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66 mustang

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Home today with a couple of sick kiddies (booooo!), just watched this with the boys:

"How to Train Your Dragon" (2009)



Comic fantasy about a young Viking who has a knack for "connecting" with dragons, which conflicts with the fact that his tribe has been waging war on them for generations. Fun stuff, action packed and beautifully animated.

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"Tucker & Dale Vs. Evil" (2011)


Two West Virginian good ole boys just want to spend a relaxing weekend fishin' and drinkin' beer at their mountain cabin, but things get complicated when they have an unfortunate run-in with a gang of preppie college kids who've seen too many horror movies. Mayhem (and hilarity) ensues. Very funny "style parody" that flips all the cliches and conventions of the "inbred/redneck horror" genre on their heads.


After the sh*tty day I had yesterday, I needed to watch something funny, violent and bloody and "Tucker & Dale" fulfilled all three requirements. It's a hoot.


finally got to watch this today. Awesome. I was alone for a few hours and Netflix brought me this yesterday. watched it and it was just crazy. Wife got home and the little one had to get a shower for school tomorrow so I had her watch it. she got to the part where Tucker has the run in with the Bee's and the first kid gets killed. not a single laugh from her through the whole movie to this point and she finalls says something like "you can stop this now. I don't find anything funny at all about this movie". I just really hate women.

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Convoy - wow, a movie gets made because of a song. Been years since I've seen this but DVR'd it when I noticed it was coming on. finally got around to watching it in about 3 parts. It is a bit too long and drawn out in parts. Overall I will say it is a mix of Smokey and the Bandit and Young Guns. I seen one person describe this as a Western but with Trucks and I would agree.



THE GREATEST GAME EVER PLAYED - man, this was a fantastic movie. I don't play golf or watch it but don't let that stop you from watching this movie that is a true story.



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Shutter Island


That was a strange film


Indeed. I don't want to see that again.


well would be pointless watching is again, as the whole film is the twist - having said that I thought it was brilliant actually :-)

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Home today with a couple of sick kiddies (booooo!), just watched this with the boys:

"How to Train Your Dragon" (2009)



Comic fantasy about a young Viking who has a knack for "connecting" with dragons, which conflicts with the fact that his tribe has been waging war on them for generations. Fun stuff, action packed and beautifully animated.


This is one of the 5 year old's favourite movies. Great stuff even for adults.

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Shutter Island


That was a strange film


Indeed. I don't want to see that again.


well would be pointless watching is again, as the whole film is the twist - having said that I thought it was brilliant actually :-)


I'm not saying it isn't a good one but a fucked up movie for sure. ;)

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"The Thing" (2011)


Prequel/remake/reboot (whatever you wanna call it) of John Carpenter's 1982 classic tells the tale of the Norwegian research scientists who first discover "The Thing" frozen in the Antarctic ice, and who make the unfortunate decision to dig it up and study it. From there it's action packed, gooey, gory, flame throwin' fun!

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"Dorian Gray" (2010)



Elaborate British production of the Oscar Wilde novel, in which a young nobleman remains eternally youthful while a portrait painted of him becomes more aged and hideous every day. After spending years partying, drinking, drugging, and screwing everything that isn't nailed down, he eventually learns that eternal youth is not all it's cracked up to be.


Not a bad flick, if it had been an American release it probably would've been directed by Tim Burton and starred Johnny Depp in the title role.

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The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo

Awesome movie I loved it! I hope they do the next two books and I know there is talk of it. One of the best movies of the last year IMO.


The Thing(2011)

Solid Sci Fi horror type movie that was a pre-qual to the original flick.

Many gross out scenes such as the two heads melted together and several others too that were pretty sick.


In Time

About a soceity where you stop aging at 25 and are on borrowed(or stolen) time ever since at least in the ghetto but the rich are making all the profits and living for many lifetimes. It's almost like Wall Street. A good movie with a well known young cast of Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Oliva Wild, Cilian Murphy, Johnny Galecki and Vincent Karthieser. Solid movie that doesn't let up.

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I've not watched the whole thing this time (did watch it in full on DVD) but GRAND TORINO is on TV and I didn't plan on watching it but I stopped for a minute and got hooked. A GREAT movie and one I should own. I've gotta break away and try to get to bed.


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Loved the first Predator film but this wasn't what I was hoping for, very disappointing with rubbish characters.

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Stag Night

Crazy killer homeless people in the NYC subway tunnels. Mucho Gore and Violence.


Killer homeless people? Gore and violence? Sounds like my kinda meat!!! :axe:

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