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The F*%K Thread


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Woke to the fuckin' sounds of fuckin' birds fuckin' singing,then realised they were fuckin' buzzards....

They weren't fucking circling too, were they?

Too fuckin' right they were..Fuckers !!!

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Woke to the fuckin' sounds of fuckin' birds fuckin' singing,then realised they were fuckin' buzzards....

They weren't fucking circling too, were they?

Too fuckin' right they were..Fuckers !!!

You have to blast those fuckers out of the sky with your blow-dart gun...

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Good fucking Saturday morning Mother Fuckers.


I have a bunch of fucking yard work to do today and I need to repair the screens on my screen in porch.

Have yourself a grand old fucking time Wes.

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Good fucking Saturday morning Mother Fuckers.


I have a bunch of fucking yard work to do today and I need to repair the screens on my screen in porch.


Good muthafuckin' mornin' to you to Wes, it's fucking raining here this morning so the fucking yard work will have to wait until tomorrow. Be-fucking-sides I'm fuckin' hung over.

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We're in Spring Fucking Cleaning mode around the house here as well. The only reason I'm posting right now is cuz we're on a fuckin' lunch break, then it's back to the fuckin' grind.

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Good fucking Saturday morning Mother Fuckers.


I have a bunch of fucking yard work to do today and I need to repair the screens on my screen in porch.


Good muthafuckin' mornin' to you to Wes, it's fucking raining here this morning so the fucking yard work will have to wait until tomorrow. Be-fucking-sides I'm fuckin' hung over.



It's no fucking fun doing work around the house when you have a fucking hangover.

Were supposed to be going out tonight to see some local covers band that's supposed to be real fucking good. I really don't fucking care either way because I'm gonna get loaded :chug: and I'll be the one with the fooking hangover tomorrow, so it's a good fucking thing that I got some work done today. :P

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Pretty fuckin' average day taking place here. Pretty... fucking... average. Time to spice it the fuck up a bit. Anyone want to hang out underpants on each other's clothes lines and kick it like it's 1974??

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Pretty fuckin' average day taking place here. Pretty... fucking... average. Time to spice it the fuck up a bit. Anyone want to hang out underpants on each other's clothes lines and kick it like it's 1974??

I can picture you hanging fucking underpants on the clothesline listening to the fucking Starland Vocal Band on your hand held radio set to your favorite AM station.

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So I went for a fuckin' surf this afternoon. Beautiful afternoon, beautiful water temperature. I was out there for a while and there was no one else out there, which fuckin' ruled. Soon enough I decided to get my last wave in. Caught it, but the fucker broke way too quick so I decided I'd try and ride the fucker in like a body board... got fucking nailed instead. Myself and the board spun all the way around the fuckin' place, I swore I was going to snap the fucking nose off on the sand (after putting a knee through the fucking thing yesterday :() but luckily the board didn't snap. It did, however, get run through like a fucking washing machine and the fins ended up embedded in my shoulder blade. :lol: Okay, not embedded, but the fucking fins sliced my right shoulder blade and it honestly felt like it tore right through the flesh. It fucking burned. I checked it out in the fuckin' carpark in the reflection of my fucking windows and it's a pretty fucking awesome wound. Not too bad at all, but fucking big and gnarly lookin'. :)

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An old rhyme from the playground back in the day:


Oom-Chucka-Willie from the Coconut Grove

Was a mean motherfucker, you could tell by his clothes

He had long hair and a big fat ass

He liked to drink beer and he liked to smoke grass

He lined 100 girls up against the wall

And said "Holy shit, I'm gonna fuck'em all!"

He fucked 98 then his balls turned blue

He took a shot of whiskey, then he fucked the other two

When Willie died he went straight to hell

He fucked the devil and he did it real well

On his gravestone it says in green:

"Oom-Chucka-Willie Was A FUCKIN' MACHINE!"

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Fuck my fuckin' upper back and right shoulder blade have pulled up really sore today after yesterday's little fuckin' mishap.

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I am fucking starving. Not sure what the fuck I'm to eat tonight. Fuckin' dim sims, I guess.

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my head could fuckin implode right now, and i don't know if i would


A) notice




B ) Care





:explode: Fuck I think I would fucking notice.

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Fuckin' Tuesday here, halfway through. Monday wasn't so fucking bad this week, to be honest. Probably because it's only a 4 day week so it was technically a fuckin' Tuesday.

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One of 2 fuckin' things is about to take place:


1. I will soon "glance" at some pronography and be entranced for the rest of the fuckin' night until I go to bed.


2. I will finish up on the net and put a movie DVD in the fuckin' player and watch that... then briefly view pornography afterwards before I retire for the night.


I fuckin' hope it's the later. For my own fuckin' sake.

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I just dropped something in the fuckin' kitchen and without thinking I said "FUCK!" in front of my four year old... who told me "Daddy, that's a very bad word. Please don't say it EVER again."


I just got fuckin' schooled by my own kid. I fuckin' hate when that happens.

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