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Metal Jay Still At It.


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'Sup Britz,




*Nurses entire body's worth of broken bones with other broken bones* Wow, so that's the last time I try that.


Kapitan Fantastico

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Hello CFCs (Crime Fighting Compadres)


"Smack" "pip" "pop" "pupple!"


I fear not broken bones as my adamantine sculturped body armour protects me....hahahaaarrgghhh! Aw owowowowowowowowow I broke a nail


Kid Courageous

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Good morning beggars and choosers,


Not only do I envy the both of you... but I will eat the both of you! With fries!


And a coke.



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Good afternoon Traci,


So, uh... about that whole porn thing. You want to... uh, su- SMASHBAMBOOM!


Lesson Learned

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham.


Nice to see JustJason back. Where's he been?

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Good morning all you Chinese Kids amongst us,


Merry Christmas and happy new year.


You freaks. Can't you see it's already the 7th of February? What... you don't have calendars in China?



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham!!!


Nuts in Oklahoma. :D





Oh and I was on vacation Keef. Didn't go anywhere. Just didn't really get on the computer.


Nice to see you back, I had thought that one of those crazy storms had finally done you in.

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham!!!


Nuts in Oklahoma. :D





Oh and I was on vacation Keef. Didn't go anywhere. Just didn't really get on the computer.


Nice to see you back, I had thought that one of those crazy storms had finally done you in.



I was worried about the same thing.


Good Morning Eric Brittingham. Thanks for keeping Jason safe from the storms.

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham!!!


Nuts in Oklahoma. :D





Oh and I was on vacation Keef. Didn't go anywhere. Just didn't really get on the computer.


Nice to see you back, I had thought that one of those crazy storms had finally done you in.



I was worried about the same thing.


Good Morning Eric Brittingham. Thanks for keeping Jason safe from the storms.

Backed. Thank you Eric Brittingham! :bowdown:


By the way... Eric Brittingham... EB Games... coincidence?

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Good afternoon Eric Brittingham and Jason,


May the bond you share with the ocean see you through to whatever you wish next to tackle in life.



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Good Morning Eric Brittingham...


Why the hell are all the gas stations suddenly charging 75 cents for the use of their air hose? When did that shit start?

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Good Morning Eric Brittingham...


Why the hell are all the gas stations suddenly charging 75 cents for the use of their air hose? When did that shit start?

Yeah, that blows...









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Good Morning Eric Brittingham...


Why the hell are all the gas stations suddenly charging 75 cents for the use of their air hose? When did that shit start?

Yeah, that blows...









Not everyone has the gift of hot air... :whistle:

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Good Evening to my friends on this board.


Damn, I wish I could post more.


Two kids, ages 3 and 6 slow my production.


Only slow it, they do not prevent it entirely.

Makes each of your posts like a gift that keeps on giving. :whistle:

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Good morning rays of sunshine,


Feed my nasal passages and let me spring forth in a tired leap of lack of faith.



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