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Lost - Season Premier January 31st


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As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. :tumbsup:


Some random thoughts/questions...


Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? :tumbsup:


I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. :yikes:


I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket


What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope...


Ahh... I love this show. :banana:


See I've always thought it was Ben or Locke in the casket. But after seeing that Ben is alive I thought it was Locke but I guess it could be Michael. That might become more clear when the episode with Michael airs in April.


Good question about Penny. You'd think since she got a transmission from the island she'd have the resources to find them. But for some reason travel to and from the island doesn't seem to be to easy.


Good question about Locke. I'm not sure if his followers are just comfy now that they have food and shelter or if their just scared of him like Hurley obviously is.

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As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. :tumbsup:


Some random thoughts/questions...


Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? :tumbsup:


I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. :yikes:


I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket


What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope...


Ahh... I love this show. :banana:


I was just sitting here thinking about Lost. It occurred to me that it was Michael in the casket. I was headed here to post and you beat me. Two reasons I think it's Michael. His name has been in the credits recently and the clipping Jack was holding during the season 3 finale said something about being survived by a teenage son. It would also explain why no one except Jack went to the viewing as they are all bitter about the betrayal. Wouldn't it be crazy if ben had Sayid cap Michael? I also think that Ben's mole on the boat could be Michael. Just a thought.

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As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. :tumbsup:


Some random thoughts/questions...


Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? :tumbsup:


I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. :yikes:


I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket


What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope...


Ahh... I love this show. :banana:


I was just sitting here thinking about Lost. It occurred to me that it was Michael in the casket. I was headed here to post and you beat me. Two reasons I think it's Michael. His name has been in the credits recently and the clipping Jack was holding during the season 3 finale said something about being survived by a teenage son. It would also explain why no one except Jack went to the viewing as they are all bitter about the betrayal. Wouldn't it be crazy if ben had Sayid cap Michael? I also think that Ben's mole on the boat could be Michael. Just a thought.


If Michael is Ben's mole that would be crazy.


I can't wait until Michael returns to the show in April.

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As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. :tumbsup:


Some random thoughts/questions...


Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? :tumbsup:


I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. :yikes:


I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket


What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope...


Ahh... I love this show. :banana:


I was just sitting here thinking about Lost. It occurred to me that it was Michael in the casket. I was headed here to post and you beat me. Two reasons I think it's Michael. His name has been in the credits recently and the clipping Jack was holding during the season 3 finale said something about being survived by a teenage son. It would also explain why no one except Jack went to the viewing as they are all bitter about the betrayal. Wouldn't it be crazy if ben had Sayid cap Michael? I also think that Ben's mole on the boat could be Michael. Just a thought.


If Michael is Ben's mole that would be crazy.


I can't wait until Michael returns to the show in April.



I can't wait until someone kills the bastard who shot Ana Lucia....

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As soon as Kate's lawyer mentioned that they needed to bring "him" into the courtroom as a show of her character, and she said that she didn't want her son to be part of this, I just knew it was Aaron. That exchange wouldn't have made quite as much sense if it were her own child, but, if she had become mother for a child whose own mother could no longer care for it.... it made perfect sense. :tumbsup:


Some random thoughts/questions...


Anyone else wondering why someone hasn't caught Locke off guard and just whipped the immortal dogshit outta him? :tumbsup:


I think both Claire and Juliette are hotter than Kate. :yikes:


I'm still thinking that it's going to be Michael in the casket


What's Penny been up to since speaking with Charlie? Scouring the Earth looking for Desmond I would hope...


Ahh... I love this show. :banana:


I was just sitting here thinking about Lost. It occurred to me that it was Michael in the casket. I was headed here to post and you beat me. Two reasons I think it's Michael. His name has been in the credits recently and the clipping Jack was holding during the season 3 finale said something about being survived by a teenage son. It would also explain why no one except Jack went to the viewing as they are all bitter about the betrayal. Wouldn't it be crazy if ben had Sayid cap Michael? I also think that Ben's mole on the boat could be Michael. Just a thought.


If Michael is Ben's mole that would be crazy.


I can't wait until Michael returns to the show in April.



I can't wait until someone kills the bastard who shot Ana Lucia....


I wonder if Ana and the other woman that was shot wouldn't of been killed off if they would of stayed out of trouble off the set? It seemed it wasn't but a few months after they got DUI's they were killed off the show.

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Ok, I saw this theory on some site and have kinda given it my own spin so bear/bare with me.


It involves time loops and time loop mixups. It clearly looks like there were plenty of survivors of flight 815. However Naomi told them that the remains of flight 815 were found and there were no survivors. Also, later we see footage of Frank the pilot watching a news report showing that the wreckage was found and no survivors. Ok, I will get back to this. Now follow me here. 2 characters only seen in one episode each, but seemed very important as they seemed to know what was going on. Both involving Desmond. First was Mrs Hawking the shopkeeper who Desmond tried to bye the engagement ring from. She would not sell him the ring saying he had to meet Penny, sail the boat, go to and island and turn the failsafe key. The other was Brother Campbell. The head monk at the monastery. He told Desmond it was time to go and it just so happened that he met Penny then.


So there was a reason Desmond needed to be on that island. Ok picture this. These people (Hawking, Campbell, and possibly more) know about the island and are trying to thwart whatever it is that Dharma is up to. They know the island is there but cannot find it because it is hidden. Hidden and kept hidden when someone enters a code every few minutes. There is your reason for the numbers and why they have to press the button. So these people need someone on the island to turn the failsafe switch to expose the island. Here is where time loops come in to play. The crash has happened over and over. The people on flight 815 have died over and over. Each time the people who know have failed to get things right and expose the island. So this time they go a step further and put someone on the flight to help. A person we know to be in the past of at least of the islanders and who had a hand in making sure Desmond sailed and got marooned on the island. Libby!!! She gave Desmond the boat that he used to sail and eventually ended up on the island with. She was also seen as a patient at the same psychiatric hospital Hurley was in. She was sort of observing him so he definately has a bigger part to all this. Confirmed by the fact that a dead Charlie visits him. Just to sort of strengthen the Libby thing, she has been signed to be in future episodes. They even went so far as to make sure Jack had met Desmond before. The ones who know whats going on making sure the person they knew would emerge as the leader knowing the person they were counting on to turn the failsafe switch. Possibly to lend some credibility to Desmond with the survivors leader? It didn't work as they were not on the best terms when they first met again on the island.


Time loop would also tie up one other question. Well, a time loop mixup would. In future flashes, Jack talk about his dad like he was alive. We know the reason Jack was on the flight in the first place was because he was getting his father's dead body from Australia. What if the Oceanic Six ended up in the wrong future? One were Jack's dad is alive. One where maybe even Kate is Aaron's mother and not Claire. What if we have only seen one future and the others passengers returned to different futures?They are all distraught because they all think people were left behind.


Ok so, this time the ones who know are getting things right. There are survivors. Desmond did turn the failsafe switch and all of a sudden we have new people who have found the island. They were clearly looking for the island. Now they can find it. Failsafe switch turned and island visible. Further time loop credibility comes from the fact that on an episode this year one of the new characters, Daniel is seen talking on the phone to the boat setting up some sort of experiment. He tells the person to send something to the island and it does not arrive in the time he thinks it should. It does eventually arrive, but way later than it should. Also, Frank, Sayid, Desmond, and a dead Naomi get on the copter and head back to the boat but have yet to arrive. Also, Richard Alpert, the man Ben met as a child and was also with in the "present" never aged. Ben was clearly and adult when he got Richard to recruit Julliette to come to the island. He looked exactly the same as when he met Ben as a child. Not sure how this happened but again, time loop possibilities there too.


This leads me to ask just what the Hanso Corporation/Dharma Initiative were up to. Some sort of world domination in the name of humanity. They were definately set up all over the globe. I believe they mislead their people. Proven somewhat by the training videos we have seen. Three videos with the same man with 3 different names. Also in one of these videos he is holding a bunny with the number 21 written on it but we see another bunny with that number. Time Loop? Ok that one is a stretch. Maybe Ben is not the evil person we think he might be. Maybe he knew what Dharma was up to and wiped them out. He wasn't the one pushing the button. That seems to be a separate segment of Dharma. Radzinsky and Kelvin until Radzinksky offs himself leaving Kelvin by himself. Then surprise surprise Desmond shows up.


One more time loop theory. On one of the failed crashes there was a survivor. John Locke. He is on the island. We know him as Jacob. Would explain why things went haywire when Ben took Locke to see Jacob. Would also explain why John is hellbent on staying on the island.


All wild conjecture but it ties a lot of things together and would explain some things. All I know is that each person is there for a reason. They were all placed on that flight for a purpose. The shows creators say that they will end the show in 2010 and that everything will be explained and wrapped up by then. We shall see. I am curious to hear what the other addicts think of this theory.

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Ok, I saw this theory on some site and have kinda given it my own spin so bear/bare with me.


It involves time loops and time loop mixups. It clearly looks like there were plenty of survivors of flight 815. However Naomi told them that the remains of flight 815 were found and there were no survivors. Also, later we see footage of Frank the pilot watching a news report showing that the wreckage was found and no survivors. Ok, I will get back to this. Now follow me here. 2 characters only seen in one episode each, but seemed very important as they seemed to know what was going on. Both involving Desmond. First was Mrs Hawking the shopkeeper who Desmond tried to bye the engagement ring from. She would not sell him the ring saying he had to meet Penny, sail the boat, go to and island and turn the failsafe key. The other was Brother Campbell. The head monk at the monastery. He told Desmond it was time to go and it just so happened that he met Penny then.


So there was a reason Desmond needed to be on that island. Ok picture this. These people (Hawking, Campbell, and possibly more) know about the island and are trying to thwart whatever it is that Dharma is up to. They know the island is there but cannot find it because it is hidden. Hidden and kept hidden when someone enters a code every few minutes. There is your reason for the numbers and why they have to press the button. So these people need someone on the island to turn the failsafe switch to expose the island. Here is where time loops come in to play. The crash has happened over and over. The people on flight 815 have died over and over. Each time the people who know have failed to get things right and expose the island. So this time they go a step further and put someone on the flight to help. A person we know to be in the past of at least of the islanders and who had a hand in making sure Desmond sailed and got marooned on the island. Libby!!! She gave Desmond the boat that he used to sail and eventually ended up on the island with. She was also seen as a patient at the same psychiatric hospital Hurley was in. She was sort of observing him so he definately has a bigger part to all this. Confirmed by the fact that a dead Charlie visits him. Just to sort of strengthen the Libby thing, she has been signed to be in future episodes. They even went so far as to make sure Jack had met Desmond before. The ones who know whats going on making sure the person they knew would emerge as the leader knowing the person they were counting on to turn the failsafe switch. Possibly to lend some credibility to Desmond with the survivors leader? It didn't work as they were not on the best terms when they first met again on the island.


Time loop would also tie up one other question. Well, a time loop mixup would. In future flashes, Jack talk about his dad like he was alive. We know the reason Jack was on the flight in the first place was because he was getting his father's dead body from Australia. What if the Oceanic Six ended up in the wrong future? One were Jack's dad is alive. One where maybe even Kate is Aaron's mother and not Claire. What if we have only seen one future and the others passengers returned to different futures?They are all distraught because they all think people were left behind.


Ok so, this time the ones who know are getting things right. There are survivors. Desmond did turn the failsafe switch and all of a sudden we have new people who have found the island. They were clearly looking for the island. Now they can find it. Failsafe switch turned and island visible. Further time loop credibility comes from the fact that on an episode this year one of the new characters, Daniel is seen talking on the phone to the boat setting up some sort of experiment. He tells the person to send something to the island and it does not arrive in the time he thinks it should. It does eventually arrive, but way later than it should. Also, Frank, Sayid, Desmond, and a dead Naomi get on the copter and head back to the boat but have yet to arrive. Also, Richard Alpert, the man Ben met as a child and was also with in the "present" never aged. Ben was clearly and adult when he got Richard to recruit Julliette to come to the island. He looked exactly the same as when he met Ben as a child. Not sure how this happened but again, time loop possibilities there too.


This leads me to ask just what the Hanso Corporation/Dharma Initiative were up to. Some sort of world domination in the name of humanity. They were definately set up all over the globe. I believe they mislead their people. Proven somewhat by the training videos we have seen. Three videos with the same man with 3 different names. Also in one of these videos he is holding a bunny with the number 21 written on it but we see another bunny with that number. Time Loop? Ok that one is a stretch. Maybe Ben is not the evil person we think he might be. Maybe he knew what Dharma was up to and wiped them out. He wasn't the one pushing the button. That seems to be a separate segment of Dharma. Radzinsky and Kelvin until Radzinksky offs himself leaving Kelvin by himself. Then surprise surprise Desmond shows up.


One more time loop theory. On one of the failed crashes there was a survivor. John Locke. He is on the island. We know him as Jacob. Would explain why things went haywire when Ben took Locke to see Jacob. Would also explain why John is hellbent on staying on the island.


All wild conjecture but it ties a lot of things together and would explain some things. All I know is that each person is there for a reason. They were all placed on that flight for a purpose. The shows creators say that they will end the show in 2010 and that everything will be explained and wrapped up by then. We shall see. I am curious to hear what the other addicts think of this theory.



A lot of what you're saying makes sense. :beerbang:

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Ok, I saw this theory on some site and have kinda given it my own spin so bear/bare with me.


It involves time loops and time loop mixups. It clearly looks like there were plenty of survivors of flight 815. However Naomi told them that the remains of flight 815 were found and there were no survivors. Also, later we see footage of Frank the pilot watching a news report showing that the wreckage was found and no survivors. Ok, I will get back to this. Now follow me here. 2 characters only seen in one episode each, but seemed very important as they seemed to know what was going on. Both involving Desmond. First was Mrs Hawking the shopkeeper who Desmond tried to bye the engagement ring from. She would not sell him the ring saying he had to meet Penny, sail the boat, go to and island and turn the failsafe key. The other was Brother Campbell. The head monk at the monastery. He told Desmond it was time to go and it just so happened that he met Penny then.


So there was a reason Desmond needed to be on that island. Ok picture this. These people (Hawking, Campbell, and possibly more) know about the island and are trying to thwart whatever it is that Dharma is up to. They know the island is there but cannot find it because it is hidden. Hidden and kept hidden when someone enters a code every few minutes. There is your reason for the numbers and why they have to press the button. So these people need someone on the island to turn the failsafe switch to expose the island. Here is where time loops come in to play. The crash has happened over and over. The people on flight 815 have died over and over. Each time the people who know have failed to get things right and expose the island. So this time they go a step further and put someone on the flight to help. A person we know to be in the past of at least of the islanders and who had a hand in making sure Desmond sailed and got marooned on the island. Libby!!! She gave Desmond the boat that he used to sail and eventually ended up on the island with. She was also seen as a patient at the same psychiatric hospital Hurley was in. She was sort of observing him so he definately has a bigger part to all this. Confirmed by the fact that a dead Charlie visits him. Just to sort of strengthen the Libby thing, she has been signed to be in future episodes. They even went so far as to make sure Jack had met Desmond before. The ones who know whats going on making sure the person they knew would emerge as the leader knowing the person they were counting on to turn the failsafe switch. Possibly to lend some credibility to Desmond with the survivors leader? It didn't work as they were not on the best terms when they first met again on the island.


Time loop would also tie up one other question. Well, a time loop mixup would. In future flashes, Jack talk about his dad like he was alive. We know the reason Jack was on the flight in the first place was because he was getting his father's dead body from Australia. What if the Oceanic Six ended up in the wrong future? One were Jack's dad is alive. One where maybe even Kate is Aaron's mother and not Claire. What if we have only seen one future and the others passengers returned to different futures?They are all distraught because they all think people were left behind.


Ok so, this time the ones who know are getting things right. There are survivors. Desmond did turn the failsafe switch and all of a sudden we have new people who have found the island. They were clearly looking for the island. Now they can find it. Failsafe switch turned and island visible. Further time loop credibility comes from the fact that on an episode this year one of the new characters, Daniel is seen talking on the phone to the boat setting up some sort of experiment. He tells the person to send something to the island and it does not arrive in the time he thinks it should. It does eventually arrive, but way later than it should. Also, Frank, Sayid, Desmond, and a dead Naomi get on the copter and head back to the boat but have yet to arrive. Also, Richard Alpert, the man Ben met as a child and was also with in the "present" never aged. Ben was clearly and adult when he got Richard to recruit Julliette to come to the island. He looked exactly the same as when he met Ben as a child. Not sure how this happened but again, time loop possibilities there too.


This leads me to ask just what the Hanso Corporation/Dharma Initiative were up to. Some sort of world domination in the name of humanity. They were definately set up all over the globe. I believe they mislead their people. Proven somewhat by the training videos we have seen. Three videos with the same man with 3 different names. Also in one of these videos he is holding a bunny with the number 21 written on it but we see another bunny with that number. Time Loop? Ok that one is a stretch. Maybe Ben is not the evil person we think he might be. Maybe he knew what Dharma was up to and wiped them out. He wasn't the one pushing the button. That seems to be a separate segment of Dharma. Radzinsky and Kelvin until Radzinksky offs himself leaving Kelvin by himself. Then surprise surprise Desmond shows up.


One more time loop theory. On one of the failed crashes there was a survivor. John Locke. He is on the island. We know him as Jacob. Would explain why things went haywire when Ben took Locke to see Jacob. Would also explain why John is hellbent on staying on the island.


All wild conjecture but it ties a lot of things together and would explain some things. All I know is that each person is there for a reason. They were all placed on that flight for a purpose. The shows creators say that they will end the show in 2010 and that everything will be explained and wrapped up by then. We shall see. I am curious to hear what the other addicts think of this theory.



A lot of what you're saying makes sense. :beerbang:


After that episode it makes even more sense. :blink:

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  • 2 weeks later...
That was pretty crafty how they had Jin in a flashback and Sun in a flash forward and you didn't realize that they weren't in the same story until the end.


I miss Jin already :crying:

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That was pretty crafty how they had Jin in a flashback and Sun in a flash forward and you didn't realize that they weren't in the same story until the end.


I miss Jin already :crying:


Yeah me too.


I wonder if we'll find out who the sixth member of the Oceanic Six will be next week.

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Hmm.... I don't really miss Jin, because I don't think he's really dead. :yikes:

After watching last night's episode, I must amend my thoughts on the whole "who's in the casket" theory.

I no longer believe it to be Michael (not because he returned as Kevin Johnson last night) but because I think the casket we saw at the end of last season contained............. NOONE. It was simply a memorial service for one of the other passengers from Oceanic Flight 815 who was local to Jack and Kate. Whoever it is, is still trapped back on the island, and that's why when Jack asked Kate, "Did you go?" she replied with "why would I go?" She knew the person wasn't really dead, so she saw no reason to go just maintain the Oceanic Six's "story"

I also believe that Sun was crying last night, not because Jin is dead, but because he remains stuck on the island of the damned... :P That also kinda explains the comments between Sun and Hurley when he asked "Anyone else coming?", she replied with "No", and he said "Good". It's easier for Hurley to maintain the lie with fewer members of the Oceanic Six around.


The Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, & Ben (probably under the assumed name/identity of one of the actual crash victims)

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That was pretty crafty how they had Jin in a flashback and Sun in a flash forward and you didn't realize that they weren't in the same story until the end.


I miss Jin already :crying:


Yeah me too.


I wonder if we'll find out who the sixth member of the Oceanic Six will be next week.


Sun is #5... would the unborn fetus count as #6?? :lol:

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Hmm.... I don't really miss Jin, because I don't think he's really dead. :yikes:

After watching last night's episode, I must amend my thoughts on the whole "who's in the casket" theory.

I no longer believe it to be Michael (not because he returned as Kevin Johnson last night) but because I think the casket we saw at the end of last season contained............. NOONE. It was simply a memorial service for one of the other passengers from Oceanic Flight 815 who was local to Jack and Kate. Whoever it is, is still trapped back on the island, and that's why when Jack asked Kate, "Did you go?" she replied with "why would I go?" She knew the person wasn't really dead, so she saw no reason to go just maintain the Oceanic Six's "story"

I also believe that Sun was crying last night, not because Jin is dead, but because he remains stuck on the island of the damned... :P That also kinda explains the comments between Sun and Hurley when he asked "Anyone else coming?", she replied with "No", and he said "Good". It's easier for Hurley to maintain the lie with fewer members of the Oceanic Six around.


The Oceanic Six: Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sun, Sayid, & Ben (probably under the assumed name/identity of one of the actual crash victims)


So you think Ben is one of the Oceanic Six even though he wasn't on the plane?

I think he gets off the Island some other way and we're gonna see one more memeber of the six soon.


It's gonna be interesting what happens with this Michael/Kevin Johnson character.

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So you think Ben is one of the Oceanic Six even though he wasn't on the plane?

I think he gets off the Island some other way and we're gonna see one more memeber of the six soon.


It's gonna be interesting what happens with this Michael/Kevin Johnson character.


Absolutely. Ben could easily have fake documents made to reflect himself as one of passengers; all he'd have to do is pick out one of the crash victims who had little or no family, and assume their identity....


I'm going to say that Michael/Kevin isn't long for this, or any other, world... :P

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Who's in the CASKET.


If you remember it was asked to Jack if he wanted to open the casket and "view" if I'm not mistaken. I could be but I swear that question was asked.


I think you're right. I thought when that scene happened that it was either Ben or Locke. Why else would no one be there?

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There may have been a body in the casket, but it probably wasn't who it was supposed to be, if ya get my drift.... again, Kate seemed very non chalant about not attending.... ;)


But then again, it could wind up that the entire fate of Oceanic 815 surrounds whoever it was or wasn't in the casket.... that's what I love about this show and its writers, you just never know. :tumbsup:

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But then again, it could wind up that the entire fate of Oceanic 815 surrounds whoever it was or wasn't in the casket.... that's what I love about this show and its writers, you just never know. :tumbsup:


I agree. I love a show that shocks you and makes you think at the same time.

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Ok..... so THAT'S why Tom told Kate that she wasn't his type... :whistle:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's the latest on Lost....




New Lost Episode Teased


ABC released information about "The Shape of Things to Come," the next original episode of its SF series Lost, which returns later this month in a new timeslot, Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET/PT.


In the episode, Locke (Terry O'Quinn) sees his camp come under attack, while Jack (Matthew Fox) tries to discover the identity of a body that has washed ashore, ABC said.


The new episode--the first of five that will wrap up the strike-truncated fourth season--will feature guest stars Ken Leung as Miles, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Rebecca Mader as Charlotte, Sam Anderson as Bernard, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Marc Vann as doctor, Kevin Durand as Keamy, Yetide Badaki as desk clerk, Kaveh Kardan as merchant, Faran Tahir as Ishmael Bakir and Sean Douglas Hoban as Doug.


"The Shape of Things to Come" debuts on April 24.

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  • 1 month later...
HO - LEE SHIT! :yikes:


Backed BIG TIME!!


The whole season finale was just one big "WHAT THE FUCK" wasn't it?? :unsure:

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You wanna talk about what would have been a MAJOR WTF moment? Check out these alternate endings that were shot.... the first one woulda been one helluva bitchslap! :P



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