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Eden's Curse announce new line-up


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EDEN'S CURSE Announces New Lineup - July 19, 2013

Multinational melodic metallers EDEN'S CURSE have announced the addition of Serbian vocalist Nikola Mijic to the group's ranks. The band's long-awaited fourth album, "Symphony Of Sin", will be released on October 4 via AFM Records. A digital single, "Evil & Divine", will precede the full-length CD. The group recently shot a video for the track on location at the famous St. Andrews in the Square location in Glasgow under the direction of Ryan Priddy and his team at Independent Element.


Hailing from Senta, in the North of Serbia, Nikola is a vastly experienced singer despite his tender years. For the past ten years, he has been fronting Serbian outfit ALOGIA and more recently Hungarian prog rockers DREYELANDS, who released their debut album on Lion Music in 2010. In 2008, he also featured heavily on the prog rock project album "Expedition Delta".


Said Nikola: "I'm really honored to be part of the metal journey of EDEN'S CURSE with their new upcoming album that is coming out on 4th October and I'm looking forward to rock with you guys!"


Added EDEN'S CURSE drummer Pete Newdeck: "For me, when I heard a lot of the auditions, Nik's was the one that stood out. It stood out mainly because of its originality. His voice was strong, it was soulful and he had something different to offer. That's really why I championed him, because I think he could offer something different, change the face of the band and possibly help this band move forward."


Stated EDEN'S CURSE bassist Paul Logue: "When Nik sent his audition of 'Evil & Divine', that's when we really began to sit up and take notice and say that this guy was something special. He is the complete package."


Guitarist Thorsten Koehne enthused: "He's just an amazing talent, one of the most amazing singers I've seen in recent times. He's just so versatile in what he can do and he just fits the band perfect because with EDEN'S CURSE, we're very diverse, as far as the music, so there's not just one particular style that we are doing. So we were really looking for a singer that could keep up with that and have a range in his vocals. Nikola is just perfect because he can do so many things, from blues to metal stuff and everything in between."


Also joining the EDEN'S CURSE ranks is Welsh keyboard wizard and POWER QUEST mainman Steve Williams, who replaces Alessandro Del Vecchio.


Commentted Logue: "Sadly we we part company with our brother Alessandro on a truly positive note as his career as a mixing engineer and a producer has really taken off, meaning less and less time could be devoted to the EDEN'S CURSE cause. We will miss him dearly as a friend and a musician and we wish him nothing but the utmost success. We firmly believe he has the talent to go right to the very top! He will always be considered a part of the EDEN'S CURSE family and is cursed for life."


Williams, a former member of DRAGONFORCE, commented: "It was a real thrill to be asked by Paul and the boys to get involved in EDEN'S CURSE. I've been a fan for a long time, I've known the guys a while and it's great to be here getting myself right cursed, I can tell you."


Added Logue: "I've known Steve for a while, and when Ale left, he recommended we look at Steve. It was very easy choice for us, as we were already good friends and with POWER QUEST calling it a day, it was a perfect time in both our careers to join forces. Steve is a smashing player and one of life's true gentlemen. He is an utter joy to have on board and I am genuinely excited to see what we can produce together in the years to come as I am a big fan of his songwriting."


source : blabbermouth

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Notice Mike didn't post anything about a new US line-up and album until the other Eden's Curse did. Mike needs to just let it go. Form a new band.


I was surprised he could do a new band but I figure if he does release something I'll still give it a listen since I do like his voice.

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  • 1 year later...

To revive this thread, Michael Eden's version of Eden's Curse has announced it's line-up and their appearance at Rock And Skull festival in Illinois.




Michael Eden – Vocals

Richard Kendrick - Lead Guitar

Angelo Mazza - Guitar

Neal Bernard - Bass

Scott Berry - Keyboards

Marco Bicca - Drums

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  • 2 years later...

Debut album to be re-recorded with the new line-up.


To celebrate the tenth anniversary of their debut album, Multinational Melodic Metal band Eden's Curse will release 'Revisited' - a two disc set featuring the debut album re-recorded in it's entirety and a bonus DVD 'Live In Glasgow - The Official Bootleg', on 25th August 2017 worldwide via AFM Records.

Bassist Paul Logue explains: "The first album really was the foundation for all that was to follow and ever since Nikola joined the band we have been inundated with fan requests to re-record the older material and whilst it would be great fun, it would also be the same amount of work as recording a brand new album. In actual fact, that is one of the main reasons we recorded the live album, 'Live With The Curse', so the fans could hear Nikola's voice on the older songs. However, it did not stop the flow of requests - in fact it made it worse! So, with this pivotal tenth anniversary coming up, we thought it would be a good idea to do it and AFM agreed. It's turned out really great and given the older songs that little bit of freshness. It's not to out-do what went before but to pay homage to a very important record in our career".

The debut re-recordings were mixed by Pete Newdeck (Eden's Curse, Tainted Nation, Grim Reaper) & Mastered by Harry Hess (Harem Scarem).

Coupled with the re-recorded debut album is the 'Live In Glasgow - Official Bootleg' DVD which is the 'Live With The Curse' live album recording show in it's entirety. Filmed at The Classic Grand in Glasgow on 28th November 2014, the release mark's the band first official live DVD release, albeit in a bootleg form. "The footage is absolutely excellent" states bassist Logue. "We did not intend to film a DVD, but the audio recording company brought two cameras along to capture the show and when we saw the results we were really surprised! We put out four videos on You Tube to promote the live album and the fans kept asking to see the full show on DVD. So, here it is! We've called it a 'bootleg' because it wasn't recorded on 6 cameras, e.g one above the drummer and one on the keyboard player - like we would do for a proper DVD release. However, beyond that is looks and sounds great! We WILL do a DVD in the future but in the meantime this give our fans across the world something to enjoy time and time again and it makes 'Revisited' a very special package indeed" he adds.

'Revisited' is the ultimate package for Eden's Curse fans old and new and a fantastic introduction to the band's music. It's a true celebration of the record that started it all, from the guys who carry the legacy forward. Over 60 mins of music and 100 mins of film make 'Revisited' a must have for all Eden's Curse & Melodic Metal fans.

Order yours today from AFM Records here:

For more information or to follow the band visit:


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I always find these attempts to redo a prior release a waste of time, whether it be with a new singer or same singer. If it was a couple of bonus tracks on a new release fine otherwise spend the time and effort on an album that blows people away and tops the first three. In my opinion, the last few releases without Michael weren't as strong as those earlier albums.

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Can't wait for the meltdown on FB

I know he's a c*nt an all that, but on his live FB feed he genuinely sounded hurt by this move - and understandably so I think.


Whether folk think he has no talent or whatever, I don't really think Logue and co need to be doing this - I doubt the recording will be any better.


Love or loath him Eden's vocals defined those earlier releases imo.

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I really can't be bothered with this band. I never have understood the fascination with them to be honest, bar a couple of good songs and all the arguing and childish bullshit from certain parties doesn't exactly do them any credit either.

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I liked the Eden albums a lot, especially Trinity. I didn't like the more hard rock approach with the new singer to be honest.


Symphony Of Sin was pretty good but Cardinal was terrible. The Live album did little for me.

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  • 3 weeks later...



Can't wait for the meltdown on FB


Here was Eden's response:


Michael Eden

July 10 at 2:10am ·


I was originally going to do a facebook live to comment on this, but this will perhaps be a better form of communication with the EC fans.


Today is not an easy day for myself or my family members. Back in 2001 on this very day we lost our Mom to lung cancer. This situation changed me as a person. A few years later in 2004 we lost my Dad. That situation made me lose myself within myself. I became great at hiding just about everything, especially my inner feelings.


Skip a few years to January 16, 2006. The day I met Paul Logue over the internet. This guy from Scotland helped take me from a very dark place and use that negative energy building one of the greatest bands in my opinion in the last decade. It's okay to be proud isn't it? I was! Eden's Curse was everything to me.


I had finally found someone to call a business partner and friend. Being Paul's friend was more important to me than the band....he never knew that because he was never smart enough to think beyond his own selfishness. He had no idea how truly loyal I am to my "real" friends because he never gave me the chance to show him. Those with me on the battle field today are few and far between.


I trusted Paul. We trusted each other. When he backed me into a corner several years ago the guy I knew and cared about seemed to be missing. He had changed and so had I. I was now no long willing to give everything away day after day. Just 5 more years. He had a plan of attack. His plan of attack didn't work.


Was the guy I knew gone forever? I wasn't sure then but as of today I'm very certain.


If you are not aware my old friend Paul and his band of hired goons decided to re-record the debut Eden's Curse album. That is his right to do so. He does not need my permission to do anything.


Had Paul called me and said....Hey Mike, How are ya mate? I know things have been said but perhaps we could try and resolve them? I might have said maybe or I might have said fuck off......I like to believe I would have chosen the first option.


Well, the band went ahead and re-recorded the debut and they did something that I take very personally......They re-recorded the song 100% written about my parents and me, THE VOICE INSIDE. I asked Paul to pen that song. We worked on it together. It was "the song" that nobody would ever understand fully besides me. The emotion it took from my gut to sing that song in the studio I can't even begin to explain to any of you. It was my heart and my soul. It was 100% real. It was honest and it was true.


When I learned the overseas band dared to record this song again it truly stunned me. When I learned they recorded it twice and ended their album with the song, well........that makes it personal.


Why was this song a bonus track? They took a song about my parents and me and made it ugly. How dare they. How dare any of his puppets take something and rework it not having a fucking clue what or who it was about. Goddamn them all.


When one of my supporters Greg Dolecki went on the overseas EC page and dared to be polite and ask a few questions in regards to why the band would do this, Logue deleted his post. No answer? No comment? No human decency towards a LONG TIME supporter of the band? Can you say missed chance to promote your band? They not only didn't promote their band, but they ignored a guy who supported them and their music for the past 11 years. This behavior is unacceptable. They have done this to others in the past. I wonder if Queensryche deletes posts from fans who are nice who ask simple questions about Geoff Tate? I doubt it. Greg never mentioned my name and I never asked him to contact the band. Anyone who knows 5% of how I do things realizes I'll handle my business myself.


Here's the deal......


The fact that Paul Logue blew off Greg makes him an asshole. The fact he has done this to other fans makes him an asshole and a shitty businessman. The fact he uses a song about my parents to get back at me makes him a real son of a bitch. One day Paul you and I will run into each other.....It's a small world. I'd ask you one question.................If even 1% what you "think" you know about me is true what kinda day will you have when we meet again? I'll let you answer that one.


PS.....Happy Birthday Ronnie James Dio ~ You were the coolest Rock Star I've ever met and will ever meet. I will never forget you. \m/ \m/

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