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66 mustang

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Went to see this in Friday evening, loads of swearing and sexual innuendo , funny in places but nothing laugh out loud.

My kids want to see this but no chance!

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"Super Mario Brothers" (1993)





I've always had a perverse interest in seeing this flick, since it's considered to be one of the worst films ever made. Imagine my surprise when I found the whole movie available on YouTube. So I watched it tonight and all I can say is...

Um....wow. What a mess.

This expensive turkey was (obviously) supposed to be based on the Nintendo game series, but after watching this ridiculously loud, utterly dumb-ass mishmash I doubt that anybody involved in its production had ever even seen the game.

Mario (Bob Hoskins) and Luigi (John Leguizamo) are a pair of Brooklyn-based plumbers who meet a princess and discover a plot by inter-dimensional beings that evolved from dinosaurs (?), led by Dennis Hopper's evil "King Koopa." Of course, the bad guys want to break through the dimensional wall to our Earth and take over.

Lotsa pyrotechnics, some pretty neat creature effects and bizarre set designs that look like yard-sale castoffs from "Total Recall" and "Blade Runner," but the story is just one long series of "WTF?" moments strung together.

No wonder this thing tanked at the box office. "Super Mario Brothers" is too weird and bizarre for kids (the intended audience) and too ridiculous for grown-ups. This was the 90s equivalent of "Howard the Duck."

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"Alligator" (1980)




Urban "Jaws" variation in which a baby alligator, flushed down the toilet, grows to immense size in a city sewer system after feeding on illegally-dumped test animals, then breaks out into the city streets and begins snacking on the local residents. As the body count rises, a disgraced cop and a reptile expert team up to take the critter down.


Cult creature feature starring Robert "The Black Hole" Forster and Henry "Ocean's 11" Silva (who's a hoot as an egotistical big game hunter brought in to try and kill the 'gator) was written by John "Eight Men Out" Sayles.


This movie scared the crap out of me when I first saw it years 'n' years ago (I was about 12 years old) and it still holds up as a cool killer-creature flick.

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"Fanboys" (2009)




In 1998, four friends and lifelong "Star Wars" geeks embark on a cross country trip from Ohio to San Francisco... hoping to break into George Lucas' Skywalker Ranch and get a sneak peek at "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace" before anyone else. Naturally, they encounter numerous obstacles - including run-ins with law enforcement, crazed pimps, and angry Trekkies - along the way.


Hilarious "nerd comedy" packed with tons of in-jokes for fans of Star Wars and sci-fi in general. Two appendages up. :rofl2:

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"Clerks 2" (2006)

Ten years after "Clerks," the Quick Stop is gone but Dante & Randall are still working dead end jobs -- at a fast food joint. Dante's impending wedding threatens to break up the friendship, but a combination of Dante's own self doubts - and a "donkey show" - may end up derailing his happily-ever-after plans anyway.

Kevin Smith's sequel is gross, foul mouthed and utterly hilarious. Extra props for the use of King Diamond's "Welcome Home" during several key scenes.

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"Kick-Ass" (2010)

Twisted, hyper-violent, dark-as-hell action comedy about a dorky New York teen who adopts a super hero persona he calls "Kick-Ass," which gets him mixed up not only with the local mob, but with a father-daughter "real life super hero" team who are WAY more hardcore than he is. Bullets fly, bodies drop, blood flows, lotsa stuff blows up.

Chloe Moretz is hilarious as the 11-year-old vigilante "Hit Girl." They need to give this kid her own movie!

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"Serenity" (2005)


In this feature-film spin off of Joss Whedon's short lived "Firefly" TV series, a crew of space pirates/mercenaries has to protect a young girl with unique powers from some very bad people. Lotsa action and the usual crackling Whedon dialogue.

I'd never seen "Firefly" but now that I've seen this cult flick, I am impressed enough to put the series on my "to check out sometime soon" list.

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"Serenity" (2005)


In this feature-film spin off of Joss Whedon's short lived "Firefly" TV series, a crew of space pirates/mercenaries has to protect a young girl with unique powers from some very bad people. Lotsa action and the usual crackling Whedon dialogue.

I'd never seen "Firefly" but now that I've seen this cult flick, I am impressed enough to put the series on my "to check out sometime soon" list.

man, you HAVE TO WATCH FIREFLY. it is great

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man, you HAVE TO WATCH FIREFLY. it is great


Dude, believe me, people have been telling me that for years, haha! I'm not even sure why I never caught "Firefly" when it first ran on TV years ago, since I'm a sci-fi fan and a Joss Whedon fanboy, but I guess it came and went so quickly that I never got a chance to check it out.


Now that I've seen the flick I'm gonna hit up the local library and see if they have the TV series on DVD.

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Fright Night - The new version with Colin Farrell - not bad, still prefer the original tho.


The cameo by Chris Sarandon (who played Jerry the Vampire in the original) was a nice touch.

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man, you HAVE TO WATCH FIREFLY. it is great


Dude, believe me, people have been telling me that for years, haha! I'm not even sure why I never caught "Firefly" when it first ran on TV years ago, since I'm a sci-fi fan and a Joss Whedon fanboy, but I guess it came and went so quickly that I never got a chance to check it out.


Now that I've seen the flick I'm gonna hit up the local library and see if they have the TV series on DVD.

I never caught it either. I had a friend who talked me into buying the DVD set. it took me through the 2 part Pilot (also called Serenity) and about half way through the first episode (long story, listen to commentary when you get the dvd's) to "get it" and it was on from there. just couldn't get enough and then it was over. still pisses me off it was cut so short.

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"Repo Man" (1984)

Quirky, cult '80s comedy from Alex ("Sid and Nancy") Cox stars Emilio Estevez as a punk rocker who takes a job repossessing cars, and gets mixed up with government agents and other assorted freaks while searching for a car that has four dead extraterrestrials in the trunk.

Totally bizarre but entertaining flick with a killer soundtrack that includes Iggy Pop, Suicidal Tendencies, and the Circle Jerks!

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