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Oakland giving $500 a month to low income residence! Unless Your White


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I think segregation is the only answer to preventing a full blown race war, and it aint the republicans leading us into it!!

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13 minutes ago, Leykis101 said:

I don't have an issue with them giving out some cash to those families living in poverty but that should be for all families living in poverty not just non-white families....there are still plenty of poor white folks out there....

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2 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

I don't have an issue with them giving out some cash to those families living in poverty but that should be for all families living in poverty not just non-white families....there are still plenty of poor white folks out there....

There are hundreds of thousands of poor white familys, like I stated only 17% of the country is even black, but Oakland is a majority black, I'm telling you bro, laugh at me all you want, this is going in a horrible direction, I wonder what would happen if all the white people said fuck it, and stopped working, all of us, interesting to think about.

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Now imagine the outrage if anyone proposed a program like this, but only white people could get benefits... there would be riots and lawsuits left and right.

The only color that should EVER matter in any program like this is green... i.e., need. It transcends all other demographic characteristics.

This country is fucked.

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2 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

This country is fucked.


I'll go you one better. This World is fucked.

The concerning thing is that, along with the covid hysteria, this SJW shit is Global. 

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Like I said, the backbone of this country is primarily white, talk about biting the hand that feeds you, well this can only go on as long as the fuel for the machine keeps fueling it, when the middle class finally snap and say fuck this, all hell is gonna break loose, Democrats, seriously, all you leftys on here, is this truly your outlook about shit, i'm so curious, cause if it is, you know you got a fucking screw loose right? you are aware you should seek counseling, cause you probably don't feel your completely bat shit crazy, but you really are, this is the party you put in place, are you truly cool with this? i'm not like you, I welcome introspection as to why or how you can be so convoluted and bloody mad into something that seems like common sense.

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I don't understand why they are using "BIPOC" and "people of colour" interchangeably. Those are different things. BIPOC is specifically black and indigenous people. Yet they keep saying "black, indigenous and people of colour." Are black and indigenous people not people of colour? It's confusing. I think they don't even know what they're saying anymore. 

And yeah, why are they excluding an entire people group from receiving this? And then they name drop Martin Luther King. Fuck off! He would not have agreed to this perpetuating of segregation. 

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1 hour ago, KarpetRydOFunk said:

I don't understand why they are using "BIPOC" and "people of colour" interchangeably. Those are different things. BIPOC is specifically black and indigenous people. Yet they keep saying "black, indigenous and people of colour." Are black and indigenous people not people of colour? It's confusing. I think they don't even know what they're saying anymore. 

And yeah, why are they excluding an entire people group from receiving this? And then they name drop Martin Luther King. Fuck off! He would not have agreed to this perpetuating of segregation. 

I'm may be completely wrong, but an indigenous community isn't necessarily black. The term refers to the original community of a particular area. Again, I may be wrong, but I don't think there's such a thing as a "black indigenous American" and I can guarantee that the indigenous people of Scandinavia were not black.

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1 hour ago, Darkstone said:

I'm may be completely wrong, but an indigenous community isn't necessarily black. The term refers to the original community of a particular area. Again, I may be wrong, but I don't think there's such a thing as a "black indigenous American" and I can guarantee that the indigenous people of Scandinavia were not black.

you sir are correct, here they cant say indians cause it takes away from their black narrative

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1 hour ago, martinsane said:

Just a shit show, but those twins are funny. I don't care who you are or what side of the fence your on they are hysterical.

They really are and their very practical, and very simple, full of common sense, and guess what, they cant be white supremacists, lol

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