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I own it! on the main site


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This has been buggering me a while now. I know that this site is a CD-database only but in the category "I own it!" it states "CDs they own". Is that the physical CD or can it be read as title? If I have a vinyl/cassette/minidisc/CDR by an artist, it will not be counted as "I own it!"? I leave MP3s out of this 'cause I don't count them as a physical release. Maybe CDRs aren't either? :unsure:

Especially 'bout CDRs. Can a CDR be included in the "I own it!" list?


So what do you guys think 'bout this? CDR in or out? :)

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I think it all boils down to your personal preference and needs. If you want to use the "I Own It" feature to keep track of your entire collection, (CDs, cassettes, vinyl, 8 track, real to reel, etc...) then I see no problem at all with that. The only thing it really affects is when someone else pulls up your collection; they will have no idea that everything they're viewing is NOT CDs.


Same choice for the CD-R question too I suppose. If you wanna include CD-Rs to keep track of all the music you have, then that's a personal choice. I personally wouldn't include CD-Rs, but that's just me...


So there ya go... it's all on you... :tumbsup:

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My list there is the original/re-issue CD only and I haven't counted any CDR's (which I don't count towards my collection total) or LP's I may have, but each to their own.

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I was thinking in the same way too. My list is also only CD based and I like to see what everyone else have in their collections. In CD form that is. Personally I have other programs on the computer to keep track of the music I have, so I'll leave the "I own it!" feature for CDs only. So far CDR in/out: 0-3.


Thanks for your input, Mike & Jez! :drink:

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I only include cd's in my list. No mp3's. Same as the "What cd's did you buy today" thread. I don't include any mp3 cd's someone may have sent me, only actual albums. But on my list I have (My CD Collection) I include cd-r's for trading purposes.

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I only include my originals I actually own since most people are only concerned about that. Nobody really cares how many CD-Rs or mp3s someone has, at least in my experience of trading that is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So I came up with a new question for you guys about the I own it! feature. 2 original CDs gets reissued on a 2-CD set and you don't own the originals: Do you tick the albums for the original 2 CDs (if the 2-CD set isn't on the main site)?

For example: I have the Talisman - Life/5 Out Of 5 (2-CD reissue) from 2004 (not on main site) but not the originals. So I ticked the albums that are on the main site (the 2 originals) but I don't physically have these. Is this a right or fare thing to do? :unsure:


What do you guys do if you stumble across this "problem"?

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As long as you have the albums, you have them.

I have included both Jester - Boogey man and Eddie Money - Shakin with the money man, even though these were both included as bonus discs with other albums, as I do at least own them on an original CD, not CDR or MP3.

I would still rebuy them though, if I saw em cheap, just from the collector completist perspective!

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Same as the Cap'n for me aswell. I have a few double cd sets (Rossington Collins Band is one off the top of my head). They are 2 seperate original discs of each album (in 1 box), so I tick the individual albums on the main site.


What do you do for 2on1 discs to complicate things even more :D

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