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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Everything after Corabi was average. A few good songs here and there, but they sure lost their mojo...
  2. Yeah, one of the band members came out and said it was for the movie The Dirt - 5 tracks I think. Also read somewhere the other day that Motley nearly continued on as a 5 piece when Vince came back, with Corabi as a second guitarist. New tracks should be cool. Or shit. There won't be an inbetween....
  3. Walking Tall - back when Dwayne was billed as The Rock. One of his early movies. basic formula, and I like it. Johnny Knoxville is ok in it. Neal McDonough is his usual awesome bad guy.
  4. There's always a few good songs on these types of albums. Just a matter of committing the time to find them with repeat listens. This is why I have a backlog. I might spin a disc and not take to it. Could be crappier music than usual from that band, could be my mood, could be other reasons. So it gets shelved and noted to get back to. This is why it took so long to get to the Defiants. Didn't like the first song, but everyone here loved the disc, so I knew I'd at least find it ok, but at the time wasn't in the mood. At the moment I have a Ratt and a Stephen Pearcy CD to get to. They are hard, because his voice is so course and not in the same ballpark as it was. Same with Maiden for some reason. Just a heavy metal band now, they seem to have lost a lot of their hooks etc, so it's shelved for now. Lizzy Borden, etc. Most of the heavier bands take me longer to like these days...
  5. Yep Happens from time to time. Example, Kiss... Took me 20 years to start to like God Of Thunder. Still not a real fan of Creatures Of The Night, and I've always dug The Elder
  6. I don't mind some of his stuff. I get that it's a kind of acquired taste. Ride With The Wild One Unsexy etc, some nice songs
  7. I am getting through my backlog. My businesses have kept me busy for the last few years. Only have around 90 albums to get through now. Made a concerted effort over the last year to get through my backlog and have done around 250 - 300 albums Luckily I've had a tonne of computer work so I've been able to listen most working days, all day. I'm off interstate on Thursday (8.5 hour drive each way) so I'll have a lot of listening time then as well. I'll be targeting The Gloria Story The Answer Julian Angel Final Frontier Eagles Tracii Guns Toxic Rose Pretty Maids Some older, some newer albums
  8. So as per my comment early in this thread I wasn't a fan based on the first release Love And Bullets Just giving it a go now and quite like it. Wondering how many are envious that I'm getting to hear this for the first time now vs those who think I'm an idiot for not bothering for so long
  9. Interesting how music is heard differently. I put 9 songs from this album in my best of folder. Waging War wasn't one of them
  10. I'm just getting to this album now (5 years late) I'm really digging it. Some great songs that weren't posted here King Of Thieves One Hit In The Night My Last Day On Earth
  11. As you all probably know by now, your rating system is not for me. Going by my crap / average / ok / good / great / excellent system, I'd say that most of the songs are good, a couple great and a few ok. I didn't like Best Of Enemies on first couple of listens, then I kind of liked it and thought it would be a grower that I might quite like, and then it slid back to ok, lol So I still really like the album. I'm sure when I make a mix and throw a few of these songs on it they will stand out a bit more.
  12. It's actually better than my comments reflect. My only issue is that there aren't a few killer songs on this one. Songs are generally good or very good with a couple of great songs.
  13. Red - I really enjoyed this first time, and watching again Imma gonna say it's one of Bruce Willis' best movies. Ticks all the boxes for me.
  14. For me it's an album of good songs. I'll probably end up with 4 or 5 in their best of folder, the 3 I mentioned above, Rose Of Jericho and maybe another Overall it's a little bland I guess, but then I like my music full of hooks, tempo changes and awesome bridges. It will be in my top 10 this year though
  15. So I had my flight home = 3 more movies. Rampage - wasn't gonna watch this one, but I love me some Rock, so I gave it a go. Really crappy premise in how the animals got so big. The science was weak and lame. I reckon the Rock was maybe given some of the CGI scenes they were working on and said yes. The CGI was pretty great. Best bit is that Negan was in it. Also one of the two newer guys from the end of the series The Office (new Jim) Cross between Transformers and Godzilla. Tomb Raider - wasn't gonna watch this one either, but had a go. TBH I prefer the Angelina Jolie version. In this new one Lara does a bit of MMA at the start and from there she turns into an indestructible high endurance action hero with no fear. Unrealistic and pretty lame. Story was basic and predictable. Very much like Raiders Of The Lost Arc. Ending was weird. American Animals - Best bit about this one is that it is a true story. otherwise it would have been a bit boring. They tell you this at the start which is good because it make the movie worthwhile. Won't blow your mind, but worth a watch.
  16. My favorites off the album so far are Progenitors Build The Love Undefeated
  17. Yeah I think most of us here would have had to look up the title of track one to see what it's all about. I did.
  18. Better than the last SW movie... but didn't blow my mind.
  19. Arizona - -Danny McBride movie so you pretty much know what to expect. Black comedy. Was alright. Luke Wilson has a small role.
  20. Brought this with me overseas and listened a couple of times. I like it a lot so far.
  21. All electronic now tho (for the masses)
  22. Why does Japan get 'editions' with extra songs? What makes Japan so special? Just realised that I've never thought to find out why. I think I remember there being a specific reason a long time ago, but I bet that's redundant now.
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