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"Raiders" turns 30

Fat Freddy

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Wanna feel old? According to Yahoo News, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was released 30 years ago today, on June 12, 1981.




I saw "Raiders" that summer with my buddy Dave, we were both 11 years old at the time. We had no idea what the movie was about, we just knew "The guy who played Han Solo" was in it. It blew our tiny little minds!! It's been one of my favorite films ever since.



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One of my favorite movies ever! The scene in Marion Ravenwood's bar in Nepal is one of my favorite parts of any movie. The dialog between Marion and Toht leading up to the gun fight is great as is the gun fight itself...bullets ricocheting, fire...."whiskey?" :whip:


Now too bad they had to go and fuck up the 4th movie but whatever.

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Nooooooo! It can't be! That does indeed make me (and all the guys who sit near me at work) feel bloody ancient! :crying:

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Now too bad they had to go and fuck up the 4th movie


Y'know, I still haven't seen the 4th "Indy." I bought a used DVD of it late last year but have been gunshy about actually sitting down and watchin' it cuz of all the hate for it. I suppose I'll get to it eventually but I'm in no hurry...

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Now too bad they had to go and fuck up the 4th movie


Y'know, I still haven't seen the 4th "Indy." I bought a used DVD of it late last year but have been gunshy about actually sitting down and watchin' it cuz of all the hate for it. I suppose I'll get to it eventually but I'm in no hurry...


I know you will watch it because a person just has to...but my recommendation: DON'T! You will just get pissed.

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Now too bad they had to go and fuck up the 4th movie


Y'know, I still haven't seen the 4th "Indy." I bought a used DVD of it late last year but have been gunshy about actually sitting down and watchin' it cuz of all the hate for it. I suppose I'll get to it eventually but I'm in no hurry...




I liked the 4th movie as much as I did the 2nd movie which was my least favorite of the first 3....the 4th is certainly worth watching, although it's nowhere near as good as the 1st...

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You guys should know by now that I fear no crappy movie, so even if "Indy 4" is just average or even a little bit below, it'll still probably be miles ahead of most of the other cinematic sludge I wade thru on a weekly basis. I'm not worried. :D

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If it was a movie on its own, I could tolerate it. But the things they did at times were more over the top silly, borderline stupid. I realize that IJ was always over the top fun action but this was too much.


Then the things they did with his personal life...having a kid, and the ending. They just took away the persona that was Indiana Jones...a somewhat lonesome loner whose home is a mess (he's rarely there), office is a mess, little to no family, messed up relationships around the world....ah, I don't know, I get fired up just talking about it.

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