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Every Avenue


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  • 2024 Gold Donors

Been reading with intrest all the various threads on modern rock,pop/punk etc and i haven't seen Every Avenue mentioned.

Now this genre is not my go to but i do love a lot of stuff like Boys Like Girls first 2 albums,AWESOME.

I do have the first 2 albums by Every Avenue tho and if you like the BLG stuff but haven't heard Every Avenue you're gonna love em.So if you like what you hear below check em out Highly Recommended......













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  • My Little Pony

They were mentioned in a thread Cody made. His friend gave him a list of about 100 artists, of this sorta genre, to check out. Every Avenue were on that list, and one of the few I liked. I should actually dig up that list, 'cause I never did get through it all.

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Every Avenue has been mentioned in the past. If not by me, definitely Geoff. Great band within that genre. Have they released anything beyond those two discs? They did a faithful version of Eddie Money's Take Me Home Tonight for some compilation but I kinda lost track of them after that.

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  • My Little Pony

Every Avenue has been mentioned in the past. If not by me, definitely Geoff. Great band within that genre. Have they released anything beyond those two discs? They did a faithful version of Eddie Money's Take Me Home Tonight for some compilation but I kinda lost track of them after that.

They released their third album, "Bad Habits," in 2011, and have pretty much been on hiatus since.

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I have Bad Habits. It's their Shh cd I don't have. Sampled a coupla songs on Itunes and will pick that one up, too. Had them confused with another band. I figured Shh was an ep featuring a more aggressive punky approach which I wasn't a fan of but now that I think about it, I think I was mistaking them with Sparks the Rescue's debut ep.

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Yeah, I think I've "pushed" this band a few times here, especially around the time of their killer 'Picture Perfect,' disc, which I was particularly fond of. Someone else was on my wavelength with these guys here too, back then. I feel like it was maybe Dave (LV KIX variety). But yeah, they were a very cool band. Sadly 'Bad Habits' was not their best CD and yeah, looks like they're over now, but 'Picture Perfect' is a great disc.

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