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66 mustang

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Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows Pt1. I dont know about this one. Is it just me, or do they seem to get more "darker" with each film. Maybe because of the story line.


Anyway I enjoyed parts of it and it was/is a good movie. But it just seemed Less "exciting' for me. Maybe because it is in two parts, maybe because things have changed so much from the first ones. Maybe because I know its coming to an end. I dont know. Like I said I liked it, it just wasnt as enjoyable as the others though.

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Friday The 13th (Original)

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th' (A cool documentary as a DVD extra.)


Still one of my favourite of the genre movies :tumbsup:

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Friday The 13th (Original)

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th' (A cool documentary as a DVD extra.)


Still one of my favourite of the genre movies :tumbsup:


This first movie is the best of the series imo. Last night I watched it again after 20 years or something but it's still awesome. Classic.

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Friday The 13th (Original)

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th' (A cool documentary as a DVD extra.)


Still one of my favourite of the genre movies :tumbsup:


This first movie is the best of the series imo. Last night I watched it again after 20 years or something but it's still awesome. Classic.


Agreed mate, love this, must admit I really enjoyed the latest film as well, shades of all the series but in good picture quality.

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Friday The 13th (Original)

Return to Crystal Lake: Making 'Friday the 13th' (A cool documentary as a DVD extra.)


Still one of my favourite of the genre movies :tumbsup:


This first movie is the best of the series imo. Last night I watched it again after 20 years or something but it's still awesome. Classic.


Agreed mate, love this, must admit I really enjoyed the latest film as well, shades of all the series but in good picture quality.


Haven't seen this latest one, maybe it's time to watch it. :popcorn:

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"Entrapment" (1999)



A pretty decent globe hopping caper/suspense flick with Catherine Zeta-Jones as a high-end insurance agent who happens to sideline as a cat burglar. Under the guise of investigating an art theft for her company, she seeks out Sean Connery, one of the oldest and the best in the burglar business, to teach her the ropes for a "really BIG" job she's got lined up on the eve of the millennium.


Connery's always fun to watch as the World's Oldest Tough Guy and Catherine Z-J happened to be at her peak of hottie perfection when this was released! :crazy:

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Oh, my favorite screencap from this movie... :tumbsup:


It makes you wish you could watch YouTube in slow-mo, doesn't it? :lol:

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Scream 4


I'm a big fan of the Trilogy so I've been waiting for this new film so much... and it's as cool as the other ones! Yeah, a bit modernish of course (too many victims, too much blood) but it's entertaining, funny and scary at the same time. It was also good to see the "old" characters again in action. I liked it.

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Tangled - cute movie


Stone - could have never seen it and not missed anything. wasnt terrible but wasn't a good movie either. it was ok and a one time watcher.


Takers - was ok. I think I liked The Town better but the movie did have a few good points to it. I think I'd watch it again at sometime.

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Just watched "Yogi Bear" w/my kids... and unbelievably enough, it was actually pretty funny. It probably helped that I'm a huge Dan Aykroyd fan (he voiced Yogi)... but seriously, it was fun for the young'uns, and relatively painless for me. That's about all you can ask from a childrens' movie isn't it? :blink:

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Re-watch: "Creepers" (1985)




AKA the censored U.S. cut of Dario Argento's "Phenomena." A very young, very cute Jennifer Connelly is a student at an exclusive Swiss girl's school who happens to have the power to control insects. This power comes in handy as she eventually gets mixed up with a killer who's been beheading her fellow students.


If that sounds weird, it is. But that's Argento for ya. :D


It's beautifully photographed, has some decent gore and a creepy atmospheric soundtrack (plus Iron Maiden's "Flash of the Blade" and Motorhead's "Locomotive" get played during pivotal scenes!) but overall it's awkward, artsy, and doesn't really start to make sense at all till the movie's 3/4 of the way over. But what the hell, I needed to watch something nasty and gross to make up for viewing "Yogi Bear" earlier in the evening. :lol:

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Scream 4


I'm a big fan of the Trilogy so I've been waiting for this new film so much... and it's as cool as the other ones! Yeah, a bit modernish of course (too many victims, too much blood) but it's entertaining, funny and scary at the same time. It was also good to see the "old" characters again in action. I liked it.


Really enjoy the Scream movies, hopefully going to see this next week if we can get a babysitter :guitbannana:

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My wife and I are going to watch The Blair Witch Project later, hopefully really late, in the dark and in cinema sound, she`s not watched it yet so I`m guessing she will being jumping out of her seat! :yikes:

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Scream 4


I'm a big fan of the Trilogy so I've been waiting for this new film so much... and it's as cool as the other ones! Yeah, a bit modernish of course (too many victims, too much blood) but it's entertaining, funny and scary at the same time. It was also good to see the "old" characters again in action. I liked it.


Really enjoy the Scream movies, hopefully going to see this next week if we can get a babysitter :guitbannana:

Watched this last night and if you enjoyed the first 3 you will enjoy #4.

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