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Everything posted by CureTheSane

  1. Was listening to Blue Tears today and Forever Yours played. Pretty sure that Michaels Sweet recorded it first, but they both have writing credits. That said I'm pretty sure it was on a Blue Tears album that was a collection of historic tracks, so maybe they recorded it first and then MS did it later. Bother great versions.
  2. I actually listened to my Best of B&T today. No More Broken Dreams is one of the better songs of all time
  3. That last track posted reminds me a lot of Danger Danger
  4. Probably been mentioned above somewhere, but I was showing a couple of my kids Falling To Pieces - Faith No More, Then Epic and Ashes to Ashes, then Easy came up. Easy really is an amazing cover.
  5. One died just after this post was made I believe, which apparently takes the toll to 2. Although I thought it was already at 2 before this recent death. Anyway, Pfizer vaccine is on hold in Victoria. State govt says they don't have enougha nd need to save some for second jabs (for those who have already had the first) Federal govt calls bullshit and says there is heaps of availability. In the meantime I still can't drive interstate to my other business because we are getting 1 to 2 daily cases for people already in quarantine lol It's fucked down here
  6. Gonna have to call bullshit on that. As for the news, I quit it around 5 years ago. So negative here, probably the same as most other countries. If there is any real news happening, it will pop up on my Facebook feed.
  7. Imma agree with you generally about Led Zep. Maybe I'm not old enough, but they never really grabbed me. But how about Rock And Roll? Surely you at least like that song? As for Dokken, I have one of their albums, Back For The Attack. It's a great album, but I never really explored more for some reason...
  8. Not so sure about that. I'd say that our press is only really interested in gossip girl type stuff. I mean channel 10, The Project, and the like will always be very pro left and broadcast anything in that interest. Sky news leans heavily to the right, but they don't even have too much to say. They have defaulted to criticising Labor in Australia primarily now. Maybe Biden is just going about his job, well or not, without much fanfare. Taking the safe route tends to do that, just slide on by with a bit of stealth lol
  9. Over here in Australia, we barely hear a peep about US politics now. We lost all that fun entertainment, but on the other hand, it was all getting pretty fucking boring and old.
  10. Oooh, abortion, huh? For me, life is sentience. So as long is up to a reasonable time in pregnancy, I have no issues with it. One could argue that the morning after pill is an abortion tool, radicals would say that condoms are abortion tools.
  11. Interesting at maybe 30 years ago, I may have thought that I was OK at nailing some Motley songs when singing them. Now I'm pretty sure that I could do a better job than Vince lol I bet there are Vince defenders on Facebook who would love to say " if you think you can do better then I'd like to hear it" but they really can't
  12. I have no desire to see Motley again. You need to have some kind of baseline expectations and Vince really makes a show pretty unbearable now
  13. Lack of good leaders is a problem worldwide. Trump stood out somewhat in that he dictated the party lines more than adhered to the vocal minority within the party. I like that. But good to see someone critical of a leader from the party they support. Republican fans tend to be able to spew hate for Trump, something that gets overlooked a fair bit I'd say.
  14. Here in Australia we have a weird environment. People seem mostly un-religious, but if they have to name their religion, they will default to what they ;are; if asked. But church going is not all that prevalent, and passion for religion is nothing compared to say the US. I have a Hillsong church across the road from me. been meaning to hit it up, looks like a pretty fun environment. Just for shits and giggles.
  15. This came up today. Not a huge ACDC fan, and didn't expect much, but boom! she kills it
  16. New song came up when I was chillin with YouTube Love it
  17. Pretty nice song here. Reminds me of You Can't Stop RNR era in a lot of ways
  18. I think he is that kind of singer you wither grow to like, or find annoying. Took me a long time to dig some of his stuff, probably started with a couple of Slash songs on that album where he was one of a few singers. Then I tried a whole album of his and it hurt my ears for a while...
  19. I like this one more than anything else he's done. Really good album.
  20. My stand outs so far are... Myles Kennedy - The Ides Of March Electric Boys - Ups!de Down The L.A. Maybe - Dirty Damn Tricks Walk The Walk - Walk The Walk Pop Evil - Verstile
  21. Yep, big MEH from me as well. I remember when I first heard this song. You'd sit between the speakers and hear the 'stereo effect' of the noise after the word abracadabra. Missing in this version
  22. What I was kind of getting at is that an album of songs in the vein of All Lips N Hips wouldn't go down the same way today as it did then. I have a bunch of band who I got into and ignored earlier albums, and then when I went back to those albums, some of them with songs that people froth, I haven't been able to get into the album or the songs. White Lion, Faster Pussycat, LA Guns, Dokken, Winger, Great White, Europe. Couldn't do any of the first albums from those bands, even though I loved albums 2 onwards. Then you have other bands I got in to late, like Harem Scarem, whose first album was easy to love. I got in to Electric Boys after they reformed. To me All Lips N Hips is an ok, song. I much prefer their later stuff. I'll get 4 or 5 keepers off this new album, which is a win for me.
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