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Fuckin'A!! I'll be at the fuckin Iron Maiden concert in just about 48 fuckin hours!!



Fuckin' :beerbang:



I suppose it would be fuckin out of line for you to make goggle eyes at Mr. D for me :nyanya:

What the fuck are goggle eyes? :yikes: <------ like that??

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Aren't goggle eyes used when you're drunk out of your fuckin' mind and you're looking at this dude and you're all like, 'Wow, what a fucking hottie!' So you bed him, then wake up the next morning only to see an ogre lying beside you and you're all like 'WTF, I so must have had my beer goggles one last night!'


Of course, instead of 'dude' I meant 'lady' and instead of 'ogre' I meant 'ogress' ... or did I?

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Why is everything so fucking expensive? Not just most stuff... EVERYTHING! Fuck it all, and the costs on it.


You should fucking live over here mate! - now that IS fucking expensive!!! :crying:

Too fuckin' true !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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FUCK! They're testing the fuckin fire alarms in the building this morning. So all I've heard for the last fifteen fuckin minutes is a fuckin constant




Which is pretty fuckin annoying in and of itself, but even MORE annoying is that one of my fuckin diva co-workers has to whine "OOOOOH MY GOD, NOT AGAIIIIIIIN!" or "OH NOOOOOOOOO!" every time it fuckin starts up again.

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FUCK! They're testing the fuckin fire alarms in the building this morning. So all I've heard for the last fifteen fuckin minutes is a fuckin constant




Which is pretty fuckin annoying in and of itself, but even MORE annoying is that one of my fuckin diva co-workers has to whine "OOOOOH MY GOD, NOT AGAIIIIIIIN!" or "OH NOOOOOOOOO!" every time it fuckin starts up again.



I can fuckin picture you with a diva co-worker. :crazy: those are more of the goggle eyes. I have had my fuckin share in the last 24 ;)

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I can fuckin picture you with a diva co-worker. :crazy: those are more of the goggle eyes. I have had my fuckin share in the last 24 ;)


There are some other fuckin' words I could use to describe said diva but I don't want to get into any fuckin trouble. <_<


By the way, I don't think Bruce Dickinson would be able to see me making fuckin goggle eyes at him on your fuckin behalf, cuz my seats aren't that fuckin great.

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WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!! Just got back from a fuckin' mini vaca to Cedar Point. Three fuckin' days of sun, fun and coasters! :woot:


Top Thrill Dragster: 120 mph in 4 seconds. 420 feet over the top.....then zooooooooooooom back down. Whatta fuckin' rush...


My boob fell outta my shirt. -_-



:lol: I am sooooooooooooooooooo fuckin' tired.

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Fuckin'A!! I'll be at the fuckin Iron Maiden concert in just about 48 fuckin hours!!



I suppose it would be fuckin out of line for you to make goggle eyes at Mr. D for me :nyanya:

:rofl2: That's a Good one... I can't imagine ( or wanna) seeing Keef make

Goggle eyes at Mr D....Fuck

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

No-one in fuckin' particular......... :whistle:

A rotter is equivalent to a fuckin' yellowdog.

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

No-one in fuckin' particular......... :whistle:

A rotter is equivalent to a fuckin' yellowdog.

A damn fuckin' rotter....... :whistle:

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

No-one in fuckin' particular......... :whistle:

A rotter is equivalent to a fuckin' yellowdog.

A damn fuckin' rotter....... :whistle:

Like a fuckin' cad?

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

No-one in fuckin' particular......... :whistle:

A rotter is equivalent to a fuckin' yellowdog.

A damn fuckin' rotter....... :whistle:

Like a fuckin' cad?

A fuckin' cad- like fuckin' rotter... :whistle:

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What a fuckin' rotter !!!!!!!!!!!

What's a fuckin' rotter :unsure:

No-one in fuckin' particular......... :whistle:

A rotter is equivalent to a fuckin' yellowdog.

A damn fuckin' rotter....... :whistle:

Like a fuckin' cad?

A fuckin' cad- like fuckin' rotter... :whistle:

Probably alot like a cur-like fuckin' yellowdog... :whistle:

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I got my left ear shot off my head this morning and then as I reached down to pick it up a bullet caught me in the throat. Whoops, I do this all the time. My mistake, it's just fucking Monday again.

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I got my left ear shot off my head this morning and then as I reached down to pick it up a bullet caught me in the throat. Whoops, I do this all the time. My mistake, it's just fucking Monday again.

A common fuckin' occurance round our fuckin' way......... :crying::crying:

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Good fuckin morning fuckers. its fuckin monday.


Dont' fuckin' remind me!! :angry:

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