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Metal Jay Still At It.


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Nick, Chad, Fat Freddy, you shall be my Musketeers. From now on you shall be known as Metalus, Rockus, and Pootie Tang. Choose amongst you who gets what name. Geoff, you shall be my Mouseketeer. I do this because I assume you have a furry belly and a tail.

I choose Rockus :banger:


I too am humbled "Oh Great One." :bowdown:


WTF Looks like I'm stuck with Pootie Tang <_<


Ahem! I too thank you "Oh Great One"

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"This thread is quiet .... a little TOO quiet!" Pootie Tang thought to himself.

Rockus seconds that thought. Metal Jay is Love.....and peanut butter.


Nothing like a peanut butter and love sandwich.

True dat. Add a :bananamac: and Elvis would in the mix.

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Where is the Artist formerly known as Metal Jay?


Where indeed?



Aren't you suppose to sign all your posts with that cool little symbol like Prince.


Not even sure how I did that the first time.



:lol: f*ckin' dirty blonde...

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