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Pointless Nonsense


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Bernard Cribbins is a rock god


Right said Fred, both of us together, one each end and steady as we go

Tried to to shift it, couldn't even lift it, we was getting nowhere

And so, we, had a cup of tea


Right said Fred, give a shout to Charlie, up comes Charlie from the floor below

After straining, heaving and complaining, we was getting nowhere

And so, we, had a cup of tea


Charlie had a think and he thought we ought, to take off all the handles

And the things that hold the candles, but it did no good, well I never thought it would


Right said Fred, have to take the feet off, to get them feet off wouldn't take a mo

Took it's feet off, even with the seat off, should got us somewhere but no

So Fred said let's have another cup of tea and we said right-o


Right said Fred, have to take the door off, need more space to shift the so and so

Had bad twinges taking off the hinges, and it got us nowhere

And so, we, had a cup of tea


Right said Fred, have to take the wall down, that there wall is gonna have to go

Took the wall down, even with it all down, we was getting nowhere

And so, we, had a cup of tea


Charlie had a think and he said look Fred, I've got a sort of feeling

If we remove the ceiling, with a rope or two we can drop the blighter though


Right said Fred, climbing up a ladder, with his crowbar gave a mighty blow

Was he in trouble, half a ton of rubble, landed on the top of his dome

So Charlie and me had another cup of tea and then we went home


I said to Charlie we'll just have to leave it standing on the landing that's all

You see the trouble with Fred is he's too hasty

Now you never get nowhere if you're too hasty.

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Only the wind blows to the east. Unless it's blowing to the west. Then it blows to the west. And what if a woman blows to the east? Then the wind and she both blow to the east.

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I remember being on stage rocking with Gamma, what a gig, I was high fiving the crowd and just soaking up the applause. Then after a blistering guitar solo Ronnie Montrose turned to me and said over the deafening crowd "You're not really in this band are you?", and that's when secrurity grabbed me. Boy was I pummeled ....... it still hurt when I woke up this morning nice and safe in bed!

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I remember being on stage rocking with Gamma, what a gig, I was high fiving the crowd and just soaking up the applause. Then after a blistering guitar solo Ronnie Montrose turned to me and said over the deafening crowd "You're not really in this band are you?", and that's when secrurity grabbed me. Boy was I pummeled ....... it still hurt when I woke up this morning nice and safe in bed!

He's madder than Mr.Mad northern madman in a mad "eh upp I'm bloody mad now" type-maddening way.


Ok,don't get him mad,you wouldn't like him when he's mad.


Any similarity to the "Incredible Hulk" is maddengly coincidental........

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