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Mormons From Australia


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My God! I've been shopping in downtown Salt Lake today, where they are also having mormon general conference, I almost thought I was in Sydney! their was more Aussies then Mexicans, so what did I do? well I decided to see if any of them know Geoff, not one of them did! how do you like that?

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My God! I've been shopping in downtown Salt Lake today, where they are also having mormon general conference, I almost thought I was in Sydney! their was more Aussies then Mexicans, so what did I do? well I decided to see if any of them know Geoff, not one of them did! how do you like that?



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My initial reading of the topic title was 'Morons From Australians' and I was going to say - 'So whats new' :D:

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:lol: I didn't even know we had mormons over here.


I'd have killed them by now if I'd known.

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Guys you don't just have a few, I'm telling you this was A SHITLOAD, and it wasn't just aussies, New Zealand had its share of mormons as well! I was bloody speechless mates!

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My God! I've been shopping in downtown Salt Lake today, where they are also having mormon general conference, I almost thought I was in Sydney! their was more Aussies then Mexicans, so what did I do? well I decided to see if any of them know Geoff, not one of them did! how do you like that?




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These are those twats that walk around in pairs dressed in black and white, knocking on everyone's door being a pain in the ass, aren't they? When I first saw this thread I thought it was those Amish twats you were talking about.


Yeah, I see these mormon f*ckers all over the place. I must make a note to begin deleting them from life when we meet. They annoy me severely.

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You could do that, or you do what I do, you see these guys are as good as used car salesman, I firmly state "I am an Agnostic" they think "oh there's a 1% chance with this guy, so I let them give me the whole song and dance, then I just begin asking common sense questions, like, "dont you think Jesus might have been killed cause they didn't have mental asylums back then?" or here's a good one, catch them off guard with this one, " where was Joseph Smith living when he died" or "I was under the assumption that Mormonism was founded by guys that were rejected by the Masons"? just have a little fun before telling them their entertaining, some of them are extremely quick and sharp tongued, you'll be suprised!

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These are those twats that walk around in pairs dressed in black and white, knocking on everyone's door being a pain in the ass, aren't they?



We even have Mormons over here in Japan like this. It never fails, they always come aroung knocking on the door early Saturday or Sunday mornings. I stopped answering the door on the weekends. After knocking for about five minutes, they get the hint.

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If you guys wanna see a hilarious movie, rent or buy a movie called Orgazmo! it's made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the guys that make South Park) it's about a mormon missionary that goes to L.A. and becomes a porn actor, its hilarious, Trey Parker plays a perfect mormon! probably because he grew up as one in Colorado(also full of mormons) it's stupid but you'll laugh your ass off, its even got King Ron Jeremy in it!

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If you guys wanna see a hilarious movie, rent or buy a movie called Orgazmo! it's made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the guys that make South Park) it's about a mormon missionary that goes to L.A. and becomes a porn actor, its hilarious, Trey Parker plays a perfect mormon! probably because he grew up as one in Colorado(also full of mormons) it's stupid but you'll laugh your ass off, its even got King Ron Jeremy in it!



"Orgazmo" is a hilarious movie. The scene at the beginning where the little old lady rips the Mormons a new ass gets me rollin' every time.

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If you guys wanna see a hilarious movie, rent or buy a movie called Orgazmo! it's made by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (the guys that make South Park) it's about a mormon missionary that goes to L.A. and becomes a porn actor, its hilarious, Trey Parker plays a perfect mormon! probably because he grew up as one in Colorado(also full of mormons) it's stupid but you'll laugh your ass off, its even got King Ron Jeremy in it!



"Orgazmo" is a hilarious movie. The scene at the beginning where the little old lady rips the Mormons a new ass gets me rollin' every time.


Oh you mean, " You boys can fuck right off, you heard me, take that book of mormon and stick it up your self righteous ass, you soul soliciting pig fuckers!" you mean that old lady??? ha ha ha!!!



Tom Hung: "When the mormons arrived from Wisconsin they had a hard time finding work"


Old Porn Actress: "They Should of done double anal, you get to be my age, youve gotta do double anal or no one will hire you, im the only actress that will do double vaginal, double anal, at the same time, you know, DVDA, if you dont think that stuffs me like a christmas goose, your out of your fucking head"

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