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Everything posted by Darkstone

  1. The debut is a definite time machine album for me. I also love the follow up. It really shows how the band matured to become a true Hard Rock act. "One chord screamin' through a wall of amplified thunder" from "what it Takes", is a great line.
  2. Yeah, spot on. This was my favorite track.
  3. Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know. I think it's only gonna be the Aussies and the Brits that are familiar with these guys. I may be wrong. This is a great track.
  4. Judas Priest - Turbo Lover (Live 2012). Killer track that was very much more "commercial" than their usual output , but still kicks major arse! This clip is an example of consummate professionals doing what they do.
  5. Love it! It's also good to see the pumpkin make several appearances. I think this album is gonna be a cracker.
  6. Company of Wolves × 2. I would've also posted "Hell's Kitchen", but I couldn't find it on the tubes.
  7. All good stuff l haven't heard before. I particularly like "Anguish". I'll have to go on a hunting expedition. Cheers mate.
  8. Cool album. It's one of those albums that you would see everywhere. I think most of my mates had it.
  9. The spelling's different, but there's only ever been one true Serge.
  10. Heaven and Hell × 6. I posted the "Bridger" version recently and it reminded me of how much I love this classic track. TBH, I think all of these versions are worthy tributes, including the acoustic one, but if I had to choose, I think I'd go with "Bridger". Pure class!
  11. Cancel culture seems to be a huge thing at the moment. We've all seen the ridiculous examples of brand names being changed to be more PC, certain Movies and TV shows considered taboo and celebrities being vilified for past comments, sometimes going back decades. This however, is a big one. If cancel culture can pressure a country into changing their iconic and beloved National flag, then we're all fucked. I'm interested to see how this plays out and what our British friends feel about this.
  12. WTF? I love the guy, but FFS!
  13. Nup. Haven't seen that. Very cool. Great energy. That's a killer album BTW. I couldn't be fucked submitting albums to the main database, but that surely deserves to be here.
  14. Triumph - Troublemaker. House of Lords - Down, Down, Down. Another two from a movie soundtrack, "Hellraiser III". I saw Hellraiser III at the cinema and couldn't believe it when I heard House of Lords. I already had "Demons Down", but the soundtrack led me to "Edge of Excess". Great memories from the glory days.
  15. She's as hot as fuck (I still think of Megan Fox when I see her) and that is a great version, but this is the ultimate version IMO.
  16. Absolute Killer! I'm assuming you've seen "The Wraith". Killer movie!
  17. I was thinking about a Michael Voss "Hired Guns" thread, but he's usually the one doing the hiring.
  18. I consider myself to be very tolerant of all music genres. If it's good, I can appreciate it. If it's shit, I can't. Don't get me wrong, the music is fine, but those vocals are ridiculous really. I can understand maybe 12 year olds thinking it was cool, but I can't understand how grown adults can listen to that cookie monster shit.
  19. Serious Black - Akhenaton. Killer Melodic Metal, but "Serious Black" is a bit of a cheesy band name unfortunately. Akhenaton/Akhenaten is an incredible historical figure BTW. The Father of Tutankhamun. Some claim he may actually be the Biblical Moses. Fascinating shit.
  20. Aztec Camera - Somewhere in my Heart. I've always loved this track. I think it straddles the line between AOR and Pop, but I personally, would classify this as AOR. I first heard a snippet of this on the British soap opera "Eastenders". Forget "Neighbors", "Eastenders" was the shit back in the day. Luckily the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation) used to air it. My Mum loved it. I used to catch glimpses of it occasionally. Only Aussies and Poms will know of "Eastenders", or "Neighbors" for that matter. Only Aussies and Poms will recognize the term Pom.
  21. Demon Drive - Blame it on the Night. A great album from the wastelands that were the mid 90s.
  22. Yeah, it is weird. I love a good cover, but can't imagine that it was popular amongst their fanbase and lovers of the original would hate it, so what's the point?
  23. Yeah, you're right. I'm not into that one at all.
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