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Which bands did you go and see?

Nick C

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G n R at Maine Road, Manchester -What a cruddy gig, they originally cancelled the gig (after I took a day off work) re-scheduled it, came on around 3 hours late played a half baked show that was terminally short in length and excitement.


Extreme - the International, Manchester - boring as hell and Gary Cherone is just embarrassing


Tangerine Dream - less said about that the better


Rush R30 tour Nynex Arena, Manchester - Now everyone raved about this show - me and my mate went and sat through the 1 and a half hours or so of the first set and decided we couldn't face another 1 and a half hours or more of the second set. One band I alway always wanted to see and never got to....(shoulda gone to Stafford or wherever back in the late 70's when Max Webster supported them!) and when I did I was severely let down. I was back at my local pub in time for the pub quiz!


Electric Boys - International, Manchester - just didn't live up to the album (s) .... just no sparks flying too much style over substance that night.


Here and Now - The Tower Club, Rochdale - I was seriously ill the night before, and had to put up with a 350 - 400 mile train ride from down south the following day. So not in the best shape and I was falling asleep throughout the whole gig - but my mate who loved them kinda thought they were dull so we split ... me probably back to bed!

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Rush R30 tour Nynex Arena, Manchester - Now everyone raved about this show - me and my mate went and sat through the 1 and a half hours or so of the first set and decided we couldn't face another 1 and a half hours or more of the second set. One band I alway always wanted to see and never got to....(shoulda gone to Stafford or wherever back in the late 70's when Max Webster supported them!) and when I did I was severely let down. I was back at my local pub in time for the pub quiz!


I saw them on this tour too - Birmingham NEC and they were outstanding, consistently the best band I`ve seen live over the 29 years I`ve been going to concerts! I`m very critical of a bands performance, always hard to please!


What was it that was disappointing mate, their performance, set list? :unsure::)

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Rush R30 tour Nynex Arena, Manchester - Now everyone raved about this show - me and my mate went and sat through the 1 and a half hours or so of the first set and decided we couldn't face another 1 and a half hours or more of the second set. One band I alway always wanted to see and never got to....(shoulda gone to Stafford or wherever back in the late 70's when Max Webster supported them!) and when I did I was severely let down. I was back at my local pub in time for the pub quiz!


I saw them on this tour too - Birmingham NEC and they were outstanding, consistently the best band I`ve seen live over the 29 years I`ve been going to concerts! I`m very critical of a bands performance, always hard to please!


What was it that was disappointing mate, their performance, set list? :unsure::)


Possibly the 1st set.....tons of new stuff which is okay but for me much of the later Rush albums sound very much alike ... and a medley of old stuff but I think they should have balanced it out more, apparently the second half had the more "seasoned" songs...but by then Iwas drinking beer in my local....I mean I love the band and have all their albums (except the cover versions album) but I was sorely disappointed.

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Poison - Hammersmith Odeon. Great stage show, pyro etc, but unfortunately the band forgot that they aren't great musicians and were completely useless. The chief fag hag CC and the Bass player, whatever the freaks name is, were particularly shite. and they all stumbled their way through 90 minutes of musical torture. One of the worst bands I have ever seen in my entire life that were allegedly meant to be great live - They weren't.


Jethro Tull - Hemel Pavillion. Not really my cup of tea musically and whilst I can appreciate they are great musicians, they bored the pants off me. Jo even fell asleep in the corner of the venue by half time.

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Jethro Tull - Hemel Pavillion. Not really my cup of tea musically and whilst I can appreciate they are great musicians, they bored the pants off me. Jo even fell asleep in the corner of the venue by half time.


Oooh! I forgot Jethro Tull....flipping heck they were grim. It was months before I could look at a flute again!

I went to the Apollo to see them .... dragged there by my mate ...not my choice

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Rush R30 tour Nynex Arena, Manchester - Now everyone raved about this show - me and my mate went and sat through the 1 and a half hours or so of the first set and decided we couldn't face another 1 and a half hours or more of the second set. One band I alway always wanted to see and never got to....(shoulda gone to Stafford or wherever back in the late 70's when Max Webster supported them!) and when I did I was severely let down. I was back at my local pub in time for the pub quiz!


I saw them on this tour too - Birmingham NEC and they were outstanding, consistently the best band I`ve seen live over the 29 years I`ve been going to concerts! I`m very critical of a bands performance, always hard to please!


What was it that was disappointing mate, their performance, set list? :unsure::)


Possibly the 1st set.....tons of new stuff which is okay but for me much of the later Rush albums sound very much alike ... and a medley of old stuff but I think they should have balanced it out more, apparently the second half had the more "seasoned" songs...but by then Iwas drinking beer in my local....I mean I love the band and have all their albums (except the cover versions album) but I was sorely disappointed.


Fair enough Nick, I`ll let you off :tumbsup:

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Dokken, saw them in the 80`s on the Under Lock And Key and Back For The Attack tours.


Must admit I was more disappointed by George Lynch`s guitar playing rather than the band itself, his solos etc were completely different to the studio versions, which meant he lost my appreciation instantly.


Def Leppard on their Adrenalize tour, that album IMO was poor and they were poor on this particular night due to playing songs off this album.

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I'm with Jez on this one-Poison,more like sonic poisoning.Saw them back in the 80's at the Tennis Centre Melbourne Australia,wish i never had wasted my cash on a load of shit band.The first song we all had no idea what it was as the band we're all doing their own thing.

Studio band and that is it.Big letdown. :2up:

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Whitesnake - Slip Of The Tongue Tour 1990 (Phoenix, Arizona)...


The last time I saw WS before this was the 'Slide It In Tour' (which was awesome).. This time it was all flash and no substance. Numerous times there were huge "choruses" when no one was near a microphone. The worst part was Rudy Sarzo licking his bass every other song, and Steve Vai spending so much time posing. I ended up going to the first aid station (where they had a Phoenix Suns/L.A. Lakers playoff game on the TV) and hung out there until I hooked up with my friends at the end of the show. Bad English opened and were great, so I guess it wasn't a total train wreck. LOL

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Iron Maiden at Earls Court (cant remember when it was)....their poorest performance for me....and why? cos the sound was shite....all echos and nothing else.


Motorhead (25th Bomber anniversary) at Brixton Academy. Where were the hits? Too fucking loud as well - just ridiculous.


U2 - Zoo tour at Wembley Stadium. Just a wall of sound. Zzzzzz. Luck I was pissed out of tiny mind.


Deep Purple @ Cliffs Pavilion in Southend (a couple of years back)....classic example of a band and an audience past its sell by date. Static boring audience and Ian Gillan with short hair and wearing a hawaiian shirt. Rock n roll. NOT. Zzzzz

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The only band I ever walked out on was BILLY SQUIER.

It was at the MEADOWLANDS arena and BON JOVI opened up for him. BON JOVI ripped through his set and was very impressive. Then it was BILLY SQUIRREL'S turn. Midway through his set, the bouncers allowed a girl to run up onstage every 2 minutes. At that time BOBBY CHOUINARD got up from his drums and walked out to the front of the stage and tried to twirl his sticks, dropping them to the floor. I looked at my friends and said "Let's get the fuck outa here".

This JERKOFF has the balls to talk shit about other bands?

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Tesla. I had seen them twice before but the last time I saw them turned me off of the band ever since.


I saw Tesla last year and they were spot on. Tight sound, great vocals, played all the great tunes. I could tell the crowd was into it.

Who knows, it's hit and miss.


I saw L.A. Guns years ago at a festival. They came out for 25 minutes of crap and left the stage. I remember seeing one of them (can't remember which one) getting up close and personal with some pink haired roadie after their "show" (and I use that term loosely).

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The last 3 or 4 times I saw Def Leppard. Just terrible...

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I'd like to add Slaughter and Faster Pussycat to my list


I saw Slaughter once in 89/90 ish (??) on their debut album tour at the Marquee in London. I must admit from what I recall it was fucking excellent.


Never seen Faster Pussycat.........thank God.

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I'd like to add Slaughter and Faster Pussycat to my list


I saw Slaughter once in 89/90 ish (??) on their debut album tour at the Marquee in London. I must admit from what I recall it was fucking excellent.


Never seen Faster Pussycat.........thank God.


I saw Faster Pussycat open for the Crue and I recall both bands put on a great show.

I'm sure it can be hit and miss with most bands, some more than others. I often hear about GNR being a pain in the ass, not showing up on time, etc. but the one time I had a chance to see them they started on time and were great.

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