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The F*%K Thread


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Here again at the crack of fucking dawn. Can I get a fuck yeah?! For some reason I was left in a better mood after this effort yesterday... I wonder if it does the same today? I fucking doubt it as it'd make no sense, but let us see.


Let... us... see.


Let us.

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  • My Little Pony

Nice and warm here this morning, thanks to central heating!


"Thanks central heating!"

"It's all right mate it's what I'm here for".

"Seen any good bands recently?"

"No I'm kind of stuck to the wall...although that DVD of Starz you watched a couple of nights ago was okay!"

"Glad you enjoyed it, fancy a quick pint around the pub?"

"I already told you I'm pretty much stuck to the wall!!"

"Ah, what about going to McDonalds then??"


All my central heating has ever said to me was, "Are you cold, fucker? Well, too fucking bad!"

He's so mean. :crying:

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I just scored the complete Halford collection (inc. the new remasters of 'Resurrection' and 'Crucible') on ebay for £21. Fucking 'Av some of that, you little beauty :headbanger:

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Gimme another fucking beer. :beerbang:


That's fuckin' early for a beer, mate ! At least over here ... ;)

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