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Exclusive CDS?


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So I thought that the AC/DC was exclusive to Wal-Mart and the GNR to Best Buy but I've seen both for sale in small record stores brand new and sealed. Are these stores breaking the law our were some of the small stores given a small number of these titles? :unsure:

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Dunno bout the GNR but I remember reading an article on the Net around the time of BLACK ICE's release that talked about groups of small indie stores ordering import copies of the album from overseas as a way around Wally World's "exclusivity" factor.

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I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.

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I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.



i want to know more about this mistress.... :tumbsup:

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I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.



i want to know more about this mistress.... :tumbsup:

Yeah isn't that something! The great part is she's into the same music as we enjoy here at HH so when I go in there she will have some used trade ins set aside for me to got through before they go on the shelves. Great gal, plus she's easy on the eyes. :tumbsup:

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I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.



i want to know more about this mistress.... :tumbsup:

Yeah isn't that something! The great part is she's into the same music as we enjoy here at HH so when I go in there she will have some used trade ins set aside for me to got through before they go on the shelves. Great gal, plus she's easy on the eyes. :tumbsup:



could you PM her email? i'm all for these digital PRs.... :tumbsup:

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I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.



i want to know more about this mistress.... :tumbsup:

Yeah isn't that something! The great part is she's into the same music as we enjoy here at HH so when I go in there she will have some used trade ins set aside for me to got through before they go on the shelves. Great gal, plus she's easy on the eyes. :tumbsup:



could you PM her email? i'm all for these digital PRs.... :tumbsup:

:lol: I don't have it, otherwise I'd be than willing to hook ya' up!

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In many cases those "exclusive" deals are exclusive for the first X number of days, after which any vendor can carry the item. This may not be true of Wal-Mart releases though...




Yeah, what he said. They do it with a lot of things...even shoe releases. Some places get it for X amount of time then it's free to be anywhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...
...I remember reading an article on the 'Net around the time of BLACK ICE's release that talked about groups of small indie stores ordering import copies of the album from overseas as a way around Wally World's "exclusivity" factor.

That's what my renegade local indie music store owner did. Still sucked for him though, 'cause he didn't have the CD available the day it came out, which is when a lot of people wanted it, so he still lost a ton of business to Wal-Mart. When I asked him how he felt about that, he replied, "Fuck Wal-Mart," which I thought summed up his feelings quite nicely. :angryfire:

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