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The F*%K Thread


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Fuck, can you believe there are now one hundred and fuckin' forty two pages in this fuckin' thread? Is this not the greatest fuckin' thread ever? If you're ever fuckin' bored and want to laugh your fuckin' ass off, just re-read some of the old entries in this fuckin' thread. There is some serious Comedy fuckin' GOLD in these thar hills, I ain't fuckin' kidding.

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How the fuck is everybody doin on this fine Friday morning?

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It's fucking friday and I'm ready to get to the fucking weekend.


You doing alright out there in Jersey Brother Keith?


Fuckin' gellin' like Magellan up in this fuckin' piece, bro. Got a busy fuckin' weekend ahead of me tho.

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It's fucking friday and I'm ready to get to the fucking weekend.


You doing alright out there in Jersey Brother Keith?


Fuckin' gellin' like Magellan up in this fuckin' piece, bro. Got a busy fuckin' weekend ahead of me tho.


:woot: Friday.........is my Monday. :thppt: S'ok.........I'm in a kickass fuckin' mood......so watch out West Fuckin' Milton, Ohio!!! :bananamac::lol:

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On a slightly more fuckin' serious note, I'd appreciate if everyone roots for my poor old fuckin' kitty cat who's going to the fucking vet this afternoon. He's an old fucker, (roughly 13-15 years old), and he recently had seven teeth taken out of his head. Now he seems to have a chronic fucking ear problem that's driving him out of his fuckin' mind, he's been scratching one ear till he fuckin bleeds, and for the last day or two it's been oozing all kinds of fuckin' nasty stuff that smells like ass. I don't know what the fuckin' vet is going to say but he did tell us a while back that the cat has fuckin' tumors in his ears that were going to "be trouble" somewhere down the line... well, I think the fuckin' "trouble" has started.


Put it to you this fuckin' way, my wife has asked that I leave work fuckin' early today to come to the vet with her and my son (and the fuckin' cat of course) in case it's something REALLY serious and we have to, er, "explain" certain things to my son if you catch my drift.


So please, root for my fuckin' kitty and join me in hoping that this isn't as fuckin' serious as it fuckin' sounds... cuz I really don't wanna have to have "that" kinda fuckin' talk with my son tonight....


FUCK! This is not how I wanted to start my fuckin' weekend!!!

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On a slightly more fuckin' serious note, I'd appreciate if everyone roots for my poor old fuckin' kitty cat who's going to the fucking vet this afternoon. He's an old fucker, (roughly 13-15 years old), and he recently had seven teeth taken out of his head. Now he seems to have a chronic fucking ear problem that's driving him out of his fuckin' mind, he's been scratching one ear till he fuckin bleeds, and for the last day or two it's been oozing all kinds of fuckin' nasty stuff that smells like ass. I don't know what the fuckin' vet is going to say but he did tell us a while back that the cat has fuckin' tumors in his ears that were going to "be trouble" somewhere down the line... well, I think the fuckin' "trouble" has started.


Put it to you this fuckin' way, my wife has asked that I leave work fuckin' early today to come to the vet with her and my son (and the fuckin' cat of course) in case it's something REALLY serious and we have to, er, "explain" certain things to my son if you catch my drift.


So please, root for my fuckin' kitty and join me in hoping that this isn't as fuckin' serious as it fuckin' sounds... cuz I really don't wanna have to have "that" kinda fuckin' talk with my son tonight....


FUCK! This is not how I wanted to start my fuckin' weekend!!!

Sorry to hear bout the Cat...I'll keep him in my thoughts and Prayers..

Back to the Fuckin Topic...IIIII WWAAANNT AAA FFFUUCCKKINN BBBEEEERRR!!!!!!! :chug:

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Thanx for the fuckin' props folks... I appreciate it... but that kitty is a tough old fucker so hopefully this vet visit won't be as fuckin' bad as I'm fuckin dreading...

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On a slightly more fuckin' serious note, I'd appreciate if everyone roots for my poor old fuckin' kitty cat who's going to the fucking vet this afternoon. He's an old fucker, (roughly 13-15 years old), and he recently had seven teeth taken out of his head. Now he seems to have a chronic fucking ear problem that's driving him out of his fuckin' mind, he's been scratching one ear till he fuckin bleeds, and for the last day or two it's been oozing all kinds of fuckin' nasty stuff that smells like ass. I don't know what the fuckin' vet is going to say but he did tell us a while back that the cat has fuckin' tumors in his ears that were going to "be trouble" somewhere down the line... well, I think the fuckin' "trouble" has started.


Put it to you this fuckin' way, my wife has asked that I leave work fuckin' early today to come to the vet with her and my son (and the fuckin' cat of course) in case it's something REALLY serious and we have to, er, "explain" certain things to my son if you catch my drift.


So please, root for my fuckin' kitty and join me in hoping that this isn't as fuckin' serious as it fuckin' sounds... cuz I really don't wanna have to have "that" kinda fuckin' talk with my son tonight....


FUCK! This is not how I wanted to start my fuckin' weekend!!!


Sorry to fuckin' hear that, Keith! My best wishes to your kitty, as well as yourself, wife & son! I hope for the absolute fuckin' best!

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On a slightly more fuckin' serious note, I'd appreciate if everyone roots for my poor old fuckin' kitty cat who's going to the fucking vet this afternoon. He's an old fucker, (roughly 13-15 years old), and he recently had seven teeth taken out of his head. Now he seems to have a chronic fucking ear problem that's driving him out of his fuckin' mind, he's been scratching one ear till he fuckin bleeds, and for the last day or two it's been oozing all kinds of fuckin' nasty stuff that smells like ass. I don't know what the fuckin' vet is going to say but he did tell us a while back that the cat has fuckin' tumors in his ears that were going to "be trouble" somewhere down the line... well, I think the fuckin' "trouble" has started.


Put it to you this fuckin' way, my wife has asked that I leave work fuckin' early today to come to the vet with her and my son (and the fuckin' cat of course) in case it's something REALLY serious and we have to, er, "explain" certain things to my son if you catch my drift.


So please, root for my fuckin' kitty and join me in hoping that this isn't as fuckin' serious as it fuckin' sounds... cuz I really don't wanna have to have "that" kinda fuckin' talk with my son tonight....


FUCK! This is not how I wanted to start my fuckin' weekend!!!


Sorry to fuckin' hear that, Keith! My best wishes to your kitty, as well as yourself, wife & son! I hope for the absolute fuckin' best!

Mine too Keith. I wish your kitty the fucking best...

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man, what a fuckin week, I am fuckin tired, have not been this fuckin tired on a friday in a long time, even though most fridays I am fuckin tired after a long week, but this friday, I am so much more fuckin tired then normal fuckin fridays, I wonder if the fuckin clock change had anything to do with it???

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Hi again all, and thanks for the fuckin' best wishes for the fuckin' kitty... we're back from the fuckin' vet, so here's the fuckin' scoop. He *does* have a rather large fuckin' "growth" that's almost fully blocking one fuckin' ear canal, which explains why he's been so fuckin' uncomfortable!! The doc recommends that we try to treat it first with antibiotics and see if that makes him more fuckin' comfortable. If it doesn't fuckin help then the only other fuckin' option is surgery, which is a risky fuckin' proposition for a 15 year old fuckin' kitty. That discussion is on the back fuckin' burner for obvious reasons. So for right now at least, "Lester" is back fuckin' home again, he ain't happy about having to get this fucking medicated goop squirted in his fuckin' ears, but I guess it beats the fuckin' alternative...

At least I didn't have to make "the" speech to my son today like I was fuckin' afraid I might have to, I was fuckin' rehearsing some words of fuckin' wisdom in the fuckin' car on my way home today just in case, but for now at least it's been put the fuck off for a little while. I hope you all join me in a chant of "GO FUCKIN' CAT! GO FUCKIN' CAT!"

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Hi again all, and thanks for the fuckin' best wishes for the fuckin' kitty... here's the fuckin' scoop. He *does* have a fuckin' "growth" blocking one fuckin' ear canal, which we are gonna try to treat first with antibiotics and see if that makes him more fuckin' comfortable. If it doesn't fuckin help then the only other fuckin' option is surgery, which is a risky fuckin' proposition for a 15 year old fuckin' kitty. So for right now at least, "Lester" is back fuckin' home again, he ain't happy about having to get this fucking medicated goop squirted in his fuckin' ears, but I guess it beats the fuckin' alternative...

At least I didn't have to make "the" speech to my son today, I was fuckin' rehearsing some words of fuckin' wisdom in the fuckin' car on my way home today just in case, but for now at least it's been put the fuck off for a little while. I hope you all join me in a chant of "GO FUCKIN' CAT! GO FUCKIN' CAT!"


That's fucking good to hear.




Glad to hear that the Cat is gonna make it for a while longer.



Here's to your cat Keith. :drink:

Ummmmm.........you didn't say the bad word.


Lisa is gonna fucking get you.

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very fuckin cool, glad to have the catty around for a while, I hope all will be well!!!!

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Poor little Lester, I hope he's better soon. My 14 yr. old, Bunnie, has the start of kidney failure. She's on prescription kitty food and it's helping. I fuckin' hate it when kitties are sick! :angry:

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Lester fuckin' appreciates all the cat fans in his fuckin corner and sez "thanks." Well, I think it might have been "thanks," anyway. It just sounded like "fuckin' MEOW" to me.

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I could imagine that too..."Well Keith, after I fucking lick myself all clean I'm just gonna fucking MEOW!!!"

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I could imagine that too..."Well Keith, after I fucking lick myself all clean I'm just gonna fucking MEOW!!!"


Cat: "Meow"

Translation: "Fuckin' A, will you get off that fuckin' computer and feed me already, you fuckin' dork?"

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