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The F*%K Thread


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Want me to fucking serenade you?


Could you? Sing me a fucking song. Shake your ass while your at it.


And the fuckin' thread turns South yet again... somehow I feel fuckin' responsible... :anon:

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Want me to fucking serenade you?


LOL.........fuckin' SAAAAAAANG ONE MONKEY!!!



anyone fuckin' remember the song "Guitarzan" :bananamac:


I don't fuckin' remember that, what's it all about?


I'm trippin' down memory lane here.....lol. There's a line where he tells his ape "Ape" to "sang one, monkey".....and the ape goes "ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh"..... Well....I was goin' with this big football player type (NOT meant to offend.. ;) )......but this guy was NOT the brightest. -_- Once he was singing.....and I said "sang one, monkey"......and he looks at me and says "Why do I got to sang like a monnnnnnkey????"..... :rofl2:



Ok........had to fuckin' be in my head for that one...... -_-:lol:

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Probably... It was way back in the fuckin' stone ages. Along with "The Streak" and "I Don't Like Spiders And Snakes" and stupid fuckin' shit like that...

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Jessie has a bad case of fuckin' baby acne. Any fuckin' suggestions, parents?? Thanks a fuckin' bunch! :drink:


BTW, Happy fuckin' birthday yesterday! :drink:


Happy belated fuckin' birthday Sis!!!!!! :cheer:


And yeah.......on the baby zits......no cure. They just go away, but keep her moisturized. And resist the urge to pick at 'em.......they scream. :lol: I remember having to wait......and wait....and wait for them to fuckin' go away once when I wanted to get Shane's portraits done.


Pain inna fuckin' butt.



Thanks for remembering! :drink: I've been so busy lately I kind of forgot about it (I'm 29.7 - do the math! :P ) My husband's (and his twin) is tomorrow, so we usually go to dinner or something on the 7th. Needless to say I'm ordering the most expensive fuckin' thing on the menu! :lol:

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.


Fucking with newbies is fun.

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.


Fucking with newbies is fun.




yes it is, but you have to fucking remember that we were newbies 'once upon a.........'(you get the Cinderella/Brittingham joke there - I know what you thinking 'Wes you're a genius')

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.


Fucking with newbies is fun.




yes it is, but you have to fucking remember that we were newbies 'once upon a.........'(you get the Cinderella/Brittingham joke there - I know what you thinking 'Wes you're a genius')



I wasn't thinking that at all.


I was thinking Wes you are a fucking genius.

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.


Fucking with newbies is fun.




yes it is, but you have to fucking remember that we were newbies 'once upon a.........'(you get the Cinderella/Brittingham joke there - I know what you thinking 'Wes you're a genius')



I wasn't thinking that at all.


I was thinking Wes you are a fucking genius.



I fucking have my moments where the sun shine's 'Through the Rain'.

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.


Fucking with newbies is fun.




yes it is, but you have to fucking remember that we were newbies 'once upon a.........'(you get the Cinderella/Brittingham joke there - I know what you thinking 'Wes you're a genius')



I wasn't thinking that at all.


I was thinking Wes you are a fucking genius.



I fucking have my moments where the sun shine's 'Through the Rain'.



He must be butter cause he's on a fucking roll.

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.



I may not have 5000+ posts, but I'm far from a :n00b: around here! :blink:

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**********Random Thought***********


I can just see Christine coming back to the board after her hiatus and thinking WTFUCK is up with all this Eric Brittingham stuff.



********Back to my regularly scheduled thoughts*************




I think that is throwing all the fucking newbies off too.



I may not have 5000+ posts, but I'm far from a :n00b: around here! :blink:




We weren't saying you were a noob, we were talking about the poor people that come on this forum for the 1st time to see all of this Eric Brittingham nonsence that's been going on.


and by the way you forgot to say the magic word- FUCK. :)

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Goooood fuckin' morning everybody... it's fuckin' raining in Jersey, and I'm still half asleep cuz the wife and I were up till past fuckin' midnight last night putting together our new computer desk that we bought at fuckin' Staples. Therefore, nobody better fuck with me today cuz I am NOT in the fuckin' mood for any fuckin' bullshit!! :angry:


Other than that, everything's fuckin' fine...how'bout y'all?

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Goooood fuckin' morning everybody... it's fuckin' raining in Jersey, and I'm still half asleep cuz the wife and I were up till past fuckin' midnight last night putting together our new computer desk that we bought at fuckin' Staples. Therefore, nobody better fuck with me today cuz I am NOT in the fuckin' mood for any fuckin' bullshit!! :angry:


Other than that, everything's fuckin' fine...how'bout y'all?




Sounds like someone hasn't had their fucking cup of coffee yet this morning. :unsure:

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Sounds like someone hasn't had their fucking cup of coffee yet this morning. :unsure:


Today I feel like I need one of them fuckin' gigantic "Box O'Joe" coffee containers from Dunkin' Fuckin' Donuts!!

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