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Just over 2 weeks to go, who`s really looking forward to Christmas?


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I love Christmas and am really looking forward to this special time.


The kids are getting excited which makes it extra special as well.


Father Christmas just came round our street on a float/lorry with music blasting out and it was lovely to see the kids reactions.


As it`s getting closer,are we all ready for it or do you still have plenty more to do?

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I love Christmas and am really looking forward to this special time.

Really? I couldn't tell. I haven't seen you mention anything about it so far. I mean, it's not like you've created 14,000 threads about Christmas (you freak) or anything like that, you freak.


And to answer your question, yes, I am looking forward to all this shit being over and done with. ;)

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I still have "plenty more to do" but I'm looking forward to the holiday anyway. Mainly because my family comes and stays @ the house, which means my brother and I will sit up long into the night after everyone's gone to bed, drink beers, and talk sh*t till the wee hours of the morning. We don't get to do that very much anymore.

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I'm not really looking forward to Christmas itself but I am looking forward to my Brother coming out for two weeks soon.

I still need to buy more gifts and I live to damn far from Civilization so I need to order everything on line, but I've been lazy about it latley so I need to get motivated quickly.

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To me, Christmas...the day is just the culmination of the season, per se. I'm enjoying this season......we've been out and about enjoying all of the homes that are decorated where we live. We go on little excursions to take in all the ways people have decorated, etc. Of course, as far as preparation for the actual 'day'....nope...not ready yet.....LOL

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Looking forward to my annual Christmas dream:



Hey Jay if you still haven't gotten me anything for Christmas I'll take the one on the right on her knees. :tumbsup:

Yeah, she looks good there, on her knees. There's something very natural about it. No need to get up, babycakes, that's just fine.

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