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Well,Well,Well.Are we witnessing Humble Pie being eaten.Dave we did warn you "He who laughs....."


Mate , i'm on to my 2nd plate of it already and i have had to put on a bib because there is no cutlery being used , i'm just plunging my big gob straight into the middle of it :anon:

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:wtf: Geez , i got on here this morning expecting a page full of post's of severe :butt: kicking but there is diddly squat.

Must be working on some pretty good stuff to spew forth shortly :lol:

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Dave - Bugger me - had to check the old skids again mate - this is becoming a bit too regular for my liking. I don't think the old ticker will be able to take much more of this. Another fabulous match never in doubt (!!!!!!!!!!!!). A well deserved pint for all involved, but am well chuffed obviously for another brill allround England performance. Here's a couple for you mate :drink: :drink:

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Dave - Bugger me - had to check the old skids again mate - this is becoming a bit too regular for my liking. I don't think the old ticker will be able to take much more of this. Another fabulous match never in doubt  (!!!!!!!!!!!!). A well deserved pint for all involved, but am well chuffed obviously for another brill allround England performance. Here's a couple for you mate    :drink: :drink:


Jesus Christ. That was nearly me needing a new telly.

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Well, we deserved it as we we've been on top since after the first test, but jeez these Aussies never know when to quit do they? Fair play to them for nearly pulling out a miracle, but the best team won & now we could do with 2 or 3 days of rain over the last test & it's all ours... :banana:

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Dave - Bugger me - had to check the old skids again mate - this is becoming a bit too regular for my liking. I don't think the old ticker will be able to take much more of this. Another fabulous match never in doubt  (!!!!!!!!!!!!). A well deserved pint for all involved, but am well chuffed obviously for another brill allround England performance. Here's a couple for you mate    :drink: :drink:


Jez , Ponting reckon's they can take alot away from the comeback in that game!!!! :wtf::lame: Geez , i think i've heard that a few times already this series and it's really wearing thin.!!!!! He is kidding himself !!!!!!!.

If it was not for our tailenders, we would not pass 150 in any innings.

The simple fact is our top order have failed constantly against bowlers who are simply to good for them and yes we miss McGrath and Warne as usual will always do his job. Lee has been good and bad and no one else has contributed with the ball.

Exactly the opposite to the England side.You have no passengers except for your Keeper and i think that will be shown again next week.

It will be interesting to see though , if the pressure gets to the English when it is all on the line in the last test :drink:

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Well, we deserved it as we we've been on top since after the first test, but jeez these Aussies never know when to quit do they?  Fair play to them for nearly pulling out a miracle, but the best team won & now we could do with 2 or 3 days of rain over the last test & it's all ours...  :banana:


mmmmmmmmm , i sense you are not very confident if you are hoping for rain :unsure: .I thought the big brave English would like to win fair and square and not want to take the easy way out <_< .You have been all over us so far ,so one more game should not be a problem!!!!!! Or could it :yikes::lol:

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:P Bit on the nerve wracking side but in the end ::::


BLOODY VICTORY :P  :banana:  :rofl2:  :banana:


My good mate Ian , how could you be so unkind to us Aussies in the moment of our sporting misfortune as we are about to lose the ashes.Dancing like a banana , poking your tounge out , rolling on the floor laughing. I sense you are really enjoying the moment of our harrowing situation :crying: . You would not see or hear anything like that from us Aussies in regards to any sporting misfortunes that you have gone through.We are not like that one little bit <_< .

Anyway , i have to go now because i'm searching on ebay for a full sized, autographed poster of Diego Maradona's , hand goal in the 1986 Soccer World Cup Final :lol:;)

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Well, we deserved it as we we've been on top since after the first test, but jeez these Aussies never know when to quit do they?  Fair play to them for nearly pulling out a miracle, but the best team won & now we could do with 2 or 3 days of rain over the last test & it's all ours...   :banana:


mmmmmmmmm , i sense you are not very confident if you are hoping for rain :unsure: .I thought the big brave English would like to win fair and square and not want to take the easy way out <_< .You have been all over us so far ,so one more game should not be a problem!!!!!! Or could it :yikes::lol:


Truth is I'm not that confident. We need Simon Jones to be fit (am delighted for him to be part of this, after the barracking the Aussie crowd gave him when he got that bad injury), but with Lee & Warne firing on all cylinders in that last innings this will be a tight finish - as all the games have been.


Whatever happens in the last test, this has probably been the most exciting series I've ever seen....

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Serious question for Dave and Doggy. How has this series been taken in Australia.


The theory for a long time has been that Australian cricket needs a good competitive Ashes series as the general public were getting bored of winning easily all the time. Are people interested or do they switch off when they lose?


Cricket in the UK has never had so much interest in my lifetime. It's on the front and back pages of all the newspapers and people who never knew what cricket was at the start of the summer are following intensly.

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Serious question for Dave and Doggy. How has this series been taken in Australia.


The theory for a long time has been that Australian cricket needs a good competitive Ashes series as the general public were getting bored of winning easily all the time. Are people interested or do they switch off when they lose?


Cricket in the UK has never had so much interest in my lifetime. It's on the front and back pages of all the newspapers and people who never knew what cricket was at the start of the summer are following intensly.


Pete , as strange as it may seem , the majority of the cricket followers here would have no trouble in telling you that England are simply the better team from what we are seeing and even though we are really playing very average cricket , the way England have approached the games with very aggressive batting and a standard in bowling not seen since the great West Indies attack , has us all watching with great interest.

No one is making excuses other than to say our top order have failed time and time again and the bowling has not been up to standard bar Warne and at times Lee and not having McGrath has been a major blow but injuries is part of the game and you have to deal with it.

Questions are now being asked like why have they stuck with the same top order even after constant failures, Ponting's captaincy,why they kept playing Gillespie, why they have not used both spinners and the list goes on and on but no one is using them as excuses , they are just wondering why these problems were not addressed earlier and let continued ?????????

To put it simple , Australia went over to England a bit to cocky having not faced bowling of that standard and have been shown up bad in regards to that and have not been able to rectify it. As i also said , the bowling has not been good nor the fielding and catching to go with it but the reason for all that is the pressure that has been put on them by the English and that , we have not been able to deal with.

Make no mistake , it will hurt us Aussies to lose the Ashes but we have been very impressed by the side who does deserve to take it back from us :drink:

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Well, we deserved it as we we've been on top since after the first test, but jeez these Aussies never know when to quit do they?  Fair play to them for nearly pulling out a miracle, but the best team won & now we could do with 2 or 3 days of rain over the last test & it's all ours...   :banana:


mmmmmmmmm , i sense you are not very confident if you are hoping for rain :unsure: .I thought the big brave English would like to win fair and square and not want to take the easy way out <_< .You have been all over us so far ,so one more game should not be a problem!!!!!! Or could it :yikes::lol:


Truth is I'm not that confident. We need Simon Jones to be fit (am delighted for him to be part of this, after the barracking the Aussie crowd gave him when he got that bad injury), but with Lee & Warne firing on all cylinders in that last innings this will be a tight finish - as all the games have been.


Whatever happens in the last test, this has probably been the most exciting series I've ever seen....


Tim , something tells me this series is going to go out with a big bang. I've got this strange feeling about this upcoming Test. I don't quiet know what that is though :unsure: .

Maybe it's our top order might make some runs this time :lol: Yeah , that would be a cold day in hell <_<:lol::drink:

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It's very quiet in Australia these days.I wonder why ??????


You should be careful what you say "Lord Ian" because even though you have given us a good hiding as of late , a victory here and we take home the ashes :yikes: .

I would be a bit concerned if i was you !!!!!!!!!


Who is under the most pressure here ??????????

Wouldn't you hate it if we turned it all around in this game ????????????

Geez, it even made me laugh when i typed that last line in :lol::drink:

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Dave- It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the Aussie batsmen really turned it on for the last game About time they did really- hope they don't but you never know. I think the most important thing from an English point of view after all this excitement is the way that we can now compete with the best and beat them regularly (and yes you still are the best on paper at least). I honestly do feel that this present Aussie side has had it's day and has been shown up in certain departments. Most importantly though is that you still have the fight in you, but eventually that may go if you keep losing matches(however close they have been) and will need to find some new blood in the upcoming couple of years. Hopefully the Ashes will come home, and a win or draw will sort that out, but as I said above, for me the most important thing is the way we have performed consistantly especially in the tests (and also over the last 18 months) World Class Cricket in England again and alot of people have sat up and taken notice!!!

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Dave- It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if the Aussie batsmen really turned it on for the last game About time they did really- hope they don't but you never know. I think the most important thing from an English point of view after all this excitement is the way that we can now compete with the best and beat them regularly (and yes you still are the best on paper at least). I honestly do feel that this present Aussie side has had it's day and has been shown up in certain departments. Most importantly though is that you still have the fight in you, but eventually that may go if you keep losing matches(however close they have been) and will need to find some new blood in the upcoming couple of years. Hopefully the Ashes will come home, and a win or draw will sort that out, but as I said above, for me the most important thing is the way we have performed consistantly especially in the tests (and also over the last 18 months) World Class Cricket in England again and alot of people have sat up and taken notice!!!


Jez , we all know what we do with paper !!!! We wipe our :butt: with it !!!!!

Make no mistake about it , weather you win , lose or draw this series , England are the best Test side in the world and this series has proven it. Even though we will still be ranked 1 , we simply are not and we are now going to have to make some changes to be ready for the next time we meet.

It's funny but i wish England were coming to Australia this Summer because playing anyone else now seems irrelevant, when these 2 sides are clearly the best.

I'll tell you one thing though , watch how many swing bowlers all these other countries put into their side now when they play Australia.They would have learnt a hell of alot from what your bowlers have done :drink:

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He'll be back - The Final match of this epic series begins on Thursday through 'til Monday (if it lasts that long), so when the glorious victory is ours, i'm sure Dave will be here congratulating all the Poms in their world domination of the old enemy!!!!(I hope).

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Ok gang..........what have y'all done with Dave???  :(




I'm a jonesin' for my Aussie sweetie...... :lol:


MJ , what a kind and considerate person you are.You are worth your weight in gold :wub:

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He'll be back - The Final match of this epic series begins on Thursday through 'til Monday (if it lasts that long), so when the glorious victory is ours, i'm sure Dave will be here congratulating all the Poms in their world domination of the old enemy!!!!(I hope).


I'm here Jezzy boy and ready for our guys to put it all on the line and go out with all guns blazin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

It's time for us to put up or shut-up.No excuses from our top order here otherwise some of them can look for a new profession if they fail yet again :angry: .

Oh ,and a bit of pressure put on your batsmen from our quick bowlers would not go astray either and ensure wickets don't fall on no balls might help along the way :drink:

I'm not to sure about congratulating all the Poms in their domination of us though??? We will have to wait and see??????.


Imagine if we won this last game ???????????????????? :yikes::lol::drink:

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