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Red White & Blues

Captain Howdy

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Remember when Skin released old school hard rock?

Remember when there was a band called Jagged Edge that wasnt some R&B act who didnt have the originality to not steal another bands name?

Then Red White & Blues is the band for you.

Featuring the reunion of Matti Alfonzetti and Myke Gray, its a proper throw back to the Jagged Edge days.

Saw them support Steel Panther a few weeks ago, and was expecting a blues based band, but got a proper rock band.


Their album is due for shipping right about now, but only 1000 copies are supposed to be made.

Website says 878 in stock now.


Album is £10 plus postage (£2 to UK, £5 to Europe and £7 to rest of world)

Samples are available on the main site.



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Remember when Skin released old school hard rock?

Remember when there was a band called Jagged Edge that wasnt some R&B act who didnt have the originality to not steal another bands name?

Then Red White & Blues is the band for you.

Featuring the reunion of Matti Alfonzetti and Myke Gray, its a proper throw back to the Jagged Edge days.

Saw them support Steel Panther a few weeks ago, and was expecting a blues based band, but got a proper rock band.


Their album is due for shipping right about now, but only 1000 copies are supposed to be made.

Website says 878 in stock now.


Album is £10 plus postage (£2 to UK, £5 to Europe and £7 to rest of world)

Samples are available on the main site.



I just heard Alfonzetti's new solo cd, and I hope Red,White,and Blues is more hard rocking than that one. Not saying that the Alfonzetti is bad or anything, but my taste for music (for right now anyway's )is something with a little more balls.

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I do think £7 is a lot, but if you have paid £1 then the person is losing money. Basic airmail for a single CD to Australia would probably cost something like £2 to £2.50 just for postage alone.

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Got it this morning. Great album and is defo a contender for a spot in my top ten for the year.



geez, I'm wanting the postage costs to be more economic!!!

Someone talk to the band on behalf of us international fans :)

There was a letter in the package with Myke asking for feedback as to favourite song, value for money, would you see them live etc etc etc

One of the questions said "Would I recommend the album to friends" to which I pointed out that I had recommended the album before it came out based on the live show I saw, and the only thing putting international customers off was the high postage.

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Saw them support Steel Panther a few weeks ago, and was expecting a blues based band, but got a proper rock band.

I only juat looked in the thread now as I feared it'd be a thread for a bluesy Skin-type band, but I'm now interested. Like Andre, I believe the shipping is criminal and would never pay that, but I would love to hear this mofo. Love the new Alfonzetti.

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There are some bluesy numbers on it, but the rockers more than make up for them.

That said, the bluesy tracks are pretty good.


Songs like Shame Shame & Stand up for rock & roll are great songs, and were easily recognisable from when they played them live.

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There are some bluesy numbers on it, but the rockers more than make up for them.

That said, the bluesy tracks are pretty good.


Songs like Shame Shame & Stand up for rock & roll are great songs, and were easily recognisable from when they played them live.

More like Jagged Edge than Skin?

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On the rockier stuff, defo a throwback to Jagged Edge, and not just because its Matti singing.

Its not "blow the roof off" rock, if you get my meaning, its just that a song like Shame Shame for instance has more in common with a song like Rosy Rosy than anything off of a Skin album.


The support slot I saw them play really impressed me as they had the crowd going and singing along to songs they didnt even know, which is an achievement in itself, but when you consider the kind of audience that Steel Panther attracts, thats an even bigger compliment.

I will say though that the live show was probably a lot rockier than the album, but the same could be said of the new Reckless Love album as well.

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  • 1 month later...

Listened to this one today too. I can't really begrudge the guys for doing this and I guess it's a pretty good bluesy rock album. But it's definitely for those who like the blusier, more rocking and less melodic side of Jagged Edge. I personally loved the more melodic / commercial songs on the Jagged Edge debut. But I guess this is pretty decent for a sold hard rock disc... just not really my thing.


I will say, though, that 'A little too late' is excellent - on par with the best stuff on JE's debut and the new Alfonzetti disc (which crucifies this, imo). I actually wish that song was on the new Alfonzetti disc. ;)


'The best is yet to come' is a great melodic rock tune too. And 'Road to hell' is a good hard rock closer.

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  • 10 months later...

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