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Use this web site!! http://www.cars.gov/ You can go there to check it out, but dont go any further!! Its a site for the Cash For Clunkers thing the government has going on. And you have to ok a agreement to allow the government to take control of your computer!! :eek: This is what it says:


“This application provides access to the DOT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government.


“Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign.”

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here is what I've found so far.



This is nowhere on cars.gov. The website that allows car dealerships to link into the govt systems to request stimulus funds related to the CARS program is similar to: Enterprise Services Center. If you look just below the sign-in, it has a link to FAA Privacy and Website Policy.


Even if you go to the CARS.gov - Car Allowance Rebate System - Home - Formerly Referred to as “Cash for Clunkers” site, go to the bottom, and go to the Privacy & Notices link, it takes you to U.S. Department of Transportation / Privacy Policy.


Now you tell me whether or not this is the government trying to track your personal computer at home for visiting cars.gov. Nowhere does the USDOT policy say anything about intercepting personal information, and also--the key to that "bulletin" is that you have to log-in to the CARS system via cars.gov. THERE IS NO PLACE FOR YOU TO LOG IN AT THAT SITE.


People will think up anything if it makes a good story, even if it's completely false but fits their agenda. Sickening.

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The fallacy is that the privacy "warning box" comes up ONLY when the dealer pulls up the site via esc.gov. Basically, they're serving as a govt. subsidiary when requesting stimulus funds, so the federal government treats the computers at dealerships logging into a federal site as federal govt property. The main aim of that isn't to spy/log/eavesdrop on the customer or even the dealerships, it's to keep track of which dealerships are requesting funds, and whether or not it's legit. It's just the same as if a federally contracted company uses their own computers to work on/log in to a federal software suite, that the contractor's computers are considered federal property just like a computer in the heart of the Pentagon.


It's just another tactic to scare people out of using a program that seems to be working pretty well so far. Kimberly Gilfoyle, while hot, is just as much to blame as Beck is for chirping right in with him on this.

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The fallacy is that the privacy "warning box" comes up ONLY when the dealer pulls up the site via esc.gov. Basically, they're serving as a govt. subsidiary when requesting stimulus funds, so the federal government treats the computers at dealerships logging into a federal site as federal govt property. The main aim of that isn't to spy/log/eavesdrop on the customer or even the dealerships, it's to keep track of which dealerships are requesting funds, and whether or not it's legit. It's just the same as if a federally contracted company uses their own computers to work on/log in to a federal software suite, that the contractor's computers are considered federal property just like a computer in the heart of the Pentagon.


It's just another tactic to scare people out of using a program that seems to be working pretty well so far. Kimberly Gilfoyle, while hot, is just as much to blame as Beck is for chirping right in with him on this.

:agree: Exactly why I continue to hate the media, conservative, liberal, whatever. It's all about sensationalism and the escalation of fear on false pretenses in order to gain more viewers. Fuck 'em! :2up:

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
Cash For Clunkers


A complete waste of f-n $! Where in the f**k is the 2bill coming from? Oh yeah the taxpayer...if someone is driving a "clunker" its usually for a reason.The last thing a low income individual needs is a car loan...and thats generally who is the target for this program.Holy sh*t!! Keep this up they'll need ANOTHER bailout to correct this...and this is on dems and reps.

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