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Missing 8 year old girl found dead in Cali


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A Sunday school teacher! Well id just like to take this opportunity to go ahead and say a big THANK YOU TO JESUS!! yet another fine example that the lord is always watching over us, the lord works in mysterious ways, even if it's killing and raping a defensless 8 year girl, the lords work is never done, well this Huckabee bitch, this fucking bitch that just signed her death sentence, I wonder if the cunt will even make it to trial, maybe a standard will get set on this one, I know people have gotta be as sick of this as me, somebody on the insides gotta slip her the Columbian Necktie! let's see, maybe if I ask the heavenly father really hard, and say pretty please, this worthless cunt will be hanging in her cell by her tongue tomorow morning!


Umm, Jesus nor God killed that little girl......This woman has free will and allegedly chose to commit an evil act. How about all of the great things that Christians do every day all over the world? BTW, what's a Huckabee bitch? Is that different than a Clinton/Obama/Code Pink bitch? Just wondering.......

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A Sunday school teacher! Well id just like to take this opportunity to go ahead and say a big THANK YOU TO JESUS!! yet another fine example that the lord is always watching over us, the lord works in mysterious ways, even if it's killing and raping a defensless 8 year girl, the lords work is never done, well this Huckabee bitch, this fucking bitch that just signed her death sentence, I wonder if the cunt will even make it to trial, maybe a standard will get set on this one, I know people have gotta be as sick of this as me, somebody on the insides gotta slip her the Columbian Necktie! let's see, maybe if I ask the heavenly father really hard, and say pretty please, this worthless cunt will be hanging in her cell by her tongue tomorow morning!


Umm, Jesus nor God killed that little girl......This woman has free will and allegedly chose to commit an evil act. How about all of the great things that Christians do every day all over the world? BTW, what's a Huckabee bitch? Is that different than a Clinton/Obama/Code Pink bitch? Just wondering.......


Well if you have free will, and God can't do anything for you, whats the point in believing in him? if this lady was doing his work, then she is a represenative of him, just like if you work for a company, so regardless of all the great work christians are doing all over the world, Id have to say this knocks it down to it's foundation, and by the way, if I may ask, why is it God only gets credit for the good things, but when something bad happens you attribute it to "Free Will"? im just very curious. And Yes a huckabee bitch is just as worthless ass a clinton obama bitch, even know I like the govenor!

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Well if you have free will, and God can't do anything for you, what's the point in believing in Him?

Um, you are on record in other threads as stating you are agnostic. You do realize that agnostics acknowledge the possibility of God's existence, don't you? Are you changing your mind? Has the rape/murder of this little girl now turned you into an atheist? Because if not, you shouldn't be railing against Christians who believe in God when you yourself claim (via agnosticism) to acknowledge that God might in fact exist.


As I have said elsewhere, I believe there is evidence all around us of the existence of God, or a Higher Power, if you prefer the term, and just because He allows something terrible to happen does not change the fact that He exists. Do I understand why God did not interject when this innocent child was violated and slaughered? No, not at all, and I never will while I walk this planet, and I am secure enough in my faith to raise my eyes to Heaven and much like you, ask Him, "Where the hell were You while this girl was suffering?"


And by the way, despite my Christian beliefs, I am human and bloodthirsty enough to fully agree with you on the Colombian necktie thing. As a correctional officer, I never lose sleep when I find the child molesters beaten to a bloody pulp in the showers, and I would be happy to read a news report tomorrow saying that they found the sick bitch in her cell split open from crotch to crown.


Anyway, this story is hellishly tragic, but in no way does it disprove the existence of God.

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A Sunday school teacher! Well id just like to take this opportunity to go ahead and say a big THANK YOU TO JESUS!! yet another fine example that the lord is always watching over us, the lord works in mysterious ways, even if it's killing and raping a defensless 8 year girl, the lords work is never done, well this Huckabee bitch, this fucking bitch that just signed her death sentence, I wonder if the cunt will even make it to trial, maybe a standard will get set on this one, I know people have gotta be as sick of this as me, somebody on the insides gotta slip her the Columbian Necktie! let's see, maybe if I ask the heavenly father really hard, and say pretty please, this worthless cunt will be hanging in her cell by her tongue tomorow morning!


Umm, Jesus nor God killed that little girl......This woman has free will and allegedly chose to commit an evil act. How about all of the great things that Christians do every day all over the world? BTW, what's a Huckabee bitch? Is that different than a Clinton/Obama/Code Pink bitch? Just wondering.......


Well if you have free will, and God can't do anything for you, whats the point in believing in him? if this lady was doing his work, then she is a represenative of him, just like if you work for a company, so regardless of all the great work christians are doing all over the world, Id have to say this knocks it down to it's foundation, and by the way, if I may ask, why is it God only gets credit for the good things, but when something bad happens you attribute it to "Free Will"? im just very curious. And Yes a huckabee bitch is just as worthless ass a clinton obama bitch, even know I like the govenor!


Without delving (too deeply) into philosophical considerations that generally aren't proffered, discussed, or even popular on this message board, I'll say that Christianity distills down to one fundamental concept--> FAITH. Faith that there is a God, that He is just and wise, and that through the new covenant brought forth by his Son, we, as hapless and flawed as OUR FREE WILL and poor decisions allow us to be, can find redemption. So, why then does someone affiliate with a Christian community and allegedly murder a child? I necessarily cannot have an answer to that beyond free will and see below paragraphs (LOL), but I can say that she was not behaving in a Christ-like manner. Further, although part of Christianity entails celebrating with others (i.e. church services), it is at it's most fundamental level a personal and spritual experience. Thus, logically, the sinful actions of one "believer" do not and cannot condemn another's spiritual foundation of faith. The Christian Church serves solely as a bedrock source of knowledge and inspiration from which it's practitioners can discover God, accept Christ as savior, and grow spiritually, but it cannot stop individuals from sinning nor from committing crimes against society. As a believer, I am asked and expected to adhere to the the roadmap set forth in the New Testament, but I am not forced to comply. Rather than admonishing God for not enforcing compliance (a.k.a. for not creating a world of all good deeds all the time), I find it indicative of His unending generosity toward "man" that all of us are granted the intellect to choose between right and wrong, even when the chosen outcomes are often so horribly wrong. We are forced, however, to live with the consequences of bad behavior. So then, what can God "broadly" do for "you" (anyone/everyone)? Well, alot, including extending an offer of eternal salvation, but you first have to want the assistance. That doesn't mean that He won't reach out in gentle, unexpected ways from time to time, but the final choice is always "yours."


To use your analogy of a company--> when was the last time a company was held culpable for the renegade actions of an employee who chose to murder his/her co-workers? Or a school was deemed responsible for the actions of a school shooter(s)? In general, we are a forgiving society and do not hold the many accountable for the actions of one. I would offer that logic and reason have as much or more to do with that observance as religious philosophy.


Why credit God for good deeds and not abhor him when things go wrong? Well, there is not a simple answer to that but I'll take a stab........I don't subscribe to the notion that each and every good deed and outcome is divinely coordinated by God. I feel that He has a plan for each person, that He wishes each to fulfill that plan, and that fulfillment of such will lead to maximization of individual and collective potential. But each chooses (via free will) his/her final pathway to the destination, including all works, good and bad, that lead toward or away from, respectively, that desired outcome. When one has wandered astray thru sin, a major tenet underpinning the Christian faith, namely God's merciful forgivness, allows such individual to regain a foothold on the intended path, and again travel in the "right" direction and away from sin. But again, that choice is made at the level of the individual. Further, I believe that one may acknowledge the opportunities and blessings bestowed upon him/her by a Creator that allow for accomplishment and achievment, and that said Creator will provide aid along the way when/if/how He deems it necessary (which is one reason believers pray), without attributing all happenings to divinity. I personally acknowledge that God helps me accomplish positive "deeds" by granting me certain talents and capabilities, but I've been given full autonomy over the final execution of said deeds.


Why would God allow for suffering? Volumes and volumes have been written on this subject, by some of the most esteemed Christian and, amazingly, secular philosophers throughout history. I would encourage anyone genuinely interested in this topic to seek out some of those books and writings, C.S Lewis' "Mere Christianity" being a very good starting point. Lewis was a brilliant defender of atheism before becoming a brilliant defender of christianity....From the bias of my Christian viewpoint, I believe that through suffering I can more fully relate to the suffering that Christ endured for humanity. I am not likening myself to a Christ-figure, far from it, I've done some stuff I ain't too proud of. But I am especially comforted by this approach when patients whom I have cared for medically suffer and die. So, do I need to suffer to know God? No, but suffering sure does remind me how IMPERFECT this world is as compared to the PERFECTION of God's heaven that lies, I fervently hope, at the end of my life's journey. And I can personally attest thru the activities of my profession to having many opportunities to alleviate physical pain and suffering, so by granting humans such strong intellectual capacities, God isn't exactly leaving us defenseless and incapable of improving the human physical condition. Finally, I also believe that suffering and loss can be looked upon as "gifts" to stimulate individual and communal growth by engendering and amplifying positive human characteristics such as compassion, kindness, empathy, sympathy, etc.. At the conclusion of such experiences, maybe we are collectively better people, with or without a God.........Sorry for the long post, but these are not simple issues and as you can tell, I don't have any simple answers, maybe not even persuasive ones. It wasn't my intent to offend, preach, nor force my personal beliefs onto anyone else....I was just answering questions posed by another board member based upon my point of view.......Jeff.

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Look guys, an agnostic doesnt rule out the possibility that there is a higher power, that doesnt mean I believe there is, I just think in life I cant think of anything that is 100% guaranteed aside from death, and I try to keep my mind as open as humanly possible, and I think people that claim they are 100% right one way or the other are not only foolish, but ignorant, I can never deem myself an atheist, because that is claiming 100% that I believe there is no god, which I don't! but i"m not ignorant or foolish enough to say theirs not something, because I don't know, and neither do you, and religion, I believe was made up to fill the vacuum of not knowing, look how much killing has been done in the name of religion, I think it's absolutely absurd, over something so stupid and unprovable as religion, my common sense, and gut have told me it's all hocus pocus since I was a little kid, It is faith, I wish I believed in God, it sure would make life alot less stressful, but how do I believe in something I don't believe in, who the fuck wants to believe when your dead, that's it, it's agonizing, but there is a brilliant book that was written by a Dr.\Scientist, it's called The God Part Of The Brain, and it's the most logical thing ive ever read, I cant think of the author, but he did years of brain scanning, and experiments, it originally started when he was trying to figure out why people that have strokes become extremely believing in a higher power, and it escalated into much more then that, I believe I came from my father, who was to lazy to stop and buy rubbers at the drug store before he and my mom went to the drive-inn, I came from balls, as George Carlin once put it! but for all intensive purposes, I believe what I see, in life, and if there is a God, Id be very fearful if I were a christian, because If there is such a thing, he's clearly not winning the war between good and evil, I on the other hand just have to live life cautiously, because I know everybody has a little evil in them, but I dont know if I can say everybody has a little good in them, and of all people Metalmaniac777, you being a corrections officer clearly know that, my little brother is a Sheriff, my cousin is a Corrections officer(parole), and ive known a few corrections officers, police, judges, D.A.'s, and Inmates, in my time, I wasnt a criminal, I defended myself and went to prison for it, but i'll tell you what, I was pretty naive when I went to prison, and I was a criminal when I was released, and I thank everything, I was smart enough to get my shit together, because Ive got alot of friends who will never see the light of day again, and guess what? I wonder if they have any good in them? So I don't knock people down, or even try to pick fights with them over religion, because for one thing I was taught early on in life, is don't argue about something you cant show hard evidence for, and where thats not always easy, it is easy when it comes to religion, and god, you believe what you believe, and I dont, but no god id ever believe in would let an 8 year old girl be killed, or anybody for that matter, except for scumbag pedophiles, and rape-o's, you can give me all the free will bullshit you want, but thats just where I stand, we have free will, because we are free, just a bunch of "humans" doing whatever we want to do, and the only consequences are the ones set up on us by our fellow humans, and when those fall, so will we!

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Look guys, an agnostic doesnt rule out the possibility that there is a higher power, that doesnt mean I believe there is, I just think in life I cant think of anything that is 100% guaranteed aside from death, and I try to keep my mind as open as humanly possible, and I think people that claim they are 100% right one way or the other are not only foolish, but ignorant, I can never deem myself an atheist, because that is claiming 100% that I believe there is no god, which I don't! but i"m not ignorant or foolish enough to say theirs not something, because I don't know, and neither do you, and religion, I believe was made up to fill the vacuum of not knowing, look how much killing has been done in the name of religion, I think it's absolutely absurd, over something so stupid and unprovable as religion, my common sense, and gut have told me it's all hocus pocus since I was a little kid, It is faith, I wish I believed in God, it sure would make life alot less stressful, but how do I believe in something I don't believe in, who the fuck wants to believe when your dead, that's it, it's agonizing, but there is a brilliant book that was written by a Dr.\Scientist, it's called The God Part Of The Brain, and it's the most logical thing ive ever read, I cant think of the author, but he did years of brain scanning, and experiments, it originally started when he was trying to figure out why people that have strokes become extremely believing in a higher power, and it escalated into much more then that, I believe I came from my father, who was to lazy to stop and buy rubbers at the drug store before he and my mom went to the drive-inn, I came from balls, as George Carlin once put it! but for all intensive purposes, I believe what I see, in life, and if there is a God, Id be very fearful if I were a christian, because If there is such a thing, he's clearly not winning the war between good and evil, I on the other hand just have to live life cautiously, because I know everybody has a little evil in them, but I dont know if I can say everybody has a little good in them, and of all people Metalmaniac777, you being a corrections officer clearly know that, my little brother is a Sheriff, my cousin is a Corrections officer(parole), and ive known a few corrections officers, police, judges, D.A.'s, and Inmates, in my time, I wasnt a criminal, I defended myself and went to prison for it, but i'll tell you what, I was pretty naive when I went to prison, and I was a criminal when I was released, and I thank everything, I was smart enough to get my shit together, because Ive got alot of friends who will never see the light of day again, and guess what? I wonder if they have any good in them? So I don't knock people down, or even try to pick fights with them over religion, because for one thing I was taught early on in life, is don't argue about something you cant show hard evidence for, and where thats not always easy, it is easy when it comes to religion, and god, you believe what you believe, and I dont, but no god id ever believe in would let an 8 year old girl be killed, or anybody for that matter, except for scumbag pedophiles, and rape-o's, you can give me all the free will bullshit you want, but thats just where I stand, we have free will, because we are free, just a bunch of "humans" doing whatever we want to do, and the only consequences are the ones set up on us by our fellow humans, and when those fall, so will we!


At the end of the day everyone has to live within their own skin and find their own meaning from the challenges life presents. I'm personally quite comfortable with my direction, though I learn something new almost every day by listening to different perspectives.....That said, I've yet to find any compelling arguments from neither atheists, agnostics nor fellow scientists that God does in fact not exist and would categorically summarize many of those arguments as bullshit. Nice thing about living in this country, I can have my beliefs and pursue whatever religion I want within the reasonable boundaries of societal law and everyone else can do the same (or not).

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My point here is not to sway you to a Christian viewpoint, but to merely point out that by admitting that you're not sure God doesn't exist, you by default acknowledge that He might exist. A few posts ago you questioned how Christians can believe in a God that allows children to suffer, yet by your own admission don't rule out the possibility that such a God exists. I'm not here to defend my faith, my beliefs, but to merely point out the fallacy of your own words. If you said, "Children suffer, therefore God cannot exist, so I am an atheist," I would fully understand your reasoning. But when you say, "How can you believe God exists when children suffer even though I'm not sure that He doesn't," well, that doesn't make sense to me. Hell, maybe I'm just really tired (I forgot how little sleep you get with a newborn in the house) and not explaining myself very well. :)


I view belief in God much the same way as I view my wife's love. Can I know for sure, with hard, fast, concrete, indisputable proof that my wife loves me with all her heart? Frankly, no, I can't, because love is not something tangible that I can grasp. But I see evidence of my wife's love each and every day, and that evidence leads me to believe that she loves me. Same line of thinking applies to belief in God; while I cannot hold God in my hands, I see evidence of His existence all around me, therefore I conclude that He is there. Do I understand Him all the time? Absolutely not. But would you really want a God so small and simplistic that mere human intellect could understand everything He does? Everyone's answer may differ on that, but my answer is a resounding "no."

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My point here is not to sway you to a Christian viewpoint, but to merely point out that by admitting that you're not sure God doesn't exist, you by default acknowledge that He might exist. A few posts ago you questioned how Christians can believe in a God that allows children to suffer, yet by your own admission don't rule out the possibility that such a God exists. I'm not here to defend my faith, my beliefs, but to merely point out the fallacy of your own words. If you said, "Children suffer, therefore God cannot exist, so I am an atheist," I would fully understand your reasoning. But when you say, "How can you believe God exists when children suffer even though I'm not sure that He doesn't," well, that doesn't make sense to me. Hell, maybe I'm just really tired (I forgot how little sleep you get with a newborn in the house) and not explaining myself very well. :)


I view belief in God much the same way as I view my wife's love. Can I know for sure, with hard, fast, concrete, indisputable proof that my wife loves me with all her heart? Frankly, no, I can't, because love is not something tangible that I can grasp. But I see evidence of my wife's love each and every day, and that evidence leads me to believe that she loves me. Same line of thinking applies to belief in God; while I cannot hold God in my hands, I see evidence of His existence all around me, therefore I conclude that He is there. Do I understand Him all the time? Absolutely not. But would you really want a God so small and simplistic that mere human intellect could understand everything He does? Everyone's answer may differ on that, but my answer is a resounding "no."


Well put Mark, you described some things better than I'm able to.


Leykis101, nice discussion, opinions may differ but I respect everyone's viewpoint.

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Yes good civil discussion, And Metalmaniac777, I was just curious, almost being cynical, I personally do not believe in god, I'm not going to say there is no such thing, because I don't know, but incidents involving 8year old girls and sunday school teachers, it certainly doesn't make my thoughts sway towards a god, and I haven't heard one good argument to the wiser, I guess its in the eye of the beholder! I honestly hope there is something more to life, but I don't feel it, or see it! The only thing I have faith in is our countrys ability to stand up and stop from going down the road its obviously on! well see how putting my faith in that works out!

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Yes good civil discussion, And Metalmaniac777, I was just curious, almost being cynical, I personally do not believe in god, I'm not going to say there is no such thing, because I don't know, but incidents involving 8year old girls and sunday school teachers, it certainly doesn't make my thoughts sway towards a god, and I haven't heard one good argument to the wiser, I guess its in the eye of the beholder! I honestly hope there is something more to life, but I don't feel it, or see it! The only thing I have faith in is our countrys ability to stand up and stop from going down the road its obviously on! well see how putting my faith in that works out!


Dude, you and I think alike in many ways, besides the God issue.......Jeff.

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Yes good civil discussion, And Metalmaniac777, I was just curious, almost being cynical, I personally do not believe in god, I'm not going to say there is no such thing, because I don't know, but incidents involving 8year old girls and sunday school teachers, it certainly doesn't make my thoughts sway towards a god, and I haven't heard one good argument to the wiser, I guess its in the eye of the beholder! I honestly hope there is something more to life, but I don't feel it, or see it! The only thing I have faith in is our countrys ability to stand up and stop from going down the road its obviously on! well see how putting my faith in that works out!


Dude, you and I think alike in many ways, besides the God issue.......Jeff.


I got ya! you mean In Metal Wayz????? Right?

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Yes good civil discussion, And Metalmaniac777, I was just curious, almost being cynical, I personally do not believe in god, I'm not going to say there is no such thing, because I don't know, but incidents involving 8year old girls and sunday school teachers, it certainly doesn't make my thoughts sway towards a god, and I haven't heard one good argument to the wiser, I guess its in the eye of the beholder! I honestly hope there is something more to life, but I don't feel it, or see it! The only thing I have faith in is our countrys ability to stand up and stop from going down the road its obviously on! well see how putting my faith in that works out!


Dude, you and I think alike in many ways, besides the God issue.......Jeff.


I got ya! you mean In Metal Wayz????? Right?


Metal and politics, if I'm reading your posts correctly....Jeff.

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Classy... not. You do realise that white people do this too, right, and quite a few of them? And please do not insult me by saying you're not racist, just admit it dude. I've read like a zillion of your rants and almost all of them come within about 0.02" of coming with a free set of pillowcases for headgear.


As far as the REAL topic at hand, it's fucking disgusting, disturbing, etc. and I would lose no sleep whatsoever if any of these shitbags lost their lives violently. I know a lot of polar opposite extreme conservatives and extreme liberals and I don't know ANY of them period, full stop, that supports releasing these fucknuts back into society. You want to blame someone, blame the bureaucracy that sucks up the funds that could be used for something other than administrative bullshit.

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Yes good civil discussion, And Metalmaniac777, I was just curious, almost being cynical, I personally do not believe in god, I'm not going to say there is no such thing, because I don't know, but incidents involving 8year old girls and sunday school teachers, it certainly doesn't make my thoughts sway towards a god, and I haven't heard one good argument to the wiser, I guess its in the eye of the beholder! I honestly hope there is something more to life, but I don't feel it, or see it! The only thing I have faith in is our countrys ability to stand up and stop from going down the road its obviously on! well see how putting my faith in that works out!


Dude, you and I think alike in many ways, besides the God issue.......Jeff.


I got ya! you mean In Metal Wayz????? Right?


Metal and politics, if I'm reading your posts correctly....Jeff.


Yes you are!

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Classy... not. You do realise that white people do this too, right, and quite a few of them? And please do not insult me by saying you're not racist, just admit it dude. I've read like a zillion of your rants and almost all of them come within about 0.02" of coming with a free set of pillowcases for headgear.


As far as the REAL topic at hand, it's fucking disgusting, disturbing, etc. and I would lose no sleep whatsoever if any of these shitbags lost their lives violently. I know a lot of polar opposite extreme conservatives and extreme liberals and I don't know ANY of them period, full stop, that supports releasing these fucknuts back into society. You want to blame someone, blame the bureaucracy that sucks up the funds that could be used for something other than administrative bullshit.


Im fully aware of what every race does, and quite a few of them, and after the last election I don't think anybody can say anything about race anymore, to say I HATE!!! other races. I don't so theres a far cry for wanting Klan hoods! im not ignorant! im not a dumb "I hate somebody because of their race" person, did you see that 89 year old lady get knocked out, kicked and her purse stolen on the news? wasnt a white guy was it? how about that old man who was paralyzed in his left arm, I believe he was 86, walk out to his car to get hit by a set of brass knuckles and his head kicked in, and almost ran over after the suspect carjacked him? don't believe he was white either, I cant think of shot on the news of a white person going after a helpless weaker person, OH!!!!!!! except maybe who this primary thread was about in the first place, white trash, piece of shit, waste of space, pedophiles and rape-o's! dont recall the last time I saw any black pedophiles, so Blue Charvel! you really don't know me, and posts and computers in general can give you the wrong idea about somebody, because unless you actually know them, to say they are Klan worthy is a pretty bold statement, and a character judgment, and I just finished a civil argument, or difference of opinion over religion, then you jump on and cut me down, it hurts man, because we agree so much on music, just cause I was speaking of very specific incidents(which I listed) you think that I hate other races, if I hated other races I wouldnt be a huge sports fan, I wouldnt sport my Ronnie Brewer and Darron Williams Jerseys, nor would I merely use the term Gurrs, because I don't believe or look at the people that did that as blacks, and I had enough respect to not be so totally without feelings as to use the full term, and risk getting myself kicked off HH for it!


And as far as politicians go, you ever heard of Barbara Boxer? she led the charge to keep pedophiles locked up didnt she? every time somebody (like Bill O Reilly) does something like jessicas law, giving madatory minimums to pedophiles, their is no reason whatsoever that 50 states shouldnt incorporate this law to protect children, but you know what? their are 6 states that wont sign the law into effect, and you want to know why that is? it ain't cause of conservatives!

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Only you in your heart can truly answer whether your a racist or not, all I can say is go ahead and come up with your own definition of what a "gurr" is, but being that 99.9% of the rest of the world has a different definition for it, I can't believe you would think you wouldn't get any flak for it. That would be likke me saying "fuck off" in place of good morning because I've decided that it means something different to me.


As far as the politics, it is what it is. Voter apathy and corruption as well as sensationalist fear-based journalism on both sides of the coin have gotten this country to the less than wonderful state it's in.


I'm done here, apologies if I've offended, I'd much rather discuss music than politics anyway. :)

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me too!

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Classy... not. You do realise that white people do this too, right, and quite a few of them? And please do not insult me by saying you're not racist, just admit it dude. I've read like a zillion of your rants and almost all of them come within about 0.02" of coming with a free set of pillowcases for headgear.


As far as the REAL topic at hand, it's fucking disgusting, disturbing, etc. and I would lose no sleep whatsoever if any of these shitbags lost their lives violently. I know a lot of polar opposite extreme conservatives and extreme liberals and I don't know ANY of them period, full stop, that supports releasing these fucknuts back into society. You want to blame someone, blame the bureaucracy that sucks up the funds that could be used for something other than administrative bullshit.


Im fully aware of what every race does, and quite a few of them, and after the last election I don't think anybody can say anything about race anymore, to say I HATE!!! other races. I don't so theres a far cry for wanting Klan hoods! im not ignorant! im not a dumb "I hate somebody because of their race" person, did you see that 89 year old lady get knocked out, kicked and her purse stolen on the news? wasnt a white guy was it? how about that old man who was paralyzed in his left arm, I believe he was 86, walk out to his car to get hit by a set of brass knuckles and his head kicked in, and almost ran over after the suspect carjacked him? don't believe he was white either, I cant think of shot on the news of a white person going after a helpless weaker person, OH!!!!!!! except maybe who this primary thread was about in the first place, white trash, piece of shit, waste of space, pedophiles and rape-o's! dont recall the last time I saw any black pedophiles, so Blue Charvel! you really don't know me, and posts and computers in general can give you the wrong idea about somebody, because unless you actually know them, to say they are Klan worthy is a pretty bold statement, and a character judgment, and I just finished a civil argument, or difference of opinion over religion, then you jump on and cut me down, it hurts man, because we agree so much on music, just cause I was speaking of very specific incidents(which I listed) you think that I hate other races, if I hated other races I wouldnt be a huge sports fan, I wouldnt sport my Ronnie Brewer and Darron Williams Jerseys, nor would I merely use the term Gurrs, because I don't believe or look at the people that did that as blacks, and I had enough respect to not be so totally without feelings as to use the full term, and risk getting myself kicked off HH for it!


And as far as politicians go, you ever heard of Barbara Boxer? she led the charge to keep pedophiles locked up didnt she? every time somebody (like Bill O Reilly) does something like jessicas law, giving madatory minimums to pedophiles, their is no reason whatsoever that 50 states shouldnt incorporate this law to protect children, but you know what? their are 6 states that wont sign the law into effect, and you want to know why that is? it ain't cause of conservatives!


Thats some use of some pretty long sentences!

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Okay, I have to ask - what the hell is a "gurr"? I can't find the term, even on Google.

As soon as I got in the car I realised what it is. Silly me.

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Classy... not. You do realise that white people do this too, right, and quite a few of them? And please do not insult me by saying you're not racist, just admit it dude. I've read like a zillion of your rants and almost all of them come within about 0.02" of coming with a free set of pillowcases for headgear.


As far as the REAL topic at hand, it's fucking disgusting, disturbing, etc. and I would lose no sleep whatsoever if any of these shitbags lost their lives violently. I know a lot of polar opposite extreme conservatives and extreme liberals and I don't know ANY of them period, full stop, that supports releasing these fucknuts back into society. You want to blame someone, blame the bureaucracy that sucks up the funds that could be used for something other than administrative bullshit.


Im fully aware of what every race does, and quite a few of them, and after the last election I don't think anybody can say anything about race anymore, to say I HATE!!! other races. I don't so theres a far cry for wanting Klan hoods! im not ignorant! im not a dumb "I hate somebody because of their race" person, did you see that 89 year old lady get knocked out, kicked and her purse stolen on the news? wasnt a white guy was it? how about that old man who was paralyzed in his left arm, I believe he was 86, walk out to his car to get hit by a set of brass knuckles and his head kicked in, and almost ran over after the suspect carjacked him? don't believe he was white either, I cant think of shot on the news of a white person going after a helpless weaker person, OH!!!!!!! except maybe who this primary thread was about in the first place, white trash, piece of shit, waste of space, pedophiles and rape-o's! dont recall the last time I saw any black pedophiles, so Blue Charvel! you really don't know me, and posts and computers in general can give you the wrong idea about somebody, because unless you actually know them, to say they are Klan worthy is a pretty bold statement, and a character judgment, and I just finished a civil argument, or difference of opinion over religion, then you jump on and cut me down, it hurts man, because we agree so much on music, just cause I was speaking of very specific incidents(which I listed) you think that I hate other races, if I hated other races I wouldnt be a huge sports fan, I wouldnt sport my Ronnie Brewer and Darron Williams Jerseys, nor would I merely use the term Gurrs, because I don't believe or look at the people that did that as blacks, and I had enough respect to not be so totally without feelings as to use the full term, and risk getting myself kicked off HH for it!


And as far as politicians go, you ever heard of Barbara Boxer? she led the charge to keep pedophiles locked up didnt she? every time somebody (like Bill O Reilly) does something like jessicas law, giving madatory minimums to pedophiles, their is no reason whatsoever that 50 states shouldnt incorporate this law to protect children, but you know what? their are 6 states that wont sign the law into effect, and you want to know why that is? it ain't cause of conservatives!


Thats some use of some pretty long sentences!

Well, that's as good as it gets when im typing from my PDA!

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