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Hell in the Club part ways with vocalist

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From their FB page:

Hello everyone,
After a long silence and with heavy hearts, we have to announce that our front-man from the very beginning, our friend and brother, Dave, is no longer the voice of Hell in the Club.
The very difficult decision was taken after much thought and by mutual agreement, reflective of the deep friendship that unites us.
Due to various personal reasons, Dave can no longer give 100% to the band as he always did and always wanted.
The great news is that, moving forward, he will still continue to be present, behind the scenes, working with us, writing new songs with us and discussing future projects together.
In short, we will continue to work as the team of friends we have always been and as members of this strange but beautiful family.
Change is inevitable but the descent into Hell continues...😈
We have an incredible singer ready to step into Dave's shoes and it's going to be BIG! It will be the start of a new journey, a new challenge, a new era but we will always and forever be totally rock!
We are looking forward to revealing all and we will do, very soon.

Thank you so much, Dave, for everything we have shared in the last 14 years on and off stage - the emotions, the highs, the lows, the friendship and the love. 
Thank you for your monumentally hard work and your beautiful, unique and distinctive voice that has given so much heart and soul to the music of Hell in the Club for all these years.

We love you so much...
Your brothers Andy, Picco and Mark


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1 hour ago, whiplash1972 said:

From their FB page:

Hello everyone,
After a long silence and with heavy hearts, we have to announce that our front-man from the very beginning, our friend and brother, Dave, is no longer the voice of Hell in the Club.
The very difficult decision was taken after much thought and by mutual agreement, reflective of the deep friendship that unites us.
Due to various personal reasons, Dave can no longer give 100% to the band as he always did and always wanted.
The great news is that, moving forward, he will still continue to be present, behind the scenes, working with us, writing new songs with us and discussing future projects together.
In short, we will continue to work as the team of friends we have always been and as members of this strange but beautiful family.
Change is inevitable but the descent into Hell continues...😈
We have an incredible singer ready to step into Dave's shoes and it's going to be BIG! It will be the start of a new journey, a new challenge, a new era but we will always and forever be totally rock!
We are looking forward to revealing all and we will do, very soon.

Thank you so much, Dave, for everything we have shared in the last 14 years on and off stage - the emotions, the highs, the lows, the friendship and the love. 
Thank you for your monumentally hard work and your beautiful, unique and distinctive voice that has given so much heart and soul to the music of Hell in the Club for all these years.

We love you so much...
Your brothers Andy, Picco and Mark


Seeing as he was in two bands, it's gonna take its toll sooner or later, and as Elvenking was his original band I would guess his focus is there now.

Shame as I have been with these guys since the debut album.

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1 hour ago, auslander said:

Let me guess, Lzzy Hale will be the temporary new singer. 

Nah, Hell in the club are Italian, so it can only be ADV himself. :lol:

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From Daves personal page, as expected Elvenking is now his main focus:

It is almost like a funeral to me.
Yes it is indeed, my friends and fans of Hell in the Club .
After almost 15 years of continuous work, passion and love for this band, I really needed to take a break. This has nothing to do with the band itself, but due to a constant increase of my commitments with Elvenking and my private life, I had to take the hard and sad decision to talk to my brothers in HITC and tell them I couldn’t follow them anymore, at least for a while. We talked for months about this and we considered every possible option - we love each other like brothers and will always do - so it was really hard, but one thing we all agreed on was that it is not yet the time to put an end to the story Hell in the Club started writing in 2009. So we figured out a way to go on still respecting the spirit that moved this entity since the very beginning:
• I will still be a part of the team, writing songs and managing the band together with Andy, Picco and Mark. This was the first unconditional term we all agreed on.
• I will stop performing as the main singer of the band, but this won’t exclude any possible future collaboration being it in the studio or live.
• A new singer will fill my shoes but in full respect of the spirit of Hell in the Club and of what we’ve been doing so far.
And about this last point, It hasn’t been easy, but I can tell you that we found what was possibly the only reasonable replacement for what I always set in the band in terms of vocal approach and general attitude. I am sad but at the same time super excited for this new chapter of Hell in the Club. The songs will still sound as powerful and rough as they can be and I’m sure that this new infusion will give a big spark of enthusiasm and brightness to the band. Can’t wait for this to be finally announced and to see my friends and brothers hit the stage again and do what they do best: rock hard. I love you guys.
Dave - HELL IN THE CLUB, April 2024
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From the HitC FB page:

This is it. The time has come to find out who is lurking beneath the shadows… we have been waiting for this moment for weeks.
Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome the new face of Hell In The Club… we give our dearest welcome to Swedish singer Terese Tezzi Persson!
We have said it, the task of replacing Dave was really arduous, probably impossible for us; therefore, we decided for a clean change, without compromises, far from useless as well as inevitable comparisons with the past and we did it mainly by aiming for the best! Tezzi perfectly embodies the role of the singer of HITC and possesses everything we were looking for. We have already spent several hours in the rehearsal room with her and it is amazing how, from the first minute, an exceptional fellowship was immediately born. We have already started writing new material and have many things planned for the near future. Now what about the old songs? Well, you won't believe it but they sound like they were written for her!
Perfect presence, perfect voice, perfect attitude. Anything else? Yes: she is super nice, proactive and right now she is bringing so much enthusiasm and positivity within the band. A few words from Andy, Picco and Mark: “thank you for accepting to be a part of this family, we know how hard it can be but you don’t lack the right amount of craziness 😜 We already love you!"

Photo by Manuel Moggio Photography



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Not familiar with her, but will be interested in seeing how this works out.

And lets be honest, she is better looking that Davide :lol:

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It doesn't work for me, but I've made my feelings known about women singers I don't know my ears just don't like it but thats me.

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16 minutes ago, TheOriginalSplash said:

It doesn't work for me, but I've made my feelings known about women singers I don't know my ears just don't like it but thats me.

Yeah I'm the same.

Replacing male with female is a big call.

These days I don't listen to much female led music, but Attractive Chaos is excellent.

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She is a good singer , but not sure about the fit for HITC, we'll see I suppose, they'll probably release an older track or two with Terese Tezzi Persson on vocals to see our reaction.

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