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The Rocker

More than 25 Posts
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Everything posted by The Rocker

  1. KISS-Sonic boom $2.50 new Warrant-Rockaholic $5.00 new
  2. Yeah, for real, though. They've got a long way to go to meet the standard of "Lipservice." Agree 100%
  3. Getting ready for the new House Of Lords to hit my mailbox in a couple of weeks, so I listened to their awesome collection at work today!!!
  4. As a HUGE Hockey fan, I agree.
  5. Watching this tonight. Tomorrow night(family movie night) Cloudy with a chance of balls 2
  6. Nice, I enjoyed the debut. Hoping it is a continuation of that.
  7. Sounds very promising!!! Willl be looking for this.
  8. Love him to death(in my top 10 favorite bands period), but RJD(Dio) uses some words more than once. Dark Evil Night I'm not complaining, I wouldn't change a thing!
  9. Love his voice! Can't wait to hear it. The "other "Great White was a let down!
  10. JK had mentioned last week or so that this was pushed back.
  11. AdrianGale- out now??? I'm in constant communication with John Kivel. Not out yet.
  12. Dude, Im staying open minded about this new album,but I really loved the style on Sultans Of Sin!
  13. I check in more than a few times a day, and I agree!
  14. Song titles and samples I've heard indicate "HEAVY-IER, and I (personally) do not care for that.
  15. A little slow in parts, but I remember liking this myself.
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