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Song of the Day

66 mustang

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WORK OF ART - Once In A Lifetime


I'm not quite as sold on this album as everyone else, but this song is the highlight of 2008 so far IMO....

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I love this song......it's a very emotional one...that one and "In Loving Memory".....


"Watch Over You" ~ Alter Bridge
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To stay on topic......the song I'm feelin' today is:


"Wonderful" by Adam Ant

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Halo of Flies - Alice Cooper


Second time they've played that on the Boneyard on my way in to work. Prior to that I don't think I'd listened to that since the early eighties... wild song... :blink:


And today's second song of the day (I'm a mod, I can do whatever I want right? ;) ): Breaking My Balls - Big Cock

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