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A Thought About Zappa!


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Rather you loved him or rather you hated him, he was truly the most unique and original character in music history! you can measure that by the fact that nobody did it before he did! that I know of?

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A bit of a genius in my book,but as you say, I can see why some people wouldn't go for it. I haven't heard all of his stuff, probably 70%, as there are so many discs to get through, but there are some fantastic albums amongst his back catologue - 'Sheik Yerbouti', 'Zoot Allures', 'Tinseltown Rebellion' & 'Joe's Garage' all of which are excellent.

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Ol' Frank was always a bit too weird for me but I always respected his wit and his hardcore anti-censorship stance. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Dee Snider and John Denver (!) on Capitol Hill back in the 80s and told those Washington Wives where to stick their initiative!

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Ol' Frank was always a bit too weird for me but I always respected his wit and his hardcore anti-censorship stance. He stood shoulder to shoulder with Dee Snider and John Denver (!) on Capitol Hill back in the 80s and told those Washington Wives where to stick their initiative!



Weirdest.. Bunch.. EVER!!! :whistle:


Never got into Frank Zappa to be honest, He was a lil bit strange for My taste, but yea I did respect His wit and anti-censorship stance.... :tumbsup:

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Don't forget Luther Cambell! who all of that shit was started over.

I was in 6th grade when all that shit went down, and even then I remember thinking"this is pretty pathetic" out of the entire music industry, 4 people was all it was important to! it kind of made me sick, I even had a new respect for John Denver, it makes you wonder if that were to go on now, who would show up? would anybody be there?

And Sheik-Yerbouti is one of my all time favorites, another great one is You Are What You Iz!

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A bit of a genius in my book,but as you say, I can see why some people wouldn't go for it. I haven't heard all of his stuff, probably 70%, as there are so many discs to get through, but there are some fantastic albums amongst his back catologue - 'Sheik Yerbouti', 'Zoot Allures', 'Tinseltown Rebellion' & 'Joe's Garage' all of which are excellent.


I was ripping my Zappa discs onto my Computer the other day, your post made me to curious not to act, I have 14 of Zappas discs and 12 more on cassette, I sat down for about 3 hours(as I couldn't find an acurate website) and compiled all his catalog! now this is fucking MINDBLOWING!! Zappas studio releases from 1964 to his death in 1993, are you ready? 59 studio releases! 31 album collabs with other musicians, 17 Live Albums, and 24 Best Of's Greatest hits etc (16 of which are Post-Humous)

People I don't know to many other musicians that can tout this kind of catalog! plus he made 2 movies, can any of you think of anybody with this kind of discographyn its fucking astonishing!

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A bit of a genius in my book,but as you say, I can see why some people wouldn't go for it. I haven't heard all of his stuff, probably 70%, as there are so many discs to get through, but there are some fantastic albums amongst his back catologue - 'Sheik Yerbouti', 'Zoot Allures', 'Tinseltown Rebellion' & 'Joe's Garage' all of which are excellent.


I was ripping my Zappa discs onto my Computer the other day, your post made me to curious not to act, I have 14 of Zappas discs and 12 more on cassette, I sat down for about 3 hours(as I couldn't find an acurate website) and compiled all his catalog! now this is fucking MINDBLOWING!! Zappas studio releases from 1964 to his death in 1993, are you ready? 59 studio releases! 31 album collabs with other musicians, 17 Live Albums, and 24 Best Of's Greatest hits etc (16 of which are Post-Humous)

People I don't know to many other musicians that can tout this kind of catalog! plus he made 2 movies, can any of you think of anybody with this kind of discographyn its fucking astonishing!



Cliff Richard!! :whistle:

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A bit of a genius in my book,but as you say, I can see why some people wouldn't go for it. I haven't heard all of his stuff, probably 70%, as there are so many discs to get through, but there are some fantastic albums amongst his back catologue - 'Sheik Yerbouti', 'Zoot Allures', 'Tinseltown Rebellion' & 'Joe's Garage' all of which are excellent.


I was ripping my Zappa discs onto my Computer the other day, your post made me to curious not to act, I have 14 of Zappas discs and 12 more on cassette, I sat down for about 3 hours(as I couldn't find an acurate website) and compiled all his catalog! now this is fucking MINDBLOWING!! Zappas studio releases from 1964 to his death in 1993, are you ready? 59 studio releases! 31 album collabs with other musicians, 17 Live Albums, and 24 Best Of's Greatest hits etc (16 of which are Post-Humous)

People I don't know to many other musicians that can tout this kind of catalog! plus he made 2 movies, can any of you think of anybody with this kind of discographyn its fucking astonishing!



Cliff Richard!! :whistle:

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As a kid in the early 70's, I was subjected to loads of Zappa by an older brother, and I recalled and sought out the material years later. Chunga's Revenge, Uncle Meat, etc. Some of it is weird and wonderful stuff - bizarre as it gets, and definitely an acquired taste.

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As a kid in the early 70's, I was subjected to loads of Zappa by an older brother, and I recalled and sought out the material years later. Chunga's Revenge, Uncle Meat, etc. Some of it is weird and wonderful stuff - bizarre as it gets, and definitely an acquired taste.


I too was exposed to Zappa by my father, growing up, Goblin Girl used to be a favorite of mine, of course being a little boy, didnt know what it was about, but it was never about that, it was all the great sound fx, noises, pop's and pings, and funny cartoonish sounding organ, as I got older I and started playing guitar, and piano, I started to notice how cool and sometimes complexed the musicians Zappa had on his discs were, such an insane wit, Flakes, an outstanding song, and true, and Broken Hearts are For Assholes, comedic and brilliant, as is his first stuff, Uncle Meat, Freak Out, and I don't know if you've heard it(cause it's definitely not everybodys taste) but Jazz From Hell is one of the most ultimate cool albums I own, and I just think some people get Zappa, and even people that don't like him get him, but their are other people that could never get him, which is why he's such a unique character in music history, originality is few and far between, and he was definitely the most original I can think of!

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HOLY TIPPER SNOT! :yikes: I could really go on a lengthy speel about both Frank Zappa & his significant influences on music, the industry, fans & such..........but I doubt many, if any, would want to hear it! :gone:


Well, I don't know what you could say, without having to take out a couple of screens from the board, I wont make you spend that much time(unless you'd like to) Im fully aware of the influence he's had on an entire phase of music, but my question is to people that listened to him in his prime, (i wasnt born yet), did you know or were you aware back then, of really what a genius he was? or did nobody really put that much thought into it because he was so different and new? that's what I'd like to know,

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  • 4 years later...
  • 7 years later...

yep his last album he recorded before his death was finally released in 2015, we will never see another one like him, and at this point in the game, doesnt look like it'll even be close

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
8 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

yep his last album he recorded before his death was finally released in 2015, we will never see another one like him, and at this point in the game, doesnt look like it'll even be close

He was way ahead of his times.

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Yeah, and our kids time, their kids time etc

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The apple didn't fall to far from the tree with his son Dweezil. If you haven't taken the time to watch him pay homage to his dad and in turn watch some videos of him talking about the measures he took to "recreate" the exact sounds and the tireless effort to do so, makes you appreciate Frank even more for being uber creative.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 3/19/2021 at 9:44 AM, nyoilers said:

Sad that his kids are fighting over control of his music

I thought they were all doing a little corner of it, since he left apparently huge amounts of finished music, I mean I heard it would take something like 10 years to release it all??

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
10 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

I thought they were all doing a little corner of it, since he left apparently huge amounts of finished music, I mean I heard it would take something like 10 years to release it all??

I think that it has to do with the live shows.Ahmet is the one who started the hologram shows 

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oh no shit? I never knew that bro, i thought it was kind of like they were all doing it, who were the 2 that hosted that tv show happy hour that use to come on the USA network immediately after Raw Is War?? u remember that shit??? it was like a game show,

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  • 2023 Gold Donors

No I don't remember that .When Zappa's wife died she split up the Zappa trust 30%,30%,20% and 20% for whatever reason with Diva and Ahmet getting the 30 % each and Dweezil and Moon Unit getting 20% each.

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