cussing:

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We went out for Italian last night and I ate so much fuckin food I'm still full this morning!! Damn it was good eatin' though.

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We went out for Italian last night and I ate so much fuckin food I'm still full this morning!! Damn it was good eatin' though.

That sounds fuckin' awesome but truth be told I just had Swedish meatballs and egg noodles. Fuckin' yumm-o. :banana:

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We went out for Italian last night and I ate so much fuckin food I'm still full this morning!! Damn it was good eatin' though.

That sounds fuckin' awesome but truth be told I just had Swedish meatballs and egg noodles. Fuckin' yumm-o. :banana:

I fuckin' love Swedish Meatballs and I almost never have them. I'll have to rectify that fuckin' situation soon. For now more fuckin' coffee!

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We went out for Italian last night and I ate so much fuckin food I'm still full this morning!! Damn it was good eatin' though.

That sounds fuckin' awesome but truth be told I just had Swedish meatballs and egg noodles. Fuckin' yumm-o. :banana:

I fuckin' love Swedish Meatballs and I almost never have them. I'll have to rectify that fuckin' situation soon. For now more fuckin' coffee!

Yeah they're fuckin' awesome, aren't they? As far as coffee, where the fuck is an IV drip when you fuckin' need one?

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Last night was pretty fucked, this morning was fucked and today seems like it will be fucked. Points for consistency.

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Last night was pretty fucked, this morning was fucked and today seems like it will be fucked. Points for consistency.

Fuckin' :woot: for consistency.

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I had a shitty fucking morning.


My dog got fucking loose and wouldn't come back and ran 3 fucking blocks and almost got hit by a fucking car.

If that dog would of died my wife would of fucking killed me, that dog is her child.


Then since I was chasing the fucking dog I was running late for work and then was stuck in fucking road construction.

While in the fucking road construction I started feeling real fucking weak and felt like I was passing out and almost pulled over to the side of the fucking road. I think I felt fucking weak since I didn't drink any fucking beer yesterday, I knew that was a fucking mistake.

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My dog was good this morning, but the rest was fucked and I was fucking late to work too. People might start talking now... saying we met up for a bong before work or something and that's why we were both late. Fucking grapevine... it does that to a man.

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Saw a big ole motherfuckin' bear in someone's yard as I was walking the dog this evening. Thankfully he let the dog and I pass without any incident.

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Saw a big ole motherfuckin' bear in someone's yard as I was walking the dog this evening. Thankfully he let the dog and I pass without any incident.

What the fuck? That's fuckin' awesome! I want to cuddle it.

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Saw a big ole motherfuckin' bear in someone's yard as I was walking the dog this evening. Thankfully he let the dog and I pass without any incident.

Fuckin' Jersey bears have to be some of the most kind and courteous bears around.

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Yea, Yogi seemed like a pretty cool motherfucker. I didn't even see the fucker till I was almost on top of it. The dog growled at something so I looked to my left and here's this fuckin' bear just chillin' in the middle of somebody's front fuckin' lawn. I went "WHOA!" and he just picked his head up and looked at me, watched me go by.

Bears are fuckin' cool.

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Yea, Yogi seemed like a pretty cool motherfucker. I didn't even see the fucker till I was almost on top of it. The dog growled at something so I looked to my left and here's this fuckin' bear just chillin' in the middle of somebody's front fuckin' lawn. I went "WHOA!" and he just picked his head up and looked at me, watched me go by.

Bears are fuckin' cool.



Ok What the FUCK is a bear doin in Jersey?? Fucker must be fuckin LOST......


And yea FUCK the Red Sox!!!!

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Ok What the FUCK is a bear doin in Jersey?? Fucker must be fuckin LOST......


Where the fuck you been? We got plenty-o-fuckin-bears in Jersey... there was actually talk about having a fuckin hunting season for'em this Fall, but thankfully the idea got shot the fuck down. I'm a bear supporter. Don't like the idea of fuckin rednecks running around my fuckin town with fuckin guns trying to shoot the furry fuckers.


And yea FUCK the Red Sox!!!!


Don't even get me fuckin' started on those Bostonian motherfuckers.

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We used to have bears where I was in Wyoming. None that i would want to run into. Grizzlies scare the FUCK out of me.


No grizzlies in Jersey... just plain ol' garden fuckin variety black bears. They're still nothin' you want to run into if they're pissed the fuck off of course, but for the most part they're more fuckin' scared of you than you are of them. They usually run the other way when they encounter people.


Oh, and on my fuckin' way here this AM two deer ran across the fuckin road right in front of my fuckin' car. Must be my fuckin' week for fuckin' wildlife sightings....

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We used to have bears where I was in Wyoming. None that i would want to run into. Grizzlies scare the FUCK out of me.


No grizzlies in Jersey... just plain ol' garden fuckin variety black bears. They're still nothin' you want to run into if they're pissed the fuck off of course, but for the most part they're more fuckin' scared of you than you are of them. They usually run the other way when they encounter people.


Oh, and on my fuckin' way here this AM two deer ran across the fuckin road right in front of my fuckin' car. Must be my fuckin' week for fuckin' wildlife sightings....



I'd hate to run into this fucker.



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Bears... they're all over the fuckin forum!



... and I like it.

Bears? Wasn't that a really fuckin' good song by Zebra?

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Did Zebra actually record any good fuckin' songs? I don't know, I wouldn't know. Aren't they the band with that fuckin' vocalist?

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Did Zebra actually record any good fuckin' songs? I don't know, I wouldn't know. Aren't they the band with that fuckin' vocalist?


Yea, that fuckin' guy who sounded like he was grabbing his fuckin' balls in a pair of needle nose fuckin pliers.




Man, I hated that fuckin song. :(

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