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exizt (x-izt)

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Actually Mike i see things from both sides.....both of you are wrong, Staryder is wrong for bringing here, and you are wrong for repsonding the way you did.....how bout this why don't both of you grow up, you claim it is abuse, dude it is text, and if text hurts your feelings you don't need to be here in the 1st place....I have the right to state my opinion, i didn't respond taking sides, like alot of others have. Let it  die, grown up and be men......

And you have done exactly the same thing with this post that you accuse Mike of!

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Nono, I didnt mean for you to sit and take it. That's why the forum is - argue and sort it all here as much as you like. Going on eBay and screwing the guy raising up the bid and then retracting so it will go to his maximum is not something one should be proud of, no matter what excuse. That's how I see it.

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I guess there is just different opinions on how things should be handled no matter which way we turn....thanks for all the differing opinions...I will try to see the points Lonnie and Stormspell have made and learn from any mistakes I have made....although I think it is clear we disagree on what those mistakes are....but there are always 2 sides to every story....I think the best way to let this thread die out is to just apologize to anyone I might have offended here, either lonnie, stormspell, staryder1 or anyone that does not like my pricing of cd's.....but I will continue to sell, trade and collect cd's.....one thing I think that has been missed in all of this is when I start a cd out on ebay...I do take offers...and often sell for much less than my listed price on ebay...just did tonight on a couple cd's....made a few bucks and gave someone a deal....but I do try to make money......thanks for listening and your opinions...take care .Michael :)

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Nobody wants my 2 cents but here it is...


Michael you are a cool guy most of the time but your selling/trading habits are shady at best. From claiming to have 2 or 3 copies left of a cd to suddenly accumulating 30 is an extremely dubious way to do biz. Not to mention the little trading ring between you , Delbert and Surrf and how you guys have this 'deal' going on. And you know exactly what I'm talking about.

And should we mention the times you bought stuff for $5 or $10 off CDBaby and then claimed it was an extremely rare piece and hocked it for $200++??


Like I said , Michael you are a cool guy most of the time with good intentions , but don't try to smell like a rose when you just took a healthy shit.



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Oh , and I should mention one other piece of news.  It doesn't matter if you paid $300 or $1000 for Kidd Wikkid , it won't be worth much when the re-issue comes out in about 3 weeks.


:)  :)  :)


For once I feel glad I dont own this CD :)

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Nobody wants my 2 cents but here it is...


Michael you are a cool guy most of the time but your selling/trading habits are shady at best.  From claiming to have 2 or 3 copies left of a cd to suddenly accumulating 30 is an extremely dubious way to do biz.  Not to mention the little trading ring between you , Delbert and Surrf and how you guys have this 'deal' going on.  And you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

And should we mention the times you bought stuff for $5 or $10 off CDBaby and then claimed it was an extremely rare piece and hocked it for $200++??


Like I said , Michael you are a cool guy most of the time with good intentions , but don't try to smell like a rose when you just took a healthy shit.


:)  :P  :)


Not sure you and I have ever done business so you would have to fill me in on what deal I somehow screwed you on or was shady with as I do not know you at least I cannot place who you are so I cannot apologize for something I have no knowledge of....also your info is a bit out of date..I do still have a good relationship, ( I think ) with delbert but surrf and I are history as of months back....we no longer do business which is fine by both of us....I am sure if you ask burt, he is fine with that as well and we both go marching happily on....you seem to know me but I don't know you so I don't know what else to say....????

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Nobody wants my 2 cents but here it is...


Michael you are a cool guy most of the time but your selling/trading habits are shady at best.  From claiming to have 2 or 3 copies left of a cd to suddenly accumulating 30 is an extremely dubious way to do biz.  Not to mention the little trading ring between you , Delbert and Surrf and how you guys have this 'deal' going on.  And you know exactly what I'm talking about. 

And should we mention the times you bought stuff for $5 or $10 off CDBaby and then claimed it was an extremely rare piece and hocked it for $200++??


Like I said , Michael you are a cool guy most of the time with good intentions , but don't try to smell like a rose when you just took a healthy shit.


:)  :P  :)



Holy crap! Are you attempting to insult and be hated by every single member of the HH message board. Staryder1, may have a beef with MButt, but you seem to have one with everyone.

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Oh , and I should mention one other piece of news.  It doesn't matter if you paid $300 or $1000 for Kidd Wikkid , it won't be worth much when the re-issue comes out in about 3 weeks.


:)  :)  :)


as a collector of the rare indies I prefer the original to the reissue whether it is a good reissue or a bad reissue (artwork) so mine is just fine by me.. but everyone is different.... :)

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Zachary I am not insulting anyone.  I have many friends here at HH but there are some truths that should be revealed.  Isn't that what the Good and Bad traders section is for?  To expose any shady sellers/buyers??  Or am I not allowed to do that because I am not liked by the select few?


so are you going to let me know who you are and what exactly I screwed you out of????

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whoa....I am getting a shitload of PM's telling me 80smetalcollector is Sam McCaslin of Retrospect....is this true?? I am going to have to rethink my sudden purchasing of Retrospect products given how you seem to feel about me....man that blows me away....when I buy stuff from you your emails are nothing but nice......hmmmm........

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whoa....I am getting a shitload of PM's telling me 80smetalcollector is Sam McCaslin of Retrospect....is this true?? I am going to have to rethink my sudden purchasing of Retrospect products given how you seem to feel about me....man that blows me away....when I buy stuff from you your emails are nothing but nice......hmmmm........



That is completely false. I have been his friend for a few years but I am not him.

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You never really screwed ME per se Michael , but us collectors talk y'know so many things are somewhat common knowledge.  I am not ragging on you , I just think you have done some shady things in the past and I don't see you denying it.



I have to deny everything you are saying until I get more specifics...who did I rip off...what was the cd...etc..etc..etc...?? help me out dude.....

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Ok so now I am supposed to document actual shady dealings?  That may implicate a few other members at this site so I think I better shut up.  Michael , you are a good guy , let's just leave it at that.


Actually....and I've said this to PJ...to Koogles and to everyone else who implicate people in shit that they don't...or can't...back up, that you need to 'put up or shut up'.....it's really that simple. Otherwise you're wasting your time....and ours....and, to be honest....what have you contributed to the community here???


I would seriously think that the only reason you come here is to stir the pot.....

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Again, like I said in my earlier post, I feel this was the wrong way to post info about a cd that was available through a cheaper venue. It seemed to me that it was more geared at slamming Mbutt. I have dealt with Michael on a few ebay auctions and never had a problem with any of our transactions. He's been a great seller to me. If I ever thought something was a little over priced or I new of another method of getting that cd, I wouldn't bid/purchase it from him. I would get it from the other source/method. I didn't start bad mouthing him or his selling practices. Like I said initially, you should have just put a shout out to everybody on how to get another great cd and listed how to get it.


Just my opinion!

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thats one of the greatest things about living in the USA is we are allowed to have opinions without the fear of being arrested or tortured or you know what i mean one comment i have been buying from both surrf and delbert they are 2 of (in my opinion) best sellers on ebay 80s rock collector whoever you are let me says thanks for seeing my side

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What part are you missing Staryder? All we said was that if you see a cheaper version from another seller, post that. The way you worded your initial post made it look like a personal thing between Mbutt and yourself.

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Ok so now I am supposed to document actual shady dealings?  That may implicate a few other members at this site so I think I better shut up.  Michael , you are a good guy , let's just leave it at that.


Actually....and I've said this to PJ...to Koogles and to everyone else who implicate people in shit that they don't...or can't...back up, that you need to 'put up or shut up'.....it's really that simple. Otherwise you're wasting your time....and ours....and, to be honest....what have you contributed to the community here???


I would seriously think that the only reason you come here is to stir the pot.....


Jim , I just said that Michael is a cool guy and you're right , I should've never thrown my 2 cents in unless I was willing to back it up , so I apologize for possibly starting something that Staryder could have finished.

Point taken , I bow out quietly and humbly.


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It has been stated it is all about "making money", and i agree to that to an extent, but there is a big difference in "making money" and totally "raping someone"......Not saying this is the case with Michael at all, but for example, if he paid $40 and is turning around and saying ok i will sell it for $125, that is taking advantage ala raping someone......And that is the problem with alot of sellers nowadays, they tend to take advantage trying to make a huge profit, which is to is just wrong.....But also as has been stated, if you don't like the price don't buy it.


Right up front, let me state that I don't have any beef with Lonnie; he's a good guy and I have done dozens of trades with him, so what I'm about to say is not meant to be a hostile attack on the guy. However, I disagree with the mentality that if someone makes a large profit on a CD, he has "raped" the buyer. Rape is violating someone against their will; buying a CD is a voluntary act. If Michael Butt (another good guy, by the way) offers a CD for sale for $125 that could be had for only $40 but somebody pays $125, that buyer hasn't been raped, he made a voluntary decision to pay that price for that particular CD. Where did we get this mentality that nobody can make large profits on their CDs? It's a free country--people are free to ask for vast sums of money for their CDs, and potential buyers are just as free to not pay those prices if they feel they are unreasonable.


A few years back, I found 6 copies of Pretty Wicked in a used CD shop for only $5 each. Does that mean I was obligated to sell them for under $20? Did I rape buyers when I sold them for anywhere between $75 - $150 a piece? No, I didn't rape anybody, because I didn't force anybody to buy them.


Bottom line, folks, making money selling CDs isn't raping anyone. You don't like the price, go find it somewhere else, but don't accuse the seller of being a "rape artist."


As always, just my two cents' worth.


Keep the faith.


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OK, just my two cents...I've bought several cd's from Michael & think he's a stand up guy, so I hope this isn't taken as a personal attack on him...while I have absolutely no problem with anyone making a profit on a cd, I would like to think that when someone here in our community finds out about a hard to find cd for a good price, that they would share that info, not just keep it to themselves. When koogles found out about the Quota cd, he posted the info...when I found out about the Falcon Scream cd, I posted the info...when Dan was presented with the Hot Boy cd's, he posted the info. I know the Hot Boy cd wasn't exactly the same situation in that we were only limited to 2 copies a piece, but I'm sure if Dan wanted to he could have purchased the lot of them & then auctioned them off a few at a time & made a bundle of cash. Maybe not...don't want to speak for Dan here...that option may not have even been on the table. Point is, I consider all members here friends (even the ones with whom I've had heated exchanges), & would like to think that when one of us stumbles across a good find, we spread the good word. And then list them on ebay for all the suckers... :P

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